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Famous Player engine.


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some one do this code at L2jFrozen?

because i have error in GS:



you have to manualy create ur sql command, depending on how it should work on frozen, cause now, the command Fanky gave u is incompatible with ur database

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you have to manualy create ur sql command, depending on how it should work on frozen, cause now, the command Fanky gave u is incompatible with ur database

Yes , i manualy edit all code to compatible with database and other server files

My code, but they have bugs =(:

### Eclipse Workspace Patch 1.0
#P L2_GameServer_It
Index: head-src\com\l2jfrozen\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2PcInstance.java
--- head-src\com\l2jfrozen\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2PcInstance.java   (revision 5585)
+++ head-src\com\l2jfrozen\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2PcInstance.java   (working copy)
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@

import com.l2jfrozen.Config;
import com.l2jfrozen.L2DatabaseFactory;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.entity.Announcements;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.GameTimeController;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.GeoData;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.GmListTable;
@@ -159,6 +160,7 @@
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.serverpackets.ObservationReturn;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.serverpackets.PartySmallWindowUpdate;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.serverpackets.PetInventoryUpdate;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.serverpackets.PledgeShowInfoUpdate;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.serverpackets.PledgeShowMemberListDelete;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.serverpackets.PledgeShowMemberListUpdate;
@@ -204,6 +206,45 @@
public final class L2PcInstance extends L2PlayableInstance
+   // famous player
+   private String famousplayer = null;
+   private int famousplayerVotes = 0;
+   public String getFamousPlayer()
+   {
+          return famousplayer;
+   }
+   public void setFamousPlayer(String famousPlayer)
+      {
+         this.famousplayer = famousPlayer;
+      }
+   public int getFamousPlayerVotes()
+      {
+         return famousplayerVotes;
+      }
+   public void setFamousPlayerVotes(int famousPlayerVotes)
+      {
+         this.famousplayerVotes = famousPlayerVotes;
+      }
+   private boolean _famous = false;
+   public boolean isFamous()
+   {
+      return _famous;
+   }
+   public void setFamous(boolean famous)
+   {
+         setTitle(Config.FAMOUS_PLAYER_TITTLE);
+            getAppearance().setNameColor(Config.FAMOUS_PLAYER_NAME_COLOR);
+      famous = _famous;
+   }
    private static final String RESTORE_SKILLS_FOR_CHAR = "SELECT skill_id,skill_level FROM character_skills WHERE char_obj_id=? AND class_index=?";
    private static final String ADD_NEW_SKILL = "INSERT INTO character_skills (char_obj_id,skill_id,skill_level,skill_name,class_index) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)";
    private static final String UPDATE_CHARACTER_SKILL_LEVEL = "UPDATE character_skills SET skill_level=? WHERE skill_id=? AND char_obj_id=? AND class_index=?";
@@ -512,8 +253,8 @@
/** UPDATE characters SET level=?,maxHp=?,curHp=?,maxCp=?,curCp=?,maxMp=?,curMp=?,str=?,con=?,dex=?,_int=?,men=?,wit=? ,face=?,hairStyle=?,hairColor =?,heading=?,x=?,y=?,z=?,exp=?,expBeforeDeath=?,sp=?,karma=?,pvpkills=?,pkkills=?,rec_have =?,rec_left=?,clanid=?,maxload =?,race=?,classid=?,deletetime=?,title=?,accesslevel=?,online=?,isin7sdungeon=?,clan_privs =?,wantspeace=?,base_class =?,onlinetime=?,in_jail=?,jail_timer=?,newbie=?,nobless=?,power_grade=?,subpledge=?,last_recom_date =?,lvl_joined_academy =?,apprentice=?,sponsor=?,varka_ketra_ally=?,clan_join_expiry_time=?,clan_create_expiry_time=? ,char_name=?,death_penalty_level=?,good=?,evil=?,gve_kills=? WHERE obj_id=?. */
-	private static final String UPDATE_CHARACTER = "UPDATE characters SET level=?,maxHp=?,curHp=?,maxCp=?,curCp=?,maxMp=?,curMp=?,str=?,con=?,dex=?,_int=?,men=?,wit=?,face=?,hairStyle=?,hairColor=?,heading=?,x=?,y=?,z=?,exp=?,expBeforeDeath=?,sp=?,karma=?,pvpkills=?,pkkills=?,rec_have=?,rec_left=?,clanid=?,maxload=?,race=?,classid=?,deletetime=?,title=?,accesslevel=?,online=?,isin7sdungeon=?,clan_privs=?,wantspeace=?,base_class=?,onlinetime=?,punish_level=?,punish_timer=?,newbie=?,nobless=?,power_grade=?,subpledge=?,last_recom_date=?,lvl_joined_academy=?,apprentice=?,sponsor=?,varka_ketra_ally=?,clan_join_expiry_time=?,clan_create_expiry_time=?,char_name=?,death_penalty_level=?,pc_point=?,name_color=?,title_color=?,aio=?,aio_end=? WHERE obj_id=?";

/** SELECT account_name, obj_Id, char_name, level, maxHp, curHp, maxCp, curCp, maxMp, curMp, acc, crit, evasion, mAtk, mDef, mSpd, pAtk, pDef, pSpd, runSpd, walkSpd, str, con, dex, _int, men, wit, face, hairStyle, hairColor, sex, heading, x, y, z, movement_multiplier, attack_speed_multiplier, colRad, colHeight, exp, expBeforeDeath, sp, karma, pvpkills, pkkills, clanid, maxload, race, classid, deletetime, cancraft, title, rec_have, rec_left, accesslevel, online, char_slot, lastAccess, clan_privs, wantspeace, base_class, onlinetime, isin7sdungeon, in_jail, jail_timer, newbie, nobless, power_grade, subpledge, last_recom_date, lvl_joined_academy, apprentice, sponsor, varka_ketra_ally,clan_join_expiry_time,clan_create_expiry_time,death_penalty_level,good,evil,gve_kills FROM characters WHERE obj_id=?. */
//private static final String RESTORE_CHARACTER = "SELECT account_name, obj_Id, char_name, level, maxHp, curHp, maxCp, curCp, maxMp, curMp, acc, crit, evasion, mAtk, mDef, mSpd, pAtk, pDef, pSpd, runSpd, walkSpd, str, con, dex, _int, men, wit, face, hairStyle, hairColor, sex, heading, x, y, z, movement_multiplier, attack_speed_multiplier, colRad, colHeight, exp, expBeforeDeath, sp, karma, pvpkills, pkkills, clanid, maxload, race, classid, deletetime, cancraft, title, rec_have, rec_left, accesslevel, online, char_slot, lastAccess, clan_privs, wantspeace, base_class, onlinetime, isin7sdungeon, in_jail, jail_timer, newbie, nobless, power_grade, subpledge, last_recom_date, lvl_joined_academy, apprentice, sponsor, varka_ketra_ally,clan_join_expiry_time,clan_create_expiry_time,death_penalty_level,pc_point,banchat_time,name_color,title_color,first_log,aio,aio_end FROM characters WHERE obj_id=?";
-	private static final String RESTORE_CHARACTER = "SELECT account_name, obj_Id, char_name, level, maxHp, curHp, maxCp, curCp, maxMp, curMp, acc, crit, evasion, mAtk, mDef, mSpd, pAtk, pDef, pSpd, runSpd, walkSpd, str, con, dex, _int, men, wit, face, hairStyle, hairColor, sex, heading, x, y, z, movement_multiplier, attack_speed_multiplier, colRad, colHeight, exp, expBeforeDeath, sp, karma, pvpkills, pkkills, clanid, maxload, race, classid, deletetime, cancraft, title, rec_have, rec_left, accesslevel, online, char_slot, lastAccess, clan_privs, wantspeace, base_class, onlinetime, isin7sdungeon,punish_level,punish_timer,"+/* in_jail, jail_timer,*/ "newbie, nobless, power_grade, subpledge, last_recom_date, lvl_joined_academy, apprentice, sponsor, varka_ketra_ally,clan_join_expiry_time,clan_create_expiry_time,death_penalty_level,pc_point"+/*,banchat_time*/",name_color,title_color,first_log,aio,aio_end FROM characters WHERE obj_id=?";
+   private static final String UPDATE_CHARACTER = "UPDATE characters SET level=?,maxHp=?,curHp=?,maxCp=?,curCp=?,maxMp=?,curMp=?,str=?,con=?,dex=?,_int=?,men=?,wit=?,face=?,hairStyle=?,hairColor=?,heading=?,x=?,y=?,z=?,exp=?,expBeforeDeath=?,sp=?,karma=?,pvpkills=?,pkkills=?,rec_have=?,rec_left=?,clanid=?,maxload=?,race=?,classid=?,deletetime=?,title=?,accesslevel=?,online=?,isin7sdungeon=?,clan_privs=?,wantspeace=?,base_class=?,onlinetime=?,punish_level=?,punish_timer=?,newbie=?,nobless=?,power_grade=?,subpledge=?,last_recom_date=?,lvl_joined_academy=?,apprentice=?,sponsor=?,varka_ketra_ally=?,clan_join_expiry_time=?,clan_create_expiry_time=?,char_name=?,death_penalty_level=?,pc_point=?,name_color=?,title_color=?,aio=?,aio_end=?,famousplayer=?,famousplayervotes=? WHERE obj_id=?";
+   private static final String RESTORE_CHARACTER = "SELECT account_name, obj_Id, char_name, level, maxHp, curHp, maxCp, curCp, maxMp, curMp, acc, crit, evasion, mAtk, mDef, mSpd, pAtk, pDef, pSpd, runSpd, walkSpd, str, con, dex, _int, men, wit, face, hairStyle, hairColor, sex, heading, x, y, z, movement_multiplier, attack_speed_multiplier, colRad, colHeight, exp, expBeforeDeath, sp, karma, pvpkills, pkkills, clanid, maxload, race, classid, deletetime, cancraft, title, rec_have, rec_left, accesslevel, online, char_slot, lastAccess, clan_privs, wantspeace, base_class, onlinetime, isin7sdungeon,punish_level,punish_timer,"+/* in_jail, jail_timer,*/ "newbie, nobless, power_grade, subpledge, last_recom_date, lvl_joined_academy, apprentice, sponsor, varka_ketra_ally,clan_join_expiry_time,clan_create_expiry_time,death_penalty_level,pc_point"+/*,banchat_time*/",name_color,title_color,first_log,aio,aio_end,famousplayer,famousplayervotes FROM characters WHERE obj_id=?";
@@ -6864,6 +6909,10 @@
             player.setNewbie(rset.getInt("newbie") == 1);
             player.setNoble(rset.getInt("nobless") == 1);
+            player.setFamousPlayer(rset.getString("famousPlayer"));
+            player.setFamousPlayerVotes(rset.getInt("famousPlayerVotes"));
             if (player.getClanJoinExpiryTime() < System.currentTimeMillis())
@@ -7411,7 +7460,10 @@
            statement.setLong(61, getAioEndTime());
-            statement.setInt(62, getObjectId());
+			statement.setString(62, getFamousPlayer());
+			statement.setInt(63, getFamousPlayerVotes());
+            statement.setInt(64, getObjectId());

Index: head-src\com\l2jfrozen\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2FamousPlayerInstance.java
--- head-src\com\l2jfrozen\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2FamousPlayerInstance.java   (revision 0)
+++ head-src\com\l2jfrozen\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2FamousPlayerInstance.java   (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ * version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+ * details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance;
+import java.sql.Connection;
+import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
+import java.sql.SQLException;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.StringTokenizer;
+import javolution.util.FastList;
+import com.l2jfrozen.Config;
+import com.l2jfrozen.util.database.L2DatabaseFactory;
+import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.entity.Announcements;
+import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2World;
+import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.templates.L2NpcTemplate;
+ * @author fanky
+ *
+ */
+public class L2FamousPlayerInstance extends L2NpcInstance
+   /**
+    * @param objectId
+    * @param template
+    */
+   public L2FamousPlayerInstance(int objectId, L2NpcTemplate template)
+   {
+      super(objectId, template);
+   }
+   public void onByPassFeedBack(L2PcInstance player,String command)
+   {
+      if (command.startsWith("voteFamousPlayer"))
+                {
+                   String val = command.substring(14);
+                   StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(val);
+                   if(st.countTokens() != 1)
+                   {
+                      return;
+                   }
+                   if (player.getFamousPlayer() != null)
+                   {
+                      player.sendMessage("You have already voted for a player, "+player.getFamousPlayer()+".");
+                      return;
+                   }
+                   if (player.isFamous())
+                   {
+                      player.sendMessage("You are famous player,u cant vote");
+                      return;
+                   }
+                   L2PcInstance target = L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(st.nextToken());
+                   if (target == null)
+                   {
+                      player.sendMessage("There isn't such character");
+                      return;
+                   }
+                   if (player.getAccessLevel() != null)
+                   {
+                      player.sendMessage("Admins and gms don't need to become famous,they already are :P");
+                      return;
+                   }                   
+                   if (target.getPvpKills() > Config.PVP_REQUIRED_TO_VOTE)
+                   {
+                   target.setFamousPlayerVotes(target.getFamousPlayerVotes()+1);
+                   player.sendMessage("You have successfully voted for "+target.getName()+".");
+                   target.sendMessage(player.getName()+" has voted for you to be a famous player,you currently have "+target.getFamousPlayerVotes()+" votes");
+                   if (target.getFamousPlayerVotes() == Config.VOTES_REQUIRED_TO_BECOME_FAMOUS)
+                   {
+                      target.setFamous(true);
+                      Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(target.getName()+" has become Famous Player because he reached "+Config.VOTES_REQUIRED_TO_BECOME_FAMOUS+" vote");
+                      target.setFamousPlayerVotes(0);
+                      cleanDatabase(target.getName());
+                      target.sendMessage("You've become Famous player.");
+                   }
+                   else
+                   {
+                      target.sendMessage("You need at least "+Config.PVP_REQUIRED_TO_VOTE+" pvp(s) in order to vote");
+                   }
+                }
+             }
+          }
+             private void cleanDatabase(String pname)
+             {
+                Connection con = null;
+                try
+                {
+                   con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
+                   PreparedStatement st = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE characters SET famousplayer=null WHERE famousplayer="+pname);
+                   st.execute();
+                   st.close();
+                }
+                catch (SQLException sqle)
+                {
+                   for (L2PcInstance gmchat : L2World.getInstance().getAllGMs())
+                   {
+                      gmchat.sendMessage("There was a problem while updating database on famousplayer column,Noobs!");
+                   }
+                }
+                finally
+                {
+                   try
+                   {
+                      con.close();
+                   }
+                   catch (SQLException sqle2)
+                   {
+                   }
+                }
+             }
+             @Override
+            public String getHtmlPath(int npcId, int val)
+             {
+                 String pom = "";
+                 if (val == 0)
+                 {
+                     pom = "" + npcId;
+                 }
+                 else
+                 {
+                     pom = npcId + "-" + val;
+                 }
+                 return "data/html/famousplayer/" + pom + ".htm";
+             }   
Index: head-src\com\l2jfrozen\Config.java
--- head-src\com\l2jfrozen\Config.java   (revision 5585)
+++ head-src\com\l2jfrozen\Config.java   (working copy)
@@ -882,6 +882,19 @@
     public static boolean L2JMOD_WEDDING_SAMESEX;
     public static boolean L2JMOD_WEDDING_FORMALWEAR;
     public static int L2JMOD_WEDDING_DIVORCE_COSTS;
+    // famous engine
+    public static String FAMOUS_PLAYER_TITTLE;
+    public static int FAMOUS_PLAYER_NAME_COLOR;
+    public static int PVP_REQUIRED_TO_VOTE;
+    public static int VOTES_REQUIRED_TO_BECOME_FAMOUS;
+    public static boolean ANNOUNCE_FAMOUS_PLAYER;

     // Packet information
     /** Count the a-beep-t of packets per minute ? */
@@ -1859,7 +1872,15 @@
                L2JMOD_WEDDING_FORMALWEAR = Boolean.parseBoolean(WeddingSettings.getProperty("WeddingFormalWear", "True"));
		L2JMOD_WEDDING_DIVORCE_COSTS = Integer.parseInt(WeddingSettings.getProperty("WeddingDivorceCosts", "20"));
		WEDDING_GIVE_CUPID_BOW = Boolean.parseBoolean(WeddingSettings.getProperty("WeddingGiveBow", "False"));
		ANNOUNCE_WEDDING = Boolean.parseBoolean(WeddingSettings.getProperty("AnnounceWedding", "True"));

+           FAMOUS_PLAYER_TITTLE             = WeddingSettings.getProperty("FamousPlayerTittle","Famous Player");
+           FAMOUS_PLAYER_NAME_COLOR                = Integer.decode("0x" + WeddingSettings.getProperty("FamousPlayerNameColor", "FFF000"));
+           PVP_REQUIRED_TO_VOTE                    = Integer.parseInt(WeddingSettings.getProperty("PvPRequiredToVoteForFamous","1"));
+           VOTES_REQUIRED_TO_BECOME_FAMOUS         = Integer.parseInt(WeddingSettings.getProperty("VotesRequiredToBecomeFamous","50"));
+           ANNOUNCE_FAMOUS_PLAYER                  = Boolean.parseBoolean(WeddingSettings.getProperty("AnnounceFamousPlayers","True"));));

Index: head-src\com\l2jfrozen\gameserver\handler\admincommandhandlers\AdminFamousPlayer.java
--- head-src\com\l2jfrozen\gameserver\handler\admincommandhandlers\AdminFamousPlayer.java   (revision 0)
+++ head-src\com\l2jfrozen\gameserver\handler\admincommandhandlers\AdminFamousPlayer.java   (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ * version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+ * details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.admincommandhandlers;
+ import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.entity.Announcements;
+import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.IAdminCommandHandler;
+import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Object;
+import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
+ * @author fanky
+ *
+ */
+public class AdminFamousPlayer
+   public static class AdminSetTeam implements IAdminCommandHandler
+   {
+      private static String[] _adminCommands =
+      {
+            "admin_setfamous"
+      };
+      @Override
+      public boolean useAdminCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar)
+      {
+         L2Object target = activeChar.getTarget();
+         if(activeChar.getTarget() instanceof L2PcInstance)
+         {                  
+         activeChar.setFamous(true);
+         ((L2PcInstance) target).sendMessage("Admin granted you with Famous status,thank him!");
+         Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Admin granted with Famous status "+target.getName()+"");
+         {
+            activeChar.sendMessage("Are you tryin' to grand with famous status minions or npcs?Noob.");
+            return false;
+         }
+      }
+         return true;
+      }
+      @Override
+      public String[] getAdminCommandList()
+      {
+         return _adminCommands;
+      }
+   }
Index: head-src\com\l2jfrozen\gameserver\network\clientpackets\EnterWorld.java
--- head-src\com\l2jfrozen\gameserver\network\clientpackets\EnterWorld.java   (revision 5585)
+++ head-src\com\l2jfrozen\gameserver\network\clientpackets\EnterWorld.java   (working copy)

@@ -286,11 +287,14 @@


       //add char to online characters

+          {
+              if (activeChar.isFamous()
+             {
+            Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Famous player "+activeChar.getName()+" is currently online");
+             }
+         }

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fix this bug(and fix it in previousmessage), now database work good.

But if i put everything to npc, they now work  :o and not add +1 when vote.


--- datapack\data\html\default\65536.htm	(revision 0)
+++ datapack\data\html\default\65536.htm	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<title>Famous Manager
+CharName:<edit var="pname" width=40 height=20>
+<center><button value="Vote" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_voteFamousPlayer $pname" width=204 height=20 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df"></center>
\ No newline at end of file

datapack config:

Index: /config/fun/wedding.properties
--- /config/fun/wedding.properties	(revision 5585)
+++ /config/fun/wedding.properties	(working copy)
@@ -132,3 +132,21 @@
# Cost of Divorce, % of Adena
WeddingDivorceCosts = 20

# Give Wedding Bow
WeddingGiveBow = True

+# Famous system by fanky                     -
+# Famous player's tittle
+FamousPlayerTittle = Famous Player
+# Famous player's name color
+# by default FF0000 red by default
+FamousPlayerNameColor = FF0000
+# How many pvp a player will need in order to vote?
+PvPRequiredToVoteForFamous = 1
+# How many votes need a player to become famous?
+VotesRequiredToBecomeFamous = 50
+# Announce famous players when they enter in game?
+AnnounceFamousPlayers = True
\ No newline at end of file

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fix this bug(and fix it in previousmessage), now database work good.

But if i put everything to npc, they now work  :o and not add +1 when vote.


--- datapack\data\html\default\65536.htm	(revision 0)
+++ datapack\data\html\default\65536.htm	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<title>Famous Manager
+CharName:<edit var="pname" width=40 height=20>
+<center><button value="Vote" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_voteFamousPlayer $pname" width=204 height=20 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df"></center>
\ No newline at end of file

datapack config:

Index: /config/fun/wedding.properties
--- /config/fun/wedding.properties	(revision 5585)
+++ /config/fun/wedding.properties	(working copy)
@@ -132,3 +132,21 @@
# Cost of Divorce, % of Adena
WeddingDivorceCosts = 20

# Give Wedding Bow
WeddingGiveBow = True

+# Famous system by fanky                     -
+# Famous player's tittle
+FamousPlayerTittle = Famous Player
+# Famous player's name color
+# by default FF0000 red by default
+FamousPlayerNameColor = FF0000
+# How many pvp a player will need in order to vote?
+PvPRequiredToVoteForFamous = 1
+# How many votes need a player to become famous?
+VotesRequiredToBecomeFamous = 50
+# Announce famous players when they enter in game?
+AnnounceFamousPlayers = True
\ No newline at end of file

didn't get what's the problem dude,could you explain me?
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when i put any name in npc textbox nothing happen(don't have error's but don't have messages like "Admins and gms don't need to become famous,they already are " or "There isn't such character")  , in database line in famousplayer and famousplayerVote is null  :'(



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