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Lineage2 Official Bot L2Walker 10.98


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Hi kai apo emena
Ksero oti polu apo esas mpori kai na to exete idi.
Ala me 1 anazitisi pou ekana den to brika mesa (se autin tin ekdosi tou  ;) )
kai eipa na to mirasto mazi sas, elpizo na helpari kapoious.
Ante kai kalo Boting  ;D ;D
Ston Official pantos douleuei telia oxi apla kala  ;D

Ksekiname patontas ston fakelo opou kai dilounoume pou einai to L2.exe

Sini8os briskete sto C:\program files\Linegae2\System\L2.exe
kai patame pano sto l2.exe kai stin sunexeia ANIGMA

Afou kanoume ta parapano tote patame to kato deksia mple granazaki kai ksekina to l2 mono tou

Tora mesa sto Game an patisoume to pliktro HOME apo to keyb mas 8a aniksi to Walker gia setarisma

Elpizo tora na Helpara ligo tin katastasi

Edited by Universe
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Paides sta xp douleui telia.

H ekdosi auti sta vista ontos kani kapia prob ala apo oti exw dei kai sto diko mou pc mono me ta gramata exw prob.

An kseris pou na patisis anigi kanonika.

H ali8ia omos einai oti ki egw se xp to douleuo edw kai kana 4 mino kai einai ok

Polu suntoma 8a exw kai tin new version na kano share ;)

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To arxeio pou trexis einai to L2Walker.exe

tou orizis pou einai to l2.exe px. C:\Program Files\Lineage2\System\l2.exe

kai apla patas to mple granazi kato deksia.

Auto apo mono tou anigi to l2.

me to pliktro HOME apo to keyb sou patas kai anigi in game to Walker.

APo ekei kai pera an 8es perisoteres odisies apla pesto na kano 1 post me autes ;)

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re file sou leo.dostou to folder sou pou einai to l2.kai meta trekse to granazi.kai 8a sou aniksi mono tou to l2

Ti l2.exe na sou doso egw.

8a prospa8iso na postaro pic na dis otan exw xrono.

Ala malon den nio8is kai toso apo autin tin ekdosi tou walker.soz man.

Wait for pic's

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  • 2 weeks later...

e ti na kanume exw sunh8isei sta etoima :( an mporeis na postareis pic na katalavw akrivws okz ;p

btw as to dokimasei k kapoios allos plx na mas pei an douleuei ..


To paidi dinei ksekathara ena guide pou einai eukolo kai gia kapoion pou den kserei polla apo pc,apla otan katevaseis to walker kaneis browse to L2.exe analoga to path tou folder tou lineage gia paradeigma to default otan kaneis install pou einai C:\program files\Lineage II\system\l2.exe.

Amesws meta ksekathara kaneis run apo to mple granazi pou dixnei k sto screenshot.

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