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Where did the fun go?


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I was thinking why i used to enjoy lineage 2 and what were my most enjoyable momments. All i could think of was the fun times i had with clan members doing sieges/talking and stuff. Also i remember nobody cared for bugs or constantly comparing the server with retail or other servers. Nobody cared if there was a gm online to wipe their asses. Thats pretty much what the community is missing today. They dont come to play and have fun, now they mainly come to compare their virtual genitals or whos the better developer (most of the times they are completely clueless). Also i came to realise i dont miss the older chronicles i miss the old community. If the community stayed the same nobody would really hate the next big update all the time. And dont tell me the game is old, minecraft looks like a game from the 90s but its very popular to the day.


Thats my rant for now. Have a nice one.

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A game doesn't have to look good to be called new or popular.


The idea is dry. L2 = Pizza fetch quests + /attack mobs


The only thing I ever like about this game was PvP and how everything tied up into it. Everyone liked it except some weirdos that liked to stare at pixels looping the same animation for the 500th time.


PvP didn't just happen - the world, the game was persistent.

It no longer is. And because only a minority will PvP for the sake of PvPing this game is dead. No persistence, no natural PvP = no action = everything is meaningless.

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Ok, it's because every noob can make a shity server and publish it everwhere. Years ago there were 2 to 5, or 10? maximum servers of l2, running with official platforms. Now? there are 14231 in which, 14230 are for the "Recycle bin". There is no fun anymore dude, even in developing. (Extremely hate java servers!)

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i have to agree that the point is not in chronicles. i used to spent hours (like.. HOURS) ingame, just chating with ppl, or fishing with friends. Even 1x was fun, we didnt care about equip but about quality time with nice ppl.

there were jokes (tasty ones) on shouts, not just insults.

instead of 'you stupid b*tch go fvck yourself' there were insults like... 'your boobs are small!' 'size doesnt matter, texture matters!' - dark elf chick argued with orc chick.

i still have friends from ingame, all those many, many years. since 6 years we are traveling together, spending holidays together. even if we are from totally different cultures and countries.

and what about now..? im going ingame for 5 mins, i see that there is noone i can talk with, so i log off..

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