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i can say it's the best i have seen from you so far , i think you read an tutorial about the flow :) , well done text also looks nice .

Νot exactly, i have read lot tutorials about effects and all are with different styles ;3

Well I just try make a signature with something mine.

I start the signature from "0". ( I read again a tutorial for one effect but nothing else)

Thanks for the good words i believe my skills level up step step :)




I don't want to be the bad guy but dafuq epimethus.Where did u see the flow or the good text

he has no flow but he makes a try i should've mention it better , btw text isn't really hq and good but it fits very well :|

I would say that the good blending is harder.Flow is a just a good direction.


/off final, the blending it's just some tools. Not something hard. Otherwise, flow it's hard to apply in one signature. It needs think how you do it and what you are going to do for one nice flow.


/on zelan, you must move on from this style. Try to learn new things.


U thing that blending is an easy part.Then w/o offense why almost your tags are unblended?


Not all my tags.


Well FinalGod i think you believe you are pro/GFX in phothoshop :/

I don't say you are bad but i never have seen a good post from you in a newbie ;3

Anyway i don't say something bad from, you just what i see...

That's all anyway thanks for you check my try:$



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