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[discussion]Will you guys still play l2 in 2 years from now on?


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What the actual fvck.



You are dsp from cleaver?

No , I am not dsp He's the sponsor of the dedicate , I am the dedicate owner , the dev and the helper , I also don't have a character on game to avoid coruption , because Romanian servers are full of that , and I don't want to broke something on he's server.
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No , I am not dsp He's the sponsor of the dedicate , I am the dedicate owner , the dev and the helper , I also don't have a character on game to avoid coruption , because Romanian servers are full of that , and I don't want to broke something on he's server.

As far as I know, dsp is not from RO, or is he? :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi well i started playing l2 like 7 years ago, and i still have fun playing with it... I think a big factor on if someone will still play l2 is if they got friends in real life that they play l2 with... Because somone that dosnt have someone to chat about l2 in real life dosnt get the excitment that somepeople have with people to chat too...

Like me when ever i speak with my ffriends about l2, i wanna run home and start playing l2 :P....

So yes i think i will be playing l2 in 2 years from now, i would of said i am not sure if i posted before 21/12/2012 because of the ending of the world but now thats out the way ( i never believed in it) i am sure that i will be

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Got to admit that when my real life friends stopped playing l2 i started feeling negative torwards the game, however that was the time i begun making friends from all over the world through l2 and that made me enjoy it once again later. I've been playing l2 since late 2004 and i still find it mesmerizing however since now i dont have anyone to play or talk about l2 with i dont play much anymore. The last few years i got into developing like most of the people here, got to say that experience changed my perspective for the game, i realised how easy it is to become corrupted and how many problems exist. Even lineage 2 as a game has problems that no dev can fix. I believe if people stop trying to make the next best server and go back at playing again lineage 2 as players  lineage 2 will become lively again. The excuses that the new post interlude updates suck are childish, the game in its core its still the same, i know because i used to make that excuse, but now if i find a nice group of people that can work together i can play again anytime.

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Dear, Sun Beam

Maybe , but not of the chronics as c4/c5/kamel/hellbound the rest may sustain 50% of the players from now , because on the lineage3 comming people who don't have any kind of imagination of what lineage is will join too as it was on Goddes of destruction.

Kind Regards,


C5/Kamael/Hellbound were dead chronicles anyway... so yes, no one will play those.

regarding interlude/c4, if there will be anyone doing great servers there will be ppl playing them.


21st of December is actually near, and that guy is asking if we will be playing L2 2 years later, omg!!

maybe he want to open a server and is thinking if he will find players :P


i personally still play L2, ofc... not as much as i did before (not even close to that)... but right now i'm on a random full buggy 4x server doing quests.... lol

and yes, i'm searching for a low rate (1x if is possible) retail like server to play (forever alone) till i die. (C5/C5/IL/HB all are good to me)

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