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A list of private servers. Taken from here.


OK. I'm starting a thread for WotLK Alpha private servers.

I'll gather the ones that I see while reading through the forums, and if you see some server which I haven't included, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD post them here, I'll add them to the post (and maybe rep you for making my job easier=


Fireblade Alpha server WORKING DEATH KNIGHT!

Thread: http://www.mmowned.com/forums/emulator-server-discussion/124448-wotlk-alpha-server-all-players-can-port-northrend.html

Realmlist: set realmlist fire-blade.servegame.org

Registration: Fireblade WoTlk Alpha Client


WotLK Sandbox

Thread: http://www.mmowned.com/forums/bots-programs/124032-wotlk-sandbox-2.html Post #17 :b

Realmlist: set realmlist masterroot.de:1410

Registration: Crogges Wotlk Acc Creation - Acccreation by PoWeRLoGY


OpenAscent (Thanks TheSpidey)

Registration: Reg page

Realmlist: set realmlist openascent.com


Site: Frostmourne-gaming.com (Thanks jimei, +rep)

Server: FreeWOW

Realm list: freewow.no-ip.info

Reg site: Look for registration at the server site.


Podzone (dunno bout the name really, but thanks to Cloud)

Site: wotlk.podzone.net

Realmlist: wotlk.podzone.net

Registration: wotlk.podzone.net


Wowwrath (thx Fpsphil)

realmlist: wowwrath.servegame.com

Registration: World of Warcraft - WotLK Alpha Server Server (0 player's online)


Future-WoW (Thanks jakeyclarkey)

Registration: MiniManager for MaNgOs srv.

Realmlist: Login.Future-wow.org:3729


Shadowwake's Hamachi serv.

hamachi server: shadowwake2

pass is either qf13aw or shadow16

join it, send me a message and when i wake up in a few hours i'll make you an account as well as set it for gm access.


DK works but not fully, you start with a set of green equips.

Some classes have spells and talents up to 80 now

its hamachi - you cant play unless you join my hamachi.

the ip is

i dont have a website to sign up at, im too noob to know how to do that

leave me a message with a name you want and a password and ill add you in and send you a reply when your sn is in

enjoy ^^



MusaraWoW WOTLK (thanks to Diocia)

Registration: WotLK Alpha Server (0 players online)



ChillyWOW (hamachi, thx to Etho)

-Deathknight Working

-Deathknight Spells working!

-adding cool things

-free frostmourne!

-adding mobs and quests to northrend

-mall comes soon




password: 123

set realmlist:

account creation: (must be connected to hamachi network)


-repack credits to mike crow


Darktide Gaming and Foy's WoW (Thanks to Morzzan)


Darktide Gaming: Darktide WoW - Home

Foy's WoW: Foy's WoW - WotLK Alpha Server Server (0 player's online)


Hollywood-realm (Thanks moffeman)

Realmlist: hollywood-realm.servegame.org

Site: Hollywood (16 players online)


Nice going, getting almost too much servers, cant rep everyone, will try after 24h

Still, keep posting those servers!





Don't ask me about them. I just thought this would be usefull. They are gathering more private servers on that thread.

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