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Answer 1:

About Kill Rewards: Rewards are awarded for Legal Kill.

About Rank Rewards: Rank points are based on Legal Kills, so Rank Rewards are awarded for Rank Points. RankRewardSystem is using TotalRankPoints not TotalKills in calculations.


Answer 2: I don't understand question ;)


Suggestion: More describe, and some example pls :D


Answer 1:

About Kill Rewards: Rewards are awarded for Legal Kill.

About Rank Rewards: Rank points are based on Legal Kills, so Rank Rewards are awarded for Rank Points. RankRewardSystem is using TotalRankPoints not TotalKills in calculations.


Answer 2: I don't understand question ;)


Suggestion: More describe, and some example pls :D


I put safe kill for same player 5 times and I killed him 10 times and i take every time reward that why I say


and about 2. CustomPvpRestrictedZonesIds = 1,8,9 if chan change with CustomPvPZonesId ( too add just zones that you want this custom pvp to be)



#===================== Config v3.4.2 for l2jserver Hi5 by Masterio ========================#

#========================== CUSTOM PVP/RANK/REWARD SYSTEM =================================#
# Legal options for improve security.
# Legal fields in database store data of legal kills on victim, 
# it's mean if CustomPvpLegalPkKillerAward = false and killer kill PK player, he don't rise kills_legal count.
# INFO: Legal options dosen't matter for Reward/Rank options.
# INFO: All legal fields created for Community Board info about real kills count.

# 			  Enable PvP	 	    	-
# Enable Custom PvP System
CustomPvpEnabled = True

# Enable legal counter in Alt+T window in game. It's mean all kills will be counted by CPS rulez.
CustomPvpLegalCounterAltTEnabled = True

# Minimum player level for rise legal kills.
CustomPvpLegalMinLvl = 1

# If enabled each kill player with Karma will rise kills_legal and kills_today_legal in database. Default true.
CustomPvpLegalPkKillerAward = False

# If enabled each innocent players kills will rise kills_legal and kills_today_legal in database. Default false.
CustomPvpLegalPkModeEnabled = False

# Set time interval between kills the same victim (in minutes).
# If CustomPvpRewardProtection = 0 then reset is working for rewards, 
# if CustomPvpRankProtection = 0 then reset is working for ranks.
# Default: 1440, Preferred: 1440 [24h].
CustomPvpProtectionReset = 20

# If enabled killer can't earn Rank Points, Rank Reward amount for kill higher rank Victim, than for kill hiself rank rp / rewards amount.
# implementation soon...

# 			  Enable Reward	 	    	-
# INFO: CustomPvpRewardProtectionReset is used.
# Enable Custom PvP Reward System
# REQUIRE: CustomPvpEnabled = true
CustomPvpRewardEnabled = True

# If the same player kill victim many times, then after X times the reward will not increase (0 - Disabled)
CustomPvpRewardProtection = 4

# Reward item id
CustomPvpRewardItemId = 4356
# Reward item amount
CustomPvpRewardAmmount = 1

# Minimum player level to obtain reward.
CustomPvpRewardMinLvl = 1

# Gives reward for kill PK player (player with red nick)
CustomPvpRewardPkKillerAward = True

# Gives reward for kill innocent players. (PK mode ON)
CustomPvpRewardPkModeEnabled = False

# 			Enable Ranks 				-
# INFO: CustomPvpRewardProtectionReset is used.
# INFO: CustomPvpRewardEnabled can be disabled.
# INFO: CustomPvpRankName, 
# 		CustomPvpRankMinPoints, 
# 		CustomPvpRankPointsForKill, 
# 		CustomPvpRankRewardIds, 
# 		CustomPvpRankRewardAmounts 
# 		must have same size and cannot be empty.
# REQUIRE: CustomPvpEnabled = true
CustomPvpRankEnabled = True

# Minimum player level to obtain Rank Points.
CustomPvpRankMinLvl = 1

# Minimum player level to obtain Rank Points.
CustomPvpRank = 1

# Rank names (first element is the higher rank):
# Format: name1,name2,name3
# Example: CustomPvpRankName = Five Star General,General [Grade 3],General [Grade 2],General,...
CustomPvpRankName = Five Star General,General [Grade 3],General [Grade 2],General,Brigadier General,Brigadier [Grade 3],Brigadier [Grade2],Brigadier,Force Colonel,Colonel [Grade 3],Colonel [Grade 2],Colonel,Strike Commander,Commander [Grade 3],Commander [Grade 2],Commander,Field Major,Major [Grade 3],Major [Grade 2],Major,Staff Captain,Captain [Grade 3],Captain [Grade 2],Captain,First Lieutenant,Lieutenant [Grade 3],Lieutenant [Grade 2],Lieutenant,Master Sergeant,Gunnery Sergeant [Grade 3],Gunnery Sergeant [Grade 2],Gunnery Sergeant,Sergeant [Grade 3],Sergeant [Grade 2],Sergeant,Corporal [Grade 2],Corporal,Private [Grade 2],Private,Apprentice [Grade 2],Apprentice,Recruit

# INFO: Be careful with points. MySql database allow BIGINT(18) total rank points.

# Rank require points (first element is points count for obtain 1st rank title, in example: Five Star General):
# Format: count1,count2,count3
# (count1 > count2 > count3) >= 0, minimum points for first (lowest) rank must be 0!
# Foramt: CustomPvpRankMinPoints = 10000,1000,400,0
# IMPORTANT: property elements count must be same like in CustomPvpRankName.
# Example: if current points BETWEEN 10 000 AND 5 000 is Rank 2.
CustomPvpRankMinPoints = 2000000,1000000,750000,600000,400000,250000,190000,150000,120000,100000,82000,65000,50000,38000,28000,20000,14000,10000,7000,5000,3000,2000,1500,1000,880,760,680,580,500,450,400,360,320,280,240,190,150,120,70,30,10,0

# Example: For God finger kills reward is 100 points.
# Format: count1,count2,count3
# IMPORTANT: properties count must be same like in CustomPvpRankName.
CustomPvpRankPointsForKill = 50,48,46,43,40,38,36,35,34,33,32,31,30,29,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

# If enabled each rank points earn will give reward by the Rank.
CustomPvpRankRewardEnabled = False
# Reward item id's.
# IMPORTANT: properties elements count must be same like in CustomPvpRankName.
CustomPvpRankRewardIds = 4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356,4356
# Reward item amount
# IMPORTANT: properties elements count must be same like in CustomPvpRankItemIds.
CustomPvpRankRewardAmounts = 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

# If the same player kill victim many times, then after X times the points will not increase (0 - Disabled).
# If CustomPvpRankFarmProtect = 3, then it return 0 Rank Points for kill 4 time the same player.
# INFO: Protection is reseted every CustomPvpRewardProtectionReset.
CustomPvpRankProtection = 5

# Enable alternative points counting for players.
# If enabled then CustomPvpRankPointsForKill is ignored.
# Example: CustomPvpRankKillPointsDown = 100,50,10,1,0
# For first daily kill awards 100, 2nd kill give 50, ... , 0.
CustomPvpRankKillPointsDownEnabled = False
CustomPvpRankKillPointsDown = 100,50,10,1,0

# Shout current Points info to killer & victim.
CustomPvpRankShoutInfo = True

# Enable Rank Points for kill PK.
CustomPvpRankPkKillerAward = True

# Enable Rank Points for kill innocent players. (PK mode ON)
CustomPvpRankPkModeEnabled = False

# 			Enable War Kills 				-
# Enable war kills counter
CustomPvpWarEnabled = True

# Ratio for Rank Points when killed a player from WAR Clan. 
# Add to standard rank points for kill difference between ((points * ratio) - points).
# 2.0 mean 2 times more points for kill. 
# Ratio must be > 1, if <= 1 points will be not awarded.
CustomPvpWarRPRatio = 1.0

# 			.pvpinfo command, and death manager options 	         -
# If enabled allow use .pvpinfo command on targeted player.
CustomPvpInfoCommandEnabled = True

# If enabled .pvpinfo will be used by victim when Killer kill Victim.
CustomPvpInfoCommandShowOnDeathEnabled = True

# Show additional button in PvPWindow after death. 
# Button allow see more details about killer. HP/MP/CP, equipment (enchant) if enabled. 
# It shows killer status only for kill MOMENT.
# Option requires CustomPvpInfoCommandShowOnDeathEnabled and CustomPvpInfoCommandEnabled set on True.
CustomPvpDeathManagerDetailsEnabled = True

# Show killer weapons, armors, jawels and enchant.
CustomPvpDeathManagerShowItems = True

# Enable Rewards for obtain RankPoints.
# Rewards configuration in database table: custom_pvp_system_rank_reward.
# If enabled button "Get Reward" appear in PvP Status Window. 
CustomPvpRankPointsRewardEnabled = True

# 			PvP / Rank / Reward / DM zone option's 			-
# Zone id's:
# 	ZONE_PVP = 0;
# 	ZONE_PEACE = 1;
# 	ZONE_SIEGE = 2;
# 	ZONE_WATER = 7;
# 	ZONE_JAIL = 8;
# 	ZONE_CASTLE = 10;
# 	ZONE_SWAMP = 11;
# 	ZONE_FORT = 13;
# 	ZONE_TOWN = 15;
# 	ZONE_SCRIPT = 16;
# 	ZONE_HQ = 17;

# Custom PvP System Anti-Farm options (zones id):
# Restricted zones id's. 
# It's mean if 'CustomPvpRestrictedZonesIds = 300003' , pvp/points counting is impossible here.
# Format: zoneId,zoneId, ... ,zoneId,zoneId
# Default: CustomPvpRestrictedZonesIds = 1,8,9
CustomPvpRestrictedZonesIds = 1,8,9

# Death Manager is disabled in this zones.
CustomPvpDeathManagerRestrictedZonesIds = 1,8,9

# Rank Ponts Bonus Ratio Zones
# Add to standard rank points for kill difference between ((points * ratio) - points).
# FORMAT: zoneId,ratio; ... ;zoneId,ratio
# Ratio must be > 1, if <= 1 points will be not awarded.
# Example: 2,1.5;13,1.2
# It will multiply rank points for Killer by 1.5 in area 2 , if Killer is inside this area.
CustomPvpRankPointsBonusZones =

# 			    Anti-Farm 	             -
# INFO: Options to check farming players 
# (dualbox farming, party farming, clan farming).
CustomPvpAntiFarmClanAllyEnabled = True
CustomPvpAntiFarmPartyEnabled = True
CustomPvpAntiFarmIpEnabled = True

# 			    						Database 						             -
# Interval between PvpTable dump into database (in ms).
# Value must be greather than 10000 or will be overrided for 10000.
# Default: 60000
PvpTableUpdateInterval = 60000

# Interval between TopTable updates (in ms).
# Value must be greather than 60000 or will be overrided for 60000.
# Default: 600000 (10 min) Safe: 3600000 (1 h)
TopTableUpdateInterval = 3600000

# 			   Community Board           -
# Enable statistics system for community TOP LIST, data like top killers, top RP gatherers will be showed.
# Default: True
CommunityBoardTopListEnabled = True




killed 8 times in 2 min and take reward



i will check it ;)

about Kills information its good. My idea was showing total kills information for players not legal kills. I will add option for this anyway.

about reward, yes it can be bugged because i not checked all options from rev 3.0.x with that :D i will fix it today ;)


i will check it ;)

about Kills information its good. My idea was showing total kills information for players not legal kills. I will add option for this anyway.

about reward, yes it can be bugged because i not checked all options from rev 3.0.x with that :D i will fix it today ;)

k thx

new error...

sent bad RequestBypassToServer: "voice .pvpinfo"
at com.l2jserver.gameserver.custom.pvpsystem.CustomPvpSystemPlayerInfo.rankImgTableHtml(CustomPvpSystemPlayerInfo.java:275)
at com.l2jserver.gameserver.custom.pvpsystem.CustomPvpSystemPlayerInfo.playerResponseHtml(CustomPvpSystemPlayerInfo.java:54)
at com.l2jserver.gameserver.custom.pvpsystem.CustomPvpSystemPlayerInfo.sendPlayerResponse(CustomPvpSystemPlayerInfo.java:34)
at com.l2jserver.gameserver.custom.pvpsystem.IVoicedCommandHandlerPvpInfo.useVoicedCommand(IVoicedCommandHandlerPvpInfo.java:46)
at handlers.bypasshandlers.VoiceCommand.useBypass(VoiceCommand.java:57)
at com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.clientpackets.RequestBypassToServer.runImpl(RequestBypassToServer.java:311)
at com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.clientpackets.L2GameClientPacket.run(L2GameClientPacket.java:62)
at com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.L2GameClient.run(L2GameClient.java:1072)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1110)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:603)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)

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