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interlude L2j-SWAIN Farm-PvP Custom server WITHOUT custom items Grand Open changed*

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Really bad news ... damnit. Im w8ing for this server ;(


We try to find backup with some methods Psomas2 and on guy from my net are hight expirienced guys and as we see now i find that back up ..


so until tommorow i will give informations so Grand Open will stay for 21/11/2012


I will open this server i never give up .. :)


Sorry for delay guys .. :/



Good News


Thanks to Psomas2 and one friend server files full saved  but -104euro for hard disk ...


Anyway guys i wait you all of to test my job


Until then have fun :P



Good News


Thanks to Psomas2 and one friend server files full saved  but -104euro for hard disk ...


Anyway guys i wait you all of to test my job


Until then have fun :P


if you dont lie this mean you host the server home becase a normaly dedicated dont put you to buy new hard for the pc rofl


if you dont lie this mean you host the server home becase a normaly dedicated dont put you to buy new hard for the pc rofl


if you read last POSTS  i say...i w8 our company to fix our mechine dude until then our files are in my pc ..  :)




bump! :)

haha xD


Guys server is online BETA*

if some1 wanna try it and check  our features here we are :p


I m promise you 100% a different l2 :)


all join it !! now is beta but server is rly NICE !


Thanks dude ;)

as i tell you guys is something new  check it .



sry, but seems like going to fail..



+ "PvP Farm : You can Farm Apella( A Grade) while you play PvP, if you boring farm..." you can add apella for what? on under attack its increase +%80 debuff chance you like debuff? with this "%80-%90 class balance" is going to 0.. whatever, GL with this system and cmon "max" 1 month live server


lol Yes all if fail when you boring to read our features...


If you try to read i say all have EDIT STATS


From B Grade armors to S Grade armors and weapons


From Ascesores to Tattos all IS FULL EDIT for a new gameplay







Please read our features .. it helps you to undetsand my job


be slow champion, i read all. but x2 times to i need to say, its FAIL. believe me.. u can change all of "Interlude" features, i dnk ppls hating from it. and its JAVA PVP greek nabs wanna farm 1hour, and make pvp "FOR 1WEEK MAX" you cant do anything with this system


-its bad? nop, but nobodys like it. still GL with 30-50 players.. maybe not :D 50 is too much for this :D you can rent server for 1 month, in 2. week players are leave from server really, believe me you cant satisfaction players


Witchblade! u dont like freatures? dont join and stop spam this topic!

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