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[L2J] Lineage II Wicca - OPENING 17/03/2013

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Greetings MaxCheaters Community.


I'm proud to announce that DoomSquad will be part of L2Wicca history.


Here's some info related to our clan:


    An "International" Clan named DoomSquad first created in 2005. We first started playing in low rate servers since we wanted our game to be as close as possible to retail. Our clan is mostly working with Constant Parties aka CPs. Just because we like to organise our gameplay in order to achieve our goals faster.

    From 2007 until 2010 DoomSquad played in a low rate server, dominated and were forced to leave to a well known Russian Server (Can't say more since I don't want to advertise another server).



Now our Clan wants to be part of L2Wicca community and wants you to be part of that journey as well.









We have launched an emergency Open BETA period in order to test out the custom Mana Regen system.


How does it work?

It's easy! The lower your MP is the higher your Mana Regen.

Example: 30% MP missing = +30% Mana Regen


This means no Mana Pots are available


How can I help?

You can log in and test anything you like, but voting on the Mana Regen poll would be very appreciated. (.vt command in-game)


How do I connect?

1) Download our updater. Place it in your L2 folder and run it. There's no need to backup anything.

2) Create and activate your account

3) You're ready!




We have launched an emergency Open BETA period in order to test out the custom Mana Regen system.


How does it work?

It's easy! The lower your MP is the higher your Mana Regen.

Example: 30% MP missing = +30% Mana Regen


This means no Mana Pots are available


How can I help?

You can log in and test anything you like, but voting on the Mana Regen poll would be very appreciated. (.vt command in-game)


How do I connect?

1) Download our updater. Place it in your L2 folder and run it. There's no need to backup anything.

2) Create and activate your account

3) You're ready!




Unless you increased the base MP regen to begin with, this change won't be noticeable.


I think (I'm unsure, but I doubt it's larger than that) even mages have around 50MP regen /3secs. So ~33MP/sec at MP=0 is really nothing. I'm all for no MP pots as they break PvP. But only in the traditional sense (200-500MP per MP pot with no reuse).


The trouble with increasing base regen is if you do it globally you have to deal with it somehow in oly (if you have it).


I believe a successful ecosystem for MP is

A)very high MP regen under a certain threshold (avrg of MP cost of ALL or majority of skills ~150 or so). In this case in PvP if someone wants to deny you MP they have to repeatedly keep MP burning you. But you also cannot skill spam as often due to the limited pool you have now. This is the compromise of having no MP pots, high MP regen, without -beep-ing up mana burn skills. You are still in the fight but not at your full potential. Even and if you regen MP enough for a bunch of skills, this has to be treasured, and used at the right time, because it will be even worse if you horde your regened MP and get it burned again.


B)MP over time pots with heavy weight. I think the goal here is to make a ratio of 1 or less (70-80%) between MP gained and lost. The weight is so that these would be treasured when going out of town - there is a high demand for them, and this demand is shared between classes that can restore MP. You do not enforce the usage of SE/EE, so it justifies telling kiddos to GTFO, but the cost and weight may make it desirable to actually get some friends to play support.


Considering there are talismans for MP regen, clarity and restoration, I share your motion that MP pots should not be needlessly added as losing MP is part of the game, and players should know how to manage it, low rate or high rate or PvP server.


But just so that crowds of kids would be happy adding them is still... worth it.


Really you had to write all these?? I know how to abuse that MP regen system, in order to be full HP/MP all the time. Won't write more information related to that.. I reported it to the server staff and I hope there will be a fix. So, you might be good at maths or you might have good ideas, but you HAVE to know how Lineage 2 works in order to avoid abuse.


Really you had to write all these?? I know how to abuse that MP regen system, in order to be full HP/MP all the time. Won't write more information related to that.. I reported it to the server staff and I hope there will be a fix. So, you might be good at maths or you might have good ideas, but you HAVE to know how Lineage 2 works in order to avoid abuse.

Yeah? Ok.


Cos I wasn't writing about abuse.


That MP regen thingy shouldnt be around at all. It CAN be abused, so there's no suggestions related to that. You post was not helping at all, thats what im trying to say here.


That MP regen thingy It CAN be abused.

You would know wouldn't you...something about knowing how L2 works? That thing, where you or anyone else can't change anything when you have your own damn source code and an actual team of developers. Also making it pointless to suggest stuff, obviously.




Spread the word and join our forums and emergency open beta test :)

We are waiting for you!


Both, I and Serenity are working our arses off to give you players the best possible experience tomorrow.

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