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[share]Alternative damage for dagger skills

[share]Pre frenzy and other shits for IT

[share] Java CP Exploit Fix

[share] Fix PvP Summon

[share]Pvp Boting Protection

[share]Moving Flood Protection

[share]Multisell bug fix

[share]Fix for augment stucking (transformation exploit)

[share]Olympiad Anti Dual Box - The Simple Way

[share]Trade bug fix]

[share]No enchant near wh

[share]L2WalkerProtection Fix! (Anti-Bot)

[share]Anti feed same ip (Party-Clan etc)

[L2J Contest - Share] Cute Anti Olympiad Farm Method[updated!]

[share] Trade bug fix v1 for Interlude

[share][Fix]Attacking in peace zone!

[share] More 99% Enchant Protection

Enchant Protection Packet

[share] Java Anti-Phx Enchant

[share] Anti Critical Error PHX

[share] Java Anti-Phx Announce

[share-Java Code] Solution For Corrupt GM's

[share]OverEnchant Fix! (Anti-Hacker)

[share]Anti-Pk Protection for low level characters

[share] Server Bypass Protection.

[share]Symbol(dyes) Bug fix



[share]PvP skills reward.

[share] Newbie Zone

[share]Visual NPC to PC transform [Freya/High Five]

[share] Castle Cloaks for High Five

[share]PvP Color system

[share]Enchant System for custom servers

[share]Refresh your buffs time.

[share] Custom PvP Reward System

[share]Deaths Counter

[share]Reward PvP/pk System and Altenative Pk System

[share]Custom Shift+Click on character

[share]PvP Rewards table

[share]PvP Skill Reward System

[share] Combo PvP System v2 - Updated :3

[share] PvP Nobless NPC Hi5 & Freya

[share] Anti - Heavy System - IL

[sHARE]H5 clan leader color hero color and special color for clan leader & hero

[share] Combo PvP System - Nice mod for PvP.

[share]Clan Leader Name*Title & Members Title Color

[share]Balance Classes

[share]Hero Effect For New Players.

[share]Auto Flag at PvP Zones

[sHARE]Online Players Up Right On The Screen.

[share] Hero, Donator Announce (Config Included)

[share] Mail for Community Frozen

[share][Gr][Enchant Armor Effect.(Hero Aura)]

[share]Scroll For Clan rep points

[share]Enchant Chance by Weapon Type

[share]Disarm skill for Interlude

[share][Gr]Clan Reputation Item

[share]Pvp Auto Enchant System

[share]Donators skills

Dropped enchanted items from mobs

Disable weapon for classes v.2 (aCis)

[share] Rec Item

[sHARE]Subclass maximum lvl 85

[share] Any subclas on any Grand Master

[RE-SHARE] Interlude Admin Panel

[share]Level Reward System

[share]Announce Hero Login

[sHARE]Hero skill for subclass in a different way!

[share] Custom Starting GoldBar

[share]Mob Counting System

[updated][share]Screen Message!(No Client Modding)

[share][GR]Ευκαιρία leader να βοηθησει τα members του κανοντας απλα Pvp

[sHARE]No item consumption

[sHARE] Noblesse Custom Item

[sHARE] Interlude Retail Olympiad

[share] Change class without go to cat

[sHARE] Disabled Attribute system

[share]Custom Max Level

[share] Normal Players Can Equip Hero Weapons

[share] Announce Hero,Noble,GM,Donator,New Char In Login

Share Custom Tattoo's

Share][Custom Class Master] /*Java*/

[share]Change Respawn Location

[share] Quake PvP Announce me Effect!

[share]Chance augument skill and glow

[share]Namer System.

[share]Custom Enchant System

[share]Add Exp And Sp At Pvp!!!

[Guide] Announcement spawn Raid boss.

[share]Enchant Hero Weapons

[share] name server on restart

[share - L2JFrozen]Server Name On Server Time On Start!

[share]Starting custom items

[share]Custom PvP Related Hero Status + Announce including

[share]Hero reward for pvps

[share] Change Spawn For New Characters (l2jfree)

[share] Color Community Board

[share] Teleport to other player for an item

[share]Mana Potion in pvp

[share]Startings Buffs

[share] Custom Jail Quest

[share]Clan lvl 9 & 10 for IL

[share] Crystal/Blessed Scrolls Max Enchant

[share]Don't Remove Buffs On Death

[sHARE] Custom starting lvl

[share] Java Code LvL 80 SubClass

Fake PCs, NPCs as PCs[Hi5 100%]

[share]Restore HP,MP,CP

[share] Damage configuration, Useful for PvP Servers

[share]If you have this item you will get double XP

[share] /unstuck teleports you in ADEN

[share][iL]Fireworks & Social Action (victory) When Login! & Enchant Announce

[share][Freya] Killing Spree

[share]Anti buff shield

[sHARE] PC Bang Points]

[share] Configurable GM Message !!



L2j Freya Scheme Buffer.JAVA

Fully working AIO buff system

[share] Sell Buff System

[share] Simple instanced buffer.

[share] Script Buffer For Interlude

[share]Core Buffer

[share] Sell Buff System Interlude (L2jFrozen.948)



[share]Voiced Command Buffer!

[share] Name Colors with Command ¦

[share] SetTeam Admin Command

[share]Vote for the next auto event

[GR][share].yes .no voting System

[share]sit,stand,rangesit,rangestand admin commands

[share]Join and leave olympiad commands

[share]Voiced Command .heal .cancel!!

[share]Grand Bosses Commands

[share] .levelup and .leveldown command

[share]Voiced Command Buffer!

[sHARE].earthquake command

[share].help VoicedCommand

[share] Vote Buff .rewardme Command

[sHARE]VoiceCommand .teleport [place]

[share] Admin voiced command //recallall

[share] Admin Command Mass Hero

[share] .cl voice command - Teleports you to your clan leader

[share][GR].giran Teleport Command! Interlude

[share].increasepvp command!

[share] .nobless Voiced Command

[share].pvp Voice Command

[share]Give Item voiced command

[Guide] .info Voice command handler - L2JFREE

[share].reward VoiceCommand

[share] DressMe command + VCH in bypass

Comand .Dressme for weapon and armor.

[share] Gear Command - v1 , soon v2 coming out!

[share][updated] Transformation Voiced Command [iL]

[share] Vote For The Server Restart

[share] Online Players Voiced Command for L2J (Updated) !

[share]Blessed Soe In Command!

[share] .stat Voice Command - Info about target

[share][Freya] TvT Commands



[share]Hopzone & topzone vote reward system.

[share]New HOPZONE vote reward system

[GR][sHARE]Vote Reward System[FREYA]!!

[JAVA][HOT] Multiple site support vote reward system

[ Share ] Hi5 Vote Reward configurable [ Topzone - Hopzone ]

[share]AutoVoteReward Topzone

[share] Freya HoP/ToP Zone Vote Reward

[share-Gift] HopZone Vote Reward [iT]



[L2J Contest - Share] Triple TvT Event

[share] Event Engine

[L2J Contest - Share] Raid Event - Interlude

[share]LastHero Event

[share] Automatic Quiz Event

[share] Quiz Event

[share] DeathMatch Event

[share] Last Man Standing Event

[share] Phoenix Engine

[share]TVT Kill Reward

[share][GR]Αυτοματο Hidden Drop Event

[share] Event is a capture of base

[share]PvP Event(Semi auto).

[share]PC Bang Points Event

[share] Automized GvE Event Engine



[sHARE] Kino

[share]L2jSigmo's Casino

[sHARE] Casino Mafia by Ovenus



















[share Interlude ]Pack of Weapons By SkySkase

[share] Black Vesper Armor + Weapons [interlude] By Avenger Fail

[share][interlude] Chaos Vesper By Grr

[share] Titanium Armor ( Freya ) By Pape90

[share][interlude] Ixion Armor By Grr

[share] Dark Knight Armor (Interlude) By Grr

[share] Ixion Armor Set {H5/Freya} *Updated* By d0ds™

[share] Tauti Celestial Armor [interlude By Avenger Fail

[sHARE] Lady's Fan*Lady's Fan {IL} By Stefoulis15

[share] Dinasty Pyro Weapons [iL] By NeferTiti

[share]Silver Platinum Armor[interlude] By Dev

[share]Ice Armor ]Gracia Final[ By Devangell™

[share] Olympus Armor Set (all races) Full Pack {Freya-H5} By d0ds™

[share] Poseidon Armor - Cold Soul Set{Freya/H5} By d0ds™

[share] Black Chaotic Weapons [CT2.5] By CriticalError

[share] Celestial Weapon "Caladbolg" for CT2.5 By Jøker

[share]All L2Pride Weapon(s) - Armors.[iL] By NewDivide

[share][interlude]All Ixion Weapons to C6 By johnscott

[share][High 5]Aion Bow Xeon By I-LeO-I

[share] Embryo Weapons {Freya/H5} By d0ds™

[share]Vesper Cyber weapons[Ct2.3] By Devangell™


Μπράβο σου Βάγγο.. Συνέχισε έτσι.. Αν μπορούσα θα σου έδινα +1 κάρμα. Φυσικά πιστεύω να γίνει stiky!


Μπράβο σου Βάγγο.. Συνέχισε έτσι.. Αν μπορούσα θα σου έδινα +1 κάρμα. Φυσικά πιστεύω να γίνει stiky!

+1 gia sticky



Μπράβο σου Βάγγο.. Συνέχισε έτσι.. Αν μπορούσα θα σου έδινα +1 κάρμα. Φυσικά πιστεύω να γίνει stiky!

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