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[GUIDE] ByPass Bake-Ice Step By Step (Works For Interlude) [IG]

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if it's a bakeice launcher, yes.

it is!

i tried it out,but when i wanted to launch the bake ice'd client it always stucks and i dont get it loaded :/

on the task manager it stays on 65k RAM and 44% cpu ,dunno what i did wrong :/


it is!

i tried it out,but when i wanted to launch the bake ice'd client it always stucks and i dont get it loaded :/

on the task manager it stays on 65k RAM and 44% cpu ,dunno what i did wrong :/


actually this will only work for interlude because that's the only client l2fork will work with.




1. Your server is not bakeice, so therefore this workaround is not applicable.

2. Your server is either not really interlude and just using an interlude client, or it's l2j. Which would makes l2fork unusable.

3. Therefore I cannot help you.

4. I did notice when cheking out the server that it's reletively new and very low population; I don't recommend wasting your time there (especially if it's l2j aka l2fail).


actually this will only work for interlude because that's the only client l2fork will work with.




1. Your server is not bakeice, so therefore this workaround is not applicable.

2. Your server is either not really interlude and just using an interlude client, or it's l2j. Which would makes l2fork unusable.

3. Therefore I cannot help you.

4. I did notice when cheking out the server that it's reletively new and very low population; I don't recommend wasting your time there (especially if it's l2j aka l2fail).

its interlude with kamael gui


actually this will only work for interlude because that's the only client l2fork will work with.




1. Your server is not bakeice, so therefore this workaround is not applicable.

2. Your server is either not really interlude and just using an interlude client, or it's l2j. Which would makes l2fork unusable.

3. Therefore I cannot help you.

4. I did notice when cheking out the server that it's reletively new and very low population; I don't recommend wasting your time there (especially if it's l2j aka l2fail).


Thx for your help...and Do someone know what walker can by used here?


Thx for your help...and Do someone know what walker can by used here?


I've tried the ones for IL, HB, and Gracia. So I'm not sure.


Try the ones for c5 and c4.


I tried C4 c5 c6(Interlude) kamael walkers but no works :(


but with L2walker 1.92 (cracked) i can log in but walker can load charakter settings...do you knouw how can i fix it?


I get a memory read error when I try to start my walker-client, I tried the thing in the FAQ but then I get a crit error instead, stating the following: "Failed to find object 'Texture L2Font-r.SmallFont-r'"


Any ideas?


I tried C4 c5 c6(Interlude) kamael walkers but no works :(


but with L2walker 1.92 (cracked) i can log in but walker can load charakter settings...do you knouw how can i fix it?


I was able to log in with the walker i use for hb, but i could not start autofun or combat. Perhaps if you search for a walker that works on l2j servers you might find something. However I don't recommend playing on l2j. As well i noticed the server you want to play on is new with a low population. I recomend playing somewhere else.


I get a memory read error when I try to start my walker-client, I tried the thing in the FAQ but then I get a crit error instead, stating the following: "Failed to find object 'Texture L2Font-r.SmallFont-r'"


Any ideas?


Did you edit the l2.ini file? If re-encrypted improperly it usually casues a crit error.


but with L2walker 1.92 (cracked) i can log in but walker can load charakter settings...do you knouw how can i fix it?

you can log with any IG walker 1.92 higer but i have exactly same problem, walker cant read character info, position, ....anything

No, I used the one in the guide, I actually tried 2 different ones, but no diff..


In that case either your walker or bakeice system folders are fu(ked or u need to update your drivers for ur vid card(s).

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