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L2Independent x75 MID rate server Interlude !


Hello to all ... As you know, our server was online playing a few months ago ...

However, because many bugs with the server machine and we have to stop the server temporarily ...

My colleagues and I have done my best to fix all the errors from the server and the machine ...

2-3 months off, we still have a line for you ...

We have prepared a very nice and interesting server without bugs and lag. We waiting You



L2Independent Information

-Rate Xp = 75

-Rate Sp = 75

-Rate Party Xp = 2

-Rate Spoil Items = 30

-Rate Quest Drop = 30

-Rate Quests Reward = 10


-Grand Boss :

-Adena Boss = 10

-Items Boss = 1

-Raid Boss :

-Adena Raid = 10

-Items Raid = 7


-Enchant Rate:

-Enchant Safe/Max Weapon = 4/16

-Enchant Safe/Max Armor = 4/16

-Enchant Safe/Max Jewelry = 4/16

-Normal Scroll = 55% / Blessed Scroll = 60%


-Champion rate :

-Chance for a mob to became champion (in percents) = 5 %

-Champion Hp = 8

-Champion Rewards = 4

-Champion Adenas Rewards = 3


-Quest no Need for Subclass

-Noblesse questable/buyable

-Buffs/Buff Time - 4h

-NPC Buffer normal

-NPC Buffer shemes

-All caste/clan hall work

-Skills 90% working

-Dualbox is allowed x4.

-Flawless geodata

-GM Shop up to B-Grades

-GM Shop trading SealStones

-Global Gatekeeper

-Olympiad period : 2 weeks

-Olympiad min players: 2 (Non-Classed)

-Olympiad min players: 2 (Classed)

-Autolearn skills

-Blue Mobs Spoil Work

-NPC changing classes

-Merchant of Mammon in town

-Blacksmith of Mammon in town

-Max buff a-beep-t: 30 (+4)

-Friendly GM Staff

-Regular updates

-Clan 4/5 lvl. quest item from Vote Medal!

-Vote rewards : Vote Medal

-Vote Shop in Giran Only!

-Player's spawn protect: 15 sec

-Antibot system

-Anti L2Walker/L2Net system


FOR MORE INFO JOIN --- > http://l2independent.no-ip.info/

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