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[L2J] L2Mars Freya Custom PvP Server / Launch Date: 3/11/2012

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This one is Freya not interlude. And is a custom server , stop gathering posts from customs servers cuz u like a non custom.

And what's the difference being Freya and not IL?  ??? Btw who talked about that?Anyway from my point of view is even wrost that this br customs are on Freya and not on IL.

The "normal" l2 have already alot of bugs and unbalance...immage with this custumed things.

Im saying just my opinion,sry if i hurt your feeling about customed servidors.

Ok...my last reply here!





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EDIT: So many customs that makes me sick, MAKE NORMAL SERVER pff


you're the only faggot cryin since no one asked for you opinion and you still came to say it


Well, from description it just basic custom thing, at least you checked every skill in every class, for how long you developing it?..



Well, from description it just basic custom thing, at least you checked every skill in every class, for how long you developing it?..

Atleast 6 months. with more than 20 testers.. well maybe ye, some skills still need rework but like 90% of them are completelly fixed.

Atleast 6 months. with more than 20 testers.. well maybe ye, some skills still need rework but like 90% of them are completelly fixed.

Well then good luck.

btw.. We are making similar game style :P



-Created Random-Rewarding boxes. (Weapon/Jewels), Once you pick them you double click them and obtain a random item.

-Added a Newbie Circlet which increases some stats in order to make the starter's farm easier. (Lasts 2 Days)

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