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[L2J] ~ - ~ L2 ][ vsALL - mid rate, mixed PvP/RPG ~ - ~ [CB]

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[glow=black,2,300]Hello everyone and welcome to our mixed PvP/RPG server

On the next lines i`ll try to give a preview of the server features.

I wont go trough normal lineage features which are ofcourse included and mostly unchanged or just improved.

What we have changed then? Let's see:[/glow]


  • Startup System:
    • should take you to lvl 76 and 3rd class
    • full custom newbie S gear (NON-tradeable/enchantable/dropable)
    • altrough you start with lvl 76, there are still 4 levels to go
    • you can add new subclass when reach lvl 80, also subclass start with lvl 76 (and 3rd class also)
    • XP is ajusted to go slower to 80, however no xp loss on death


  • Raid Drop:
    • changed all lower Raid Bosses to lvl 78, with matching stats & drops
    • RB that normally droped S grades, now drops the new armors as well
    • all RB have chance to drop various items beside their normal drop (lifestones, BOGs, enchants, life crystals)
    • all RB have a 5% chance of extra drop S gear, even RB that previously didnt had S grade as drop
    • all RB drop 1 Perfect Skull and 1 Safe enchant scroll
    • Lv 70+ RB have a 1% chance of Epic Jewels
    • Lv 50+ RB drop 1-3 Life Crystals


  • Enchant:
    • safe enchant to +7 with NPC enchanter for 1 Safe Enchant Scroll each plus
    • chances retail like for S grade, while other grades get a boost
    • S grade weapon max 16, S armor/jwls max 12, while other grades can go higher
    • blessed and crystall scrolls have 10% chance increase over normal enchants
    • crystall scrolls can be used on +7 to +9 armors or +7 to +11 on weapon and have a safe break at +7
    • every lower grade have increased chance by 5%. For ex B grade weapon will have +10% chance more than S
    • every lower grade have increased max enchant by 2. For ex B grade weapon can be enchanted to max 20 or armor to max 16
    • every lower grade have increased max crystall enchant by 2. For ex B grade crystall armor scrolls can be used on +7 to +13


  • Armors:
    • Added Titanium Set with similar stats as IC/Draco/Ma sets
    • Ajusted normal S to match Titanium
    • Changes are small and they are not ment to make any of them more overpower, but balanced and with a freedom of choice betwen them, based on class needs


  • Buffs:
    • added GOD buffs system, so for basic buffs you need a total of 13 slots, plenty slots left for self buffs
    • Buff time is set at 2 hours for new buffs, others default
    • Hot Spring poisons set at lvl 4 max, with no negative effects, also 2 hours
    • Due to buff changes, some debuffs where ajusted to just apply negative effect instead of remove buffs


  • Community Board:
    • added Portable Buffer with new buffs
    • added Portable Gatekeeper to main towns
    • added Top PvP/PK
    • many other personal and server informations


  • Shops:
    • revamped grocery shops to include shots and other usefull consumables
    • revamped weapon/armor/jewel shops to sell D, C, B gear
    • revamped luxury shop to sell A gear and Soul Crystals till stage 13 for crystals
    • revamped Adventure Guildsman to sell S grade gear and more for Life Crystals
    • Skull Hunter will happy trade S grade for some Perfect Skulls


  • Quests
    • Ketra/Varka alliances & wars
      • increased badges drop
      • increased mane/molar drop
      • red/purple/green/white looted goods give armors instead of recipes (titanium too)


      [*]Gather The Flames (FOG) & Relics Of The Old Empire (IT/4S)

      • highly decreased quest items required
      • instead of recipes reward, now you get weapons


      [*]The Finest Food (HS)

      • highly decreased quest items required
      • instead of recipes reward, now you get jewels


      [*]Seekers of the Holy Grail (Pagan)

      • increased drop for quest
      • reduced required items
      • rewards scrolls are blessed weapon/armor and safe scrolls


      [*]Possessor Of A Precious Soul (nobless)

      • Caradine's Letter (lvl 75) can be obtained from Adventure Guildsman


      [*]Path of a lost Adventurer (hero)

      • introduced a new quest, with some great rewards and ultimately become hero


      [*]Droped unused quests (low lvl quests, change class, etc)




Website & forum:

L2 ][ vsALL


Server files based on

a-Cis with Esios addons and other private stuff


Make server stuck sub +1  and i see that server will rock !!!


I`m open to sugestions, but this will never happend.


thanks for reply.


damn really nice enchant rates!

can u explain me a lil bit buff system?u implented GOD buffs on C6?so we take only these and we are done?


Basic enchanter buffs, 6 buffs (the lvl 4 stats) + 3 rezists + 3 sonata + 1 harmony at choice. and yea, thats all except each class self buffs... This buffs do not stack with old buffs.


No more 3-4 lines of buffs or complaining not enough slots...





thats great mate!

when is the opening?


As for the moment, there is no eta for this. Altrough most of things are done and in place, there is more work and testing to do.


I know how it feels to jump from server to server just to be disapointed that even the features are cool, the server is not.


Nowdays servers live for few days to few weeks... and even then just to rip off some kids from their money, then close and probably "reborn" later.


cool words but i dont get suprised any more from staff's word...only actions can prove what u say...ur features are cool if u have dedicated machine and protections and last but not least an active gm team u will succeed for sure cuz there are no server which are worth to play right now...


Finally Something Different ! Good luck with your server dude !


Thanks for apreciation, means alot for me.


i test  :)


Server is mostly on and open for testing most of the time. However due to development you may encounter up & downs without a notice. thank you.


Server is mostly on and open for testing most of the time. However due to development you may encounter up & downs without a notice. thank you.

so u can give us a site t test online the server?

so u can give us a site t test online the server?


Maybe is not that obvious, but you can always click that Logo at end of the first post  ::)

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