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[HELP]shift+click mobs



καλησπερα παιδια εχω l2jfrozen intelrud και θελω οταν παταω πανω στα mob οι ppl να βλεπουν τα drops πηγα στα configs/general και μετα στο αρχειο altsettings και δεν βρηκα τιποτα..οριστεε να το δειτε κ εσεις


# ------------------------
# Server Config -
# ------------------------
# AutoLoot enable... True to enable, False to disable
AutoLoot = True

# If False herbs will drop on ground even if AutoLoot is enabled
AutoLootHerbs = False

AutoLootBoss = True

# AutoLearnSkills: True to enable, False to disable
AutoLearnSkills = True

AutoLearnDivineInspiration = False

# Party range for l2attackable (default 1600)
AltPartyRange = 1600
# Party range for l2party (default 1400)
AltPartyRange2 = 1400

# Weight Limit multiplier - default 1
# If >1 - Weight Limit Double
AltWeightLimit = 1

# If XP loss (and deleveling) is enabled, default is 'true'
Delevel = False

# If disabled, magic dmg has always 100% chance of success, default is 'true'
MagicFailures = False

# Alternative cancel of attack (bow, cast, all)
AltGameCancelByHit =

# Alternative rules for shields - if they block, the damage is powerAtk-shieldDef,
# otherwise it's powerAttack / (shieldDef + powerDef)
AltShieldBlocks = False

# Alternative Rate Value for Perfect Shield Block Rate.
AltPerfectShieldBlockRate = 5

# Alternative AltGameMobAttackAI, like C1
AltGameMobAttackAI = False

# Alternative mob behavior in peace zones 
# Default = True; Set to False to prevent mobs from auto-agro against players in peace zones  
AltMobAgroInPeaceZone = True

# Alternative Freight mode. If true, freights can be withdrawed from any place.
# Also, possibility to change Freight price (in adena) for each item slot in freight.
# NOTE: AltGameFreightPrice WILL NOT change the value shown to the player, but the
# player will actually get charged for the value set in here.
AltGameFreights = True
AltGameFreightPrice = 1000

# Alternative Xp/Sp rewards, if not 0, then calculated as 2^((mob.level-player.level) / coef),
# A few examples for "AltGameExponentXp = 5." and "AltGameExponentSp = 3."
# diff = 0 (player and mob has the same level), XP bonus rate = 1, SP bonus rate = 1
# diff = 3 (mob is 3 levels above), XP bonus rate = 1.52, SP bonus rate = 2
# diff = 5 (mob is 5 levels above), XP bonus rate = 2, SP bonus rate = 3.17
# diff = -8 (mob is 8 levels below), XP bonus rate = 0.4, SP bonus rate = 0.16
AltGameExponentXp = 0
AltGameExponentSp = 0

# Use tiredness (instead of combat points)
AltGameTiredness = False

# Allow free teleportation around the world.
AltFreeTeleporting = False

# Set true for disallow recommend character twice or more a day
AltRecommend = False

# Alternative Max Recommendation Number
AltMaxRecommendationNumber = 255

# -----------------------
#  Class Master -
# -----------------------
# Allow Change Class with ClassMaster 
AllowClassMasters = True

AllowClassMastersStriderUpdate = False

# Config for special Class Master npc that can change players occupation
# If you need change occupation only use quest then set this to False (Default)
# Syntax: occupation number;[required item id(count)],[],...;[reward item id(count)],[],...;occupation number...
# Examples:
# ConfigClassMaster=1;[57(100000)];[];2;[57(1000000)];[];3;[57(10000000)],[5575(1000000)];[6622(1)]
# 1st occupation change for 100.000 Adena (item id 57)
# 2nd occupation change for 1.000.0000 Adena (item id 57)
# 3rd occupation change for 10.000.0000 Adena (item id 57) and 1.000.000 Ancient Adena (item id 5575)
# On 3rd occupation change player will be rewarded with 1 Book of Giants (item id 6622) 
# ConfigClassMaster=1;[];[];2;[];[];3;[];[]
# 1st, 2nd, 3rd occupation change for free, without rewards
ConfigClassMaster = 1;[];[];2;[];[];3;[];[]

# Class Manager Handled Remotely at Level 20/40/76
AllowRemoteClassMasters = True

# Life crystal needed to learn clan skills
LifeCrystalNeeded = True

# Spell Books needed to learn skills
SpBookNeeded = True

# Books needed to enchant skills
EnchantSkillSpBookNeeded = True

DivineInspirationSpBookNeeded = True

# Alternative skill learn rules:
# - all classes can learn all skills
# - skills of another class costs x2 SP
# - skills of another race costs x2 SP
# - skills of fighters/mages costs x3 SP
AltGameSkillLearn = False

# Allow player sub-class addition without checking for unique quest items.
AltSubClassWithoutQuests = True

# ----------------------
#  Buffs Config -
# ----------------------
# Maximum number of buffs (default = 20 + 4 Divine Inspiration in C5)
MaxBuffAmount = 56

# Maximum number of debuffs 
MaxDebuffAmount = 3

# -----------------------
#  Clans Config -
# -----------------------
# Number of days you have to wait before joining another clan
DaysBeforeJoinAClan = 1

# Creating a new clan
DaysBeforeCreateAClan = 0

# Number of days it takes to dissolve a clan
DaysToPassToDissolveAClan = 0

# Number of days before joining a new alliance when clan voluntarily leave an alliance
DaysBeforeJoinAllyWhenLeaved = 0

# Number of days before joining a new alliance when clan was dismissed from an alliance
DaysBeforeJoinAllyWhenDismissed = 0

# Number of days before accepting a new clan for alliance when clan was dismissed from an alliance
DaysBeforeAcceptNewClanWhenDismissed = 0

# Number of days before creating a new alliance when dissolved an alliance
DaysBeforeCreateNewAllyWhenDissolved = 0

# Maximum number of clans in ally
AltMaxNumOfClansInAlly = 3

# Number of members needed to request a clan war
AltClanMembersForWar = 30

# All new characters of the same account are newbies, not only first one
AltNewCharAlwaysIsNewbie = True

# Privilege browse warehouse enables at the same time also withdraw from warehouse!
AltMembersCanWithdrawFromClanWH = False

# Remove Castle circlets after a clan lose its castle or a player leaves a clan? - default true
RemoveCastleCirclets = True

# Reputation score gained per clan member listed as top raid killers.
1stRaidRankingPoints = 1250
2ndRaidRankingPoints = 900
3rdRaidRankingPoints = 700
4thRaidRankingPoints = 600
5thRaidRankingPoints = 450
6thRaidRankingPoints = 350
7thRaidRankingPoints = 300
8thRaidRankingPoints = 200
9thRaidRankingPoints = 150
10thRaidRankingPoints = 100
UpTo50thRaidRankingPoints = 25
UpTo100thRaidRankingPoints = 12

# ------------------------
#  Manor Config -
# ------------------------
# Manor Refresh Time in Military hours Default 8pm (20) 
AltManorRefreshTime = 20

# Manor Refresh Time for Min's, Default 00 so at the start of the hour.
AltManorRefreshMin = 00

# Manor Next Period Approve Time in Military hours Default 6am 
AltManorApproveTime = 6

# Manor Next Period Approve Time for Min's, Default 00 so at the start of the hour.
AltManorApproveMin = 00

# Manor Maintenance time, Default 6 minutes. 
AltManorMaintenancePeriod = 360000

# Manor Save Type. 1-Save data into db after every action; 
# Default false
AltManorSaveAllActions = True

# Manor Save Period (used only if AltManorSaveAllActions=false) Default very 2 hours
AltManorSavePeriodRate = 2

# -------------------------
#  Lottery Config -
# -------------------------
# Initial Lottery prize
AltLotteryPrize = 50000

# Lottery Ticket Price
AltLotteryTicketPrice = 2000

# What part of Jackpot amount should receive characters who pick 5 wining numbers
AltLottery5NumberRate = 0.6

# What part of Jackpot amount should receive characters who pick 4 wining numbers
AltLottery4NumberRate = 0.2

# What part of Jackpot amount should receive characters who pick 3 wining numbers
AltLottery3NumberRate = 0.2

# How much adena receive characters who pick two or less of the winning number
AltLottery2and1NumberPrize = 200

# -------------------------------------
#  Dimension Rift Config -
# -------------------------------------
# Minimal party size to enter rift. Min = 2, Max = 9.
# If in rift party will become smaller all members will be teleported back
RiftMinPartySize = 5

# Number of maximum jumps between rooms allowed, after this time party will be teleported back
MaxRiftJumps = 4

# Time in ms the party has to wait until the mobs spawn when entering a room. C4 retail: 10s
RiftSpawnDelay = 10000

# Time between automatic jumps in seconds
AutoJumpsDelayMin = 480
AutoJumpsDelayMax = 600

# Time Multiplier for stay in the boss room
BossRoomTimeMultiply = 1.5

# Cost in dimension fragments to enter the rift, each party member must own this amount
RecruitCost = 18
SoldierCost = 21
OfficerCost = 24
CaptainCost = 27
CommanderCost = 30
HeroCost = 33

# On / off infinite nipples
DontDestroySS = True

# Maximum level players who can not be attacked
MaxLevelNewbie = 20

# NPC respawn time (default 180 seconds)
StandardRespawnDelay = 180

#ExpertisePenality, to disable grade penalty
ExpertisePenality = True
MasteryPenality = True
LevelToGetPenalty = 20

#Augmentation Active skills start reuse time
AugmStartReuseTime = 0

# ---------------------------------------------- #
#                      Npc                       #
# ---------------------------------------------- #
# Npc Attackable
NpcAttackable= False

# Npc List Invul eg. 51,90,...
InvulNpcList = 93000

# If True ActiveChar will not be able to Attack the Listed Npc Types.
DisableAttackToNpcs = True

# List of NPC's that allow casting skills on them
# Any other type will not allow casting
AllowedNPCTypes = L2GrandBoss,L2Chest,L2FestivalMonster,L2Minion,L2Monster,L2Pet,L2RaidBoss,L2SiegeGuard,L2SiegeNpc,L2ControlTower,L2Artefact,L2PenaltyMonster,L2FeedableBeast,L2SiegeFlag,L2RiftInvader,L2Guard,L2GuardNoHTML

# sell by item
SellByItem = False
SellItem = 6392

# Number of allowed Subclasses
AllowedSubclass = 13

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Sou exw pei 23764237342 fores prin kaneis post psakse ta CONFIGS perimeno tin stigmi pou tah dei to topic o fanky....


apo oti thumame einai sto *other*


kai tha s sto ksanapw exeis gemisi to MXC topics sou psakse k vres tpt monos min ta thes ola etoima..

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Sou exw pei 23764237342 fores prin kaneis post psakse ta CONFIGS perimeno tin stigmi pou tah dei to topic o fanky....


apo oti thumame einai sto *other*


kai tha s sto ksanapw exeis gemisi to MXC topics sou psakse k vres tpt monos min ta thes ola etoima..

esena twra pio einai to provlhma sou ase re to paidi na kanh oti 8elh!
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esena twra pio einai to provlhma sou ase re to paidi na kanh oti 8elh!



kk eksalou an eides den ton evrisa oute tou ekana ton eksipno

tou eipa k p einai auto p thelei alla me to na kanei spam gia to kathe ti aporia exei epidi variete na psaksi

katantah aidia..

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kk eksalou an eides den ton evrisa oute tou ekana ton eksipno

tou eipa k p einai auto p thelei alla me to na kanei spam gia to kathe ti aporia exei epidi variete na psaksi

katantah aidia..

8a fah -4 kapia mera kai 8a ishxasi :D
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gsl με το να τ παιζεις εξυπνος σε καθε τοπικ κατανταει ΒΑΡΕΤΟ ΠΟΛΥ ΒΑΡΕΤΟ,εψαξα στα other δεν υπαρχειι...δεν περιμενω τπτ ετοιμο οκ??απλα ξερεις να κραζεις καλα να σου φτιαξουν ελα τοπικ αν θες να κανεις οτι θες εκει...αν κανω update στον σερβερ μου θα τα χασω ολα τα data και αυτα??

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