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[EN] Amumu, The Sad Mummy


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Tatrum's cooldown drops when you get attacked, not when you attack, if I'm not mistaken.

i got confused... dunnno why but youre right lol

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I find the guide a little small and overall lacking explanation as to why/when you should take this item and why you chose those skills.  There's no situational items/ build for special team comps. But other than that, good job and nice initiative.

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I find the guide a little small and overall lacking explanation as to why/when you should take this item and why you chose those skills.  There's no situational items/ build for special team comps. But other than that, good job and nice initiative.

About skills:

at tips i added why you should pick sertain abilities in the early levels, when to pick what to gank, or when to pick what to clear your jungle faster.


about items:

your duty is to support your team in teamfights, cuz damage you wont deal unless you go full ap. but since thats not my favo meta and i made a guide about this the items is to full tank/support your team in teamfights & ganks.


about special team comps:

this is made for solo Q, everyone picks what they want, so do i, this is for me the best way to build an tanky/support amumu.


simple right?

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Amumu's damage is pretty decent with a Sunfire Cape and an Abyssal Scepter. These are usually my first 2 items when I play solo q.

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  • 3 months later...
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  • 4 weeks later...




Amumu Guide





Cursed_Touch.pngCursed Touch [(passive)] Amumu's autoattacks reduce the target's magic resistance by 15 / 25 / 35 for 3 seconds. The debuff doesn't stack but it refreshes with every autoattack.


Bandage_Toss.pngBandage Toss [Q] Amumu tosses a sticky bandage in a straight line. If it contacts an enemy, Amumu will pull himself to it, dealing magic damage and stunning the target for 1 second. Range: 1,100.


Despair.pngDespair [W] While toggled on, Amumu will be surrounded by a small damaging area of tears. Enemies in the area will be dealt a percentage of their maximum health plus a base a-beep-t as magic damage each second. Cost: 8 mana per second. Cooldown: 1 second. Radius of AoE: 300.


Tantrum.pngTantrum [E] (Passive)Amumu takes reduced physical damage from autoattacks and abilities. (Active) Amumu will make an instantaneous tantrum, dealing magic damage to surrounding units. Additionally, each time Amumu is hit by an autoattack the cooldown on Tantrum's active will be reduced by 0.5 seconds. Radius of AoE: 200.


Curse_of_the_Sad_Mummy.pngCurse of the Sad Mummy [R] (Ultimate) Amumu entangles surrounding enemy units, dealing magic damage and rendering them unable to move or use autoattacks for 2 seconds. Radius of AoE: 600.



Skill Order:












5247.pngGreater Mark of Alacrity +1.7% attack speed


5317.pngGreater Seal of Resilience +1.41 Armor


5290.pngGreater Glyph of Shielding +0.15 MR/level (+2.7 at level 18)


5365.pngGreater Quintessence of Swiftness +1.5% movement speed



The images may not be the same, but the outcome is. I used leaguecraft rune builder for this, probely outdated.



Summoner Spells:


smite.pngSmite Deals 445-870 true damage (depending on champion level) to target enemy minion or monster. 70 second cooldown.


flash.pngFlash Teleports your champion toward your cursor's location. 265 second cooldown.





Start with:


1001.pngBoots of Speed + 2003.png3 Health Potions



Then Build:


3111.pngMercury's Treads + 3096.pngPhilosopher's Stone + 3132.pngHeart of Gold



When enough money also buy:


2042.pngOracle's Elixer + 2044.pngSight Ward



Mid Game:


3105.pngAegis of the Legion + 3024.pngGlacial Shroud + 3082.pngWarden's Mail



Late Game:


3069.pngShurelya's Reverie + 3143.pngRanduin's Omen + 3110.pngFrozen Heart + 3001.pngAbyssal Scepter



Pro's & Con's of Amumu:



- Huge AoE Damage

- Huge a-beep-t of CC

- Ultimate can win games

- Viable ganker

- Fast Jungler (without wriggles)

- Great at taking damage mid/late game



- Squishy early game

- Get's counterjungled often

- Blue buff needed in early jungle

- High cd on his ultimate

- Able to hit skillshots





Amumu is very squishy early game, so be carefull with running -50% health in your own jungle. Go teleport to base or use wards to know when the enemy team tries to counterjungle you, and they probely will. Wolfs, Blue golem, Wraiths, Red Golem, Wraiths should make you level 4, and you are ready to gank. Try not to go base before you atleast can affort Philosopher's Stone, and if you can 2 wards. You have much CC, but time your skills exactly because the cds are high. Always position yourself in front of a team fight, and pay attention to the real damage dealer in order to stun him. Also your ultimate is a powerfull weapon, and dont have to be used to stun all 5 members, Pick the most important one out of the enemy team and ult on them like katarina or sona etc, so thay can't use their ult and burst them down, if you catch other enemies in this ult its always good. As the tank and with the most CC take lead in any teamfights by telling your team who to burst down first. Amumu is very fast clearing monster camps so counterjungling is very usefull with amumu, you can use your Bandage Toss(Q) to quickly go to a camp and kill it. Amumu can do wolfs/blue/red in just 1 easy way, this will give you level 3 and ready for ganks faster then most junglers, if you do this make sure you get bandage toss(Q) on level 3. If you are in a bad spot and getting herrassed by the enemy team, dont use bandage toss to stun the enemy, but use it as a skill to change positions, this can be used on other enemies across walls or used on minions or monsters. I recommand ganking on level 4, the level 2 tantrum will be very usefull in taking less damage. But always gank whenever is possible.


Nice tutorial, good job.

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  • 2 weeks later...




Amumu Guide





Cursed_Touch.pngCursed Touch [(passive)] Amumu's autoattacks reduce the target's magic resistance by 15 / 25 / 35 for 3 seconds. The debuff doesn't stack but it refreshes with every autoattack.


Bandage_Toss.pngBandage Toss [Q] Amumu tosses a sticky bandage in a straight line. If it contacts an enemy, Amumu will pull himself to it, dealing magic damage and stunning the target for 1 second. Range: 1,100.


Despair.pngDespair [W] While toggled on, Amumu will be surrounded by a small damaging area of tears. Enemies in the area will be dealt a percentage of their maximum health plus a base a-beep-t as magic damage each second. Cost: 8 mana per second. Cooldown: 1 second. Radius of AoE: 300.


Tantrum.pngTantrum [E] (Passive)Amumu takes reduced physical damage from autoattacks and abilities. (Active) Amumu will make an instantaneous tantrum, dealing magic damage to surrounding units. Additionally, each time Amumu is hit by an autoattack the cooldown on Tantrum's active will be reduced by 0.5 seconds. Radius of AoE: 200.


Curse_of_the_Sad_Mummy.pngCurse of the Sad Mummy [R] (Ultimate) Amumu entangles surrounding enemy units, dealing magic damage and rendering them unable to move or use autoattacks for 2 seconds. Radius of AoE: 600.



Skill Order:












5247.pngGreater Mark of Alacrity +1.7% attack speed


5317.pngGreater Seal of Resilience +1.41 Armor


5290.pngGreater Glyph of Shielding +0.15 MR/level (+2.7 at level 18)


5365.pngGreater Quintessence of Swiftness +1.5% movement speed



The images may not be the same, but the outcome is. I used leaguecraft rune builder for this, probely outdated.



Summoner Spells:


smite.pngSmite Deals 445-870 true damage (depending on champion level) to target enemy minion or monster. 70 second cooldown.


flash.pngFlash Teleports your champion toward your cursor's location. 265 second cooldown.





Start with:


1001.pngBoots of Speed + 2003.png3 Health Potions



Then Build:


3111.pngMercury's Treads + 3096.pngPhilosopher's Stone + 3132.pngHeart of Gold



When enough money also buy:


2042.pngOracle's Elixer + 2044.pngSight Ward



Mid Game:


3105.pngAegis of the Legion + 3024.pngGlacial Shroud + 3082.pngWarden's Mail



Late Game:


3069.pngShurelya's Reverie + 3143.pngRanduin's Omen + 3110.pngFrozen Heart + 3001.pngAbyssal Scepter



Pro's & Con's of Amumu:



- Huge AoE Damage

- Huge a-beep-t of CC

- Ultimate can win games

- Viable ganker

- Fast Jungler (without wriggles)

- Great at taking damage mid/late game



- Squishy early game

- Get's counterjungled often

- Blue buff needed in early jungle

- High cd on his ultimate

- Able to hit skillshots





Amumu is very squishy early game, so be carefull with running -50% health in your own jungle. Go teleport to base or use wards to know when the enemy team tries to counterjungle you, and they probely will. Wolfs, Blue golem, Wraiths, Red Golem, Wraiths should make you level 4, and you are ready to gank. Try not to go base before you atleast can affort Philosopher's Stone, and if you can 2 wards. You have much CC, but time your skills exactly because the cds are high. Always position yourself in front of a team fight, and pay attention to the real damage dealer in order to stun him. Also your ultimate is a powerfull weapon, and dont have to be used to stun all 5 members, Pick the most important one out of the enemy team and ult on them like katarina or sona etc, so thay can't use their ult and burst them down, if you catch other enemies in this ult its always good. As the tank and with the most CC take lead in any teamfights by telling your team who to burst down first. Amumu is very fast clearing monster camps so counterjungling is very usefull with amumu, you can use your Bandage Toss(Q) to quickly go to a camp and kill it. Amumu can do wolfs/blue/red in just 1 easy way, this will give you level 3 and ready for ganks faster then most junglers, if you do this make sure you get bandage toss(Q) on level 3. If you are in a bad spot and getting herrassed by the enemy team, dont use bandage toss to stun the enemy, but use it as a skill to change positions, this can be used on other enemies across walls or used on minions or monsters. I recommand ganking on level 4, the level 2 tantrum will be very usefull in taking less damage. But always gank whenever is possible.


Nice tutorial, but damn i got enough from gangnam style o-0o

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