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hellbound [L2J] Lineage Squared - New, Unique 10x 1 + 1 Same Race Stacksub (400+ Online)


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Lineage Squared Stackclass Server... Stacksub, Evolved.



Quick-Link... Getting Started: How to Connect to L²SQ


This is a completely new and novel Substack system. Unlike all the other stack sub servers, here you can play all classes in the game from just a single character (Kamaels included!). Players start by choosing their characters appearance, and once in-game choose their first two classes. There are two restrictions to class selection, you can any have two classes active and they must be of the same race (1 + 1 Same-Race). The beauty of our system is that it does not overwhelm you; its functionality and complexity are concealed in the simplicity of its design.



Domain: L²SQ Main Site

Forum: L²SQ Forums


Server Features

Unique Character Creation Process

Unique Stackclass System

Each Stackclass Combination has its own Bars

Superb Server Files; Everything Works

Complete Geodata

International Community

Active/Pro/Multilingual Staff

Unsurpassed Technical Support

Zero Lag; Seamless Gameplay

Anti-Bot/Anti-Hack Software

DDoS Protection/Mitigation

Balanced Donations

Sex-Change via Donations

Race/Name Change via Donation (Coming Soon!)

Kamaels available through Retail Subclass Quest

All Characters can Craft/Crystallize

Perfectly Balanced Classes

Any Party Member can Invite

Any Clan Member can Withdraw from CWH (Permissions set in .clan)

26+4 Buff Slots, 15 Song/Dance Slots

Retail-Like Buff Times, except Song/Dance Durations +50%

No Add'l MP Consumption for Song/Dances

Songs/Dances are Alt + Click Removable

Automatic Class Changes

In-Game Clan Recruiting Board (Coming Soon!)

Intelligent “All-at-Once” and "Insta-Learn" Skill System

Automated CP/HP/MP Potions (.autoPotion)

Many other Unique and Intelligent Player Features (.cfg)

Non-Epic Raid Boss Status/Teleports (Loads of PvP)

Normal Raid Respawn: 12 Hours +/- 1 Hour

Epic Raid Respawn: Retail +/- 1 Hour

All Raids have a 2 Hour Window, ensuring constant PvP at Epics

All Raids 40+ Give CRP

Updated Hellbound Content (Loads of PvP)

Custom Skill Certifications

Custom Team-Oriented Olympiad System (1v1, 3v3, 6v6)

Custom Party Matching Window (Alt + B)

Custom x10 Simultaneous Craft Option (100 A.Bones -> 10 CBP)

Custom Endgame PvP/Fame-Farming Zones in SoA (Loads of PvP)

Fame acts as a form of PvP Currency; Gained/Loss in Clanwars

Vesper Upgrades 3x with Fame (Vesper -> Masterwork -> Noble -> Noble Masterwork)


The Class Selection Window (Alt + B, then click on 'Favorite')



Custom Party Matching Window (Alt + B, then click on 'Homepage')

width=1024 height=743http://i46.tinypic.com/znub8k.jpg[/img]


Clan Ranking/Recruitment Board (Coming Soon!)



Brought to you by,


The Pac Project

Expect Great(er) Things


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During the day at peak hours... Yeah.


Highest online that I've personally seen is 680.


Course it can't grow if you don't join. =P


This server is simply going to be amazing. Everyone who played any substack server or is interested in it should give this server a try. This is something unique, something never seen before. It will be like the moon landing for l2 private server history.


Pretty good server, the pvp is awesome. 600+ online and growing, the best substack server ever!


This server is really great, I don't think I ever had so much fun playing L2 since years. This server has brought something back that a lot of players have been missing, which is fun. Their system is really cool and it provides a little of this "learning how to play l2" feeling back. Love it <3.


Server is growing, and tbh I never played in a server like this before. If you try the server you will stay I'm sure. go for 700+


Been in L2 since 04, open beta.  Played on retail for years and multiple other servers.  Been here since server beta in September as well and its an absolutely bad ass server.  Runs extremely smooth, lots of activity, pvp, and tons of features.  The stack class system is like nothing I have ever played before and I absolutely love it, hope to see more people!


Pretty much the best stacksub server i've ever played on.


True ! stability is excellent and features awesome ! I also tried many ways to bot but without success ! Servers seems good protected !

I definitely recommend this server to someone who wanna hava some fun and enjoy an excellent l2 gameplay !

Good job guys i hope you the best :)


Notice a trend? Something brand new... Never seen before.


Nothing else like it.


Log in; you'll feel the difference.

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The thing to understand about L2SQ is that it is not simply a "different way to stack a sub". We have a mindset, a philosophy behind that mindset, and the passion required throughout our team to drive both forward. Basically, we are taking what had always been lame about this game and, mindfully, altering or otherwise removing it. Things such as 8-hour long class change quests, poorly conceived drop tables and the beyond terrible fame farming mechanic are just a few samples of my meaning... To summarize the joke that is the L2 fame farm:


"man... jus go 2 siege afk 2 hour make sandwich come back loads of fame put pvp on dragonik gunn pwn noobs is weri guud serber mens))"


Not here; no chance. If NCSoft won't learn from its past successes/failures, then we (the players) must do it for them.


It can be safely asserted that the best, most (and perhaps only?) conducive zone for PvP ever made by NCSoft was Hellbound. The consolidation of a servers population created a tense and limited environment; there is only one Green Spot, after all... Two factors that, when too many individuals are present, will inevitably lead to conflict. This is just as true in world of Lineage as it is in the real one... Indeed, the scarcity of farm spots in Hellbound was so limited that, if left unchecked, could quickly lead to intra-clan conflict over who should get to farm what, where, and for how long? You can't beat that... In most instances you can't even plan for that!


Now, the simple notion that scarcity leads to inter-group conflict and extreme scarcity can lead to intra-group conflict should not come as a surprise to anyone... Instead, what should be surprising is that after the success of Hellbound, NCSoft decides next to do the exact opposite.


"If putting everyone in the same spot works well, then spreading everyone out should work even better!"


In comes SV, in comes Lizardmen, in comes Nuker-friendly/Archer-resistant zones. In comes SoA where your rather forced into one zone based on class and not the other.


Fail, fail, fail. The fact that Hellbound was a one time PvP-friendly end-game occurrence suggests that it was more by chance than by design; an accident, a fluke. Even if it wasn't an accident on NCSofts part, but rather intentional, all this does is square the circle regarding their complete reversal in terms of their clear commitment to the segregation of a servers population in the subsequent chronicles, chronicle after chronicle.


You don't get to mass PvP when you design a zone so that only archers go there; it just won't happen. Not ever.


At L2SQ, we've changed nothing that most agree NCSoft had done correctly, nor did we change any zones normally frequented by players in the High Five chronicle... They made one hell of a game, after all. We have however, updated almost the entire (once obsolete) region of Hellbound while keeping its feel very true to the old one; we've revamped SoA so as to consolidate rather than segregate, and re-implemented the fame-farming mechanic... Something that NCSoft should have, but never did. We have also improved upon it, by making fame exchangeable during clan wars, and finally combined this new SoA and this new fame to make the ultimate in end-game zones...


One where you stop farming gear and start farming PvP... One where you must always keep one eye over your shoulder, because someone WILL be coming to take your spot, the only question is when.


Consolidate the population; give real incentive to PvP; reduce the suck inherent to NCSofts lack of vision and follow-through.


These are our goals at Lineage Squared, now help us realize them.

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Don't mean to be a jackass, but, isntead of TL;DR tell us specifics.

What did you do to SOA for example.


Concise bullet points.

Don't mean to be a jackass, but, the day that a half page becomes "too long to read" is the day we ensure the extinction of our species.


Just sayin'.


Here are your bullet points:


Removed All Mobs in SoA except in the Kokracon region.

Removed all Energy Seed spawns.

Created two PvP Zones in the Kokracon region.

Added Energy Seed spawns inside the two PvP Zones in the Kokracon region.


Region Buffs in SoA are no longer region-specific, now they are class-specific.


Custom Fame Farm Zones

Two custom fame farm zones have been placed inside SoA, within the two PvP Zones. A maximum of 9 players at a time gain fame while standing within the zone, each player gains 10 fame per 5 minutes.


PvP Fame Exchange

Wartags are able to gain/lose fame via PvP. PvP-Fame is accumulated, and after 5 minutes gets distributed to the party members involved. The a-beep-t of fame a player can lose is capped out at Fame gained per kill can be calculated as follows:


If: Losing_Player_Fame < 100, Loser -5 fame, Winner +4 fame, Max: 20 fame per 5 minutes

If Loser has 50 fame and dies 25 times within 5 minutes, he will lose 20 fame (max).


If: Losing_Player_Fame < 500, Loser -10 fame, Winner  +9 fame, Max: 40 fame per 5 minutes

If Loser has 650 fame and dies 5 times within 5 minutes, he will lose 40 fame (max).


If: Losing_Player_Fame < 1000, Loser -20 fame, Winner  +18 fame, Max: 80 fame per 5 minutes

If Loser has 650 fame and dies 2 times within 5 minutes, he will lose 40 fame (1/2 of max).

From our changelog.

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Don't mean to be a jackass, but, the day that a page and a half becomes "too long to read" is the day we ensure the extinction of our species.


True story bro :D


Comming from someone who's been playing L2 since C1, passing from all kinds of privates to the trashcan official, this is a damn good server. I'd risk saying it's the best server I've played in. But there's no convincing like giving it a try. I recommend it.

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Well, I joined the server.

Haven't experienced anything like this. It's something totally new.

Only one bad thing.

Server doesn't have big population, Idk why. It deserves to gain more people.


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Well, I joined the server.

Haven't experienced anything like this. It's something totally new.

Only one bad thing.

Server doesn't have big population, Idk why. It deserves to gain more people.


Rome wasn't built in a day.
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Don't be arrogant.


I'm not doubting your skills. People don't join cos they have no clue what they are dealing with.


See, the fame thing is interesting.

But to whoever has no idea how to apply it, it means nothing.



Instead of writing specific data in changelogs, write what does the system achieve. Your 3 short paragraphs can be shortened to:


Gain fame with diminishing win/lose ratio fueling persistence, with lesser loss upon frequent death (softer penalty for weaker players).

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So what your saying is that our server is so beyond what everyone knows and is used to, so innovative that they are literally befuddled and simply have no idea what they are looking at?


How do you suppose I correct for that deficiency?


I guess I could just try to make it as simple and straightforward as possible... Nothing more straightforward than a disclaimer, right?


Warning: "This Server Will Melt Your Face Off".

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Warning: "This Server Will Melt Your Face Off".

That alone is good. If it were backed up with something.


And yes, the trend is to ignore servers where you have no clue of what you are looking at.

Lineage Squared isn't the first to do something out of the ordinary.


People flock config servers because changing rates and launching a server with keyboard face rolled settings is a convention. It doesn't change anything beyond what most players are used to.

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Complex systems tend to require a little bit of explaining. Hard to get people to understand when individuals gloss over at the first sign of an actual paragraph.


Besides... My statement is backed up... Its backed up by the server. You've only to watch the vid.


On a sidenote: We're growing pretty quick atm.

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