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[Help]Enchant items in multisell



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if that dont work for you so say to me.

i will give you the source code for this working 100%

because im not home to try this atm if you can send me the source code in case it doesnt work.
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<item id="2"><ingredient id="5963" count="5000" enchant="0"/><production id="10550" count="1" enchant="0"/></item>


Reply if it works. Not tested.



<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <!--S-Grade // Bow -->
    <!-- Draconic Bow-->	    
    <item id="1">
        <ingredient id="57" count="32000000"  enchant="0"/>
        <production id="7575" count="1"  enchant="50"/>

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<item id="2"><ingredient id="5963" count="5000" enchant="0"/><production id="10550" count="1" enchant="0"/></item>


Reply if it works. Not tested.



<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <!--S-Grade // Bow -->
    <!-- Draconic Bow-->	    
    <item id="1">
        <ingredient id="57" count="32000000"  enchant="0"/>
        <production id="7575" count="1"  enchant="50"/>

it doesnt work :/
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Explaining the multisell:


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

(This must go to the top of every xml you make for good reason that I don't feel like explaining, accept it for what it is)



(this starts the list of items you will type.)


<!--S-Grade // Bow -->

(This is just a comment, it does not do anything, you can change it as you like as long as it starts with <!-- and ends with -->)


<!-- Draconic Bow -->

(Just like the above, it does not do anything and is just a comment because of the <!-- -->


<item id="1">

(this is the order of which an item will apear in the multisell... in this case, this will be the first item you see. Also this is the tag that starts the item information. An item can have more than 1 ingredient and more than 1 product)


<ingredient id="57" count="32000000" enchant="0"/>

(This starts off with "ingredient" which basically says that it is something that is required for the product

(for example it is like a recipe), id stands for the Id of the item, so 57 means its Ingredient is Adena, count is the quantity of the Ingredient required for the product in this case it will be so far: Ingredient is 32,000,000 Adena, now enchant is the enchant required on the item, so now it says: Ingredient is 32,000,000 Adena with enchant of 0 on the Adena.)


<production id="7575" count="1" enchant="50"/>

(This starts off with "production" which basically says that it is something that will be produced, or given after the requirement for the Ingredient is met. id stands for the Id of the item, so 7575 means its Production is a Draconic Bow, count is the quantity of the Product given, in this case it will be so far: Producation is 1 Draconic Bow, now enchant is the enchant the product will ge: so now it says: Production is 1 Draconic Bow enchanted to +50)



(This will end the item's information tag)



(This will close the list you made, save and close and your all set.)



And as i see.... this was removed long ago from the multisell system.


In my server I just made a custom instance (L2PointManagerInstance) that is able to give you enchanted weapons from htmls in exchange of adenas gld bars or points.

I didn't mod the multi sells because they are bugged (which is done while lagging the client while buying an lots item from a multi sell store).

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try this

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> ----->After this line, add this one:
<list maintainEnchantment="true"> 

trol, this just maintanes the enchament when u trade a weapon for another weapon on the blacksmith. for example u have a dragonic bow +6, and u want to add focus, he will give u a draconic bow focus with the same enchant

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Send it to me too if possible, and silv3rmoon I have HTML shop too with command and addItem how I make the addItem to be Enchanced?

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Send it to me too if possible, and silv3rmoon I have HTML shop too with command and addItem how I make the addItem to be Enchanced?


the one who troll me, i will not answer :D

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