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[MEGA REPORT]Paypal scam. [Please check and support]

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They sent to you money? Waste of time!! Hahahahahha what an lier!

http://www.imagestorming.com/image/bat happy?:) I never lie customers as u did with me , and maybe with the other 10-15 guys , and on everything u asked me I could prove it , so facepalm troller:) btw I left 10 cent on every paysafecard , keep the change.

I doubt is the same geodata , but who knows , I don't influnce people to buy from me , I just sayed what I am selling the interlude geodata l2j or l2off from l2geo.ru that's all :) and I have that by buying it , not from a share.


You are not the only one who ''bought legitimately'' Geodata from l2geo, thus you are not the only one who can resell and/or share it.


The degree of doubt you have about of the authenticity of all l2geo shared Geodatas in the internet is the same degree of


doubt I have of the authenticity of your files or anyone else's who claims to own the original ones.


Since all Geodata files have this pattern: X_Y.l2j where 11<X<26 and 10<Y<26 it's too easy to dress any shared Geodata as


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Guest Elfocrash

Grierosu perma banned. Locked.

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