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interlude L2j-SWAIN Farm-PvP Custom server WITHOUT custom items Grand Open changed*

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is my opinion dude, what is your problem? :( for me is fail server for other ppl is good server and have big future... differents opinions  ::)



You havent join to my server ,


Server havent online people to TEST balance


Is BETA that mean wht some things need fix...



I havent any problem with you dude..


If you wanna can you tell me what is fail in my server...?



Have fun


I Joined this server for test and I have to say gsl did awesome job. He edited all sets A/S as I saw, skills for make it more balanced, farm is difficult but worth farming. Server need good protection and advertisment. Such server need at least 100 PPL online at start for better gaming since there is a lot items to buy via pvp . JOIN when comes LIVE!


I Joined this server for test and I have to say gsl did awesome job. He edited all sets A/S as I saw, skills for make it more balanced, farm is difficult but worth farming. Server need good protection and advertisment. Such server need at least 100 PPL online at start for better gaming since there is a lot items to buy via pvp . JOIN when comes LIVE!


I Joined this server for test and I have to say gsl did awesome job. He edited all sets A/S as I saw, skills for make it more balanced, farm is difficult but worth farming. Server need good protection and advertisment. Such server need at least 100 PPL online at start for better gaming since there is a lot items to buy via pvp . JOIN when comes LIVE!


thanks guys


GsL any idea when server starts ?


BTW guys l2Pride style. If you miss old l2price c6 JOIN!


GsL any idea when server starts ?


BTW guys l2Pride style. If you miss old l2price c6 JOIN!


i wanna do general TEST  in farming and balance i wanna  all be perfect and

it will take about 1 week and some days ..


Also L2Swain was diffrent style server thats why i need new Name


So post at my forum Names for our server my mind is @#$@$#@# in this days ,

if you have time :)

One guys give me this Names* L2 Revolution or L2 All-Stars


L2Revolution sounds cool but I type my names ... ;D










GsL Good Luck with your server L2Swain From League Of Legends name i will Join for sure 8)


Xa xa .. Was name was a little ... Any way Name doesnt count at L2 servers .. right .??


So New name will be L2NoName haha xd


I m w8ing for you Romeo O Remeo  :p


Xa xa .. Was name was a little ... Any way Name doesnt count at L2 servers .. right .??


So New name will be L2NoName haha xd


I m w8ing for you Romeo O Remeo  :p


my Friend for sure i will play your svr 8)


Hmm i like L2Evulition becuase i have make  *New Lineage2*


the most at interlude is changed so why not ..? :)




But ... copyrights?! Pay me if you want use it ... ;D


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