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Shall Maxcheaters.com use it?  

128 members have voted

  1. 1. Shall Maxcheaters.com use it?

    • Yes
    • No

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snap, telling opinions is now considered trolling? this optimism on the first days of promote, you will see over 1-2 months what I'm talking about, same I told to bonjovi ;D

This happens to every new moderator.

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Unlike you, I am trying to encourage improvements.

So if all you have to add is your pathetic trolling, then just get out of this thread and don't visit it again.

you must be new here.

I tried 4 years.

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snap, telling opinions is now considered trolling? this optimism on the first days of promote, you will see over 1-2 months what I'm talking about, same I told to bonjovi ;D


"you must be new here" is not considered an opinion.

It's no optimism, neither is it enthusiasm. It's support I offer.

This doesn't need to be added, but I talked to him and I firmly believe should the community choose so, then this change will be made.

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It's perfect so my answer is




















































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"you must be new here" is not considered an opinion.

It's no optimism, neither is it enthusiasm. It's support I offer.

This doesn't need to be added, but I talked to him and I firmly believe should the community choose so, then this change will be made.

too late, he should have made changes 1-2 years ago when there were like 450 members + 450 guests active, if he eventually does changes it because he still wants to keep this alive in order to let the money still come. Because... if no money forum close and Maxtor WILL BE FORCED TO GET A JOB ! DAFUQ !! ;D

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