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classic Lineage 2 - Fallen World, Midrate, Never seen before features. SOON™

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Website: http://l2fallenworld.com

Forums: http://board.l2fallenworld.com

ETA Launch: Server is still under heavy development, ETA: End of August/Early September.


Fallen World is unlike any other server you have seen before, this is not just "another server". We are unique in many ways, just read the features and see for yourself!


Unique Leveling, Custom Storyline Quests!

When you enter our world you will get a letter from an 'Unnamed Bard' and he will be your mentor throughout the storyline who will help you discover towns, areas and other features!

The story is about the war between Prince Houses(Akuma, Dragon, Raven, Wolf, Bear) for world domination. This is a short story with a sequel. We continue the storyline each month, adding three or more quests to the storyline!


Profession System:

We have a special profession system where you are able to gather collectable materials to use in alchemy and cooking and also you can tame your own personal pets.

93183b11dd5c4000a129f9d.pngAlchemy: You are able to create potions and elixirs for your journey.

c16fecc8683d4bd39aa4be0.pngCooking: You are able to cook foods drinks and other supplies for your journey.

9de014b0be184dd19bef820.pngTaming: Everyone wants those awesome little pets and evolve them into fierce companions! With taming you can do just that.



What is Collecting?:

Collecting is the first profession, all over the world there are plants, wood, ores in which you can gather and use for other professions or enchant your armors and weapons.



How can I get items? (A-Grade to S84-Grade)


There are four ways to get items on Fallen World.


Forgemaster) First is the most simple but most expensive way for the laziest ones. We have Armor and Weapon Forgemasters in the biggest towns, so you can collect the materials for them and for some Adena they craft your armors and weapons.


Phantom Chests) The second way is for the adventurist. There are Phantom Chests spawned in each area and you only need to find and open them. You can buy Phantom Keys in the merchants.


Raid Bosses) The third way is for the party players. We have strong Raidbosses with high chance of dropping armor and weapon drop.


Crafting) The fourth way is the classical dwarven way, the difference are the materials and recipes. We have our own materials and recipes. Materials have global drop with a low chance, and also you can salvage your armors or weapons to gain extra materials, if you don’t use them anymore or simply you don’t need them.


How can I get Elite items?(Please read the red print.)

I left for the last: the elite weapon and armor set. This requires two special materials dropped in a special instance. This set can be only crafted by the Legendary Forgemaster inside the elite instance.


NOTICE: Many people might say, "Unbalanced customs". IF so, your wrong, our CUSTOM set has the exact same bonus's as Elegia, with just a small boost in P.Def on armors and P.Atk/M.Atk on the weapons.

Interested in seeing the Epic items? See our Gallery:




Ever wish you could just jump into the air and fly off into the breeze with your character? Forget about taking a Castle or Fortress so you can -beep-t a wyvern. Here you are able to fly! Of course there are restrictions such as no fliying during PvP/Olympiad, and flying has a time limit.




The Enchantsmith is a very popular merchant, he can enhance your gear but of course with a cost.


Enchanting Information & Rates:

  • If enchant fails, it returns to +0, it will never break using the Enchantsmith.
  • graded.gifD-Grade: 90% Success Rate
  • gradec.gifC-Grade: 88% Success Rate
  • gradeb.gifB-Grade: 86% Success Rate
  • gradea.gifA-Grade: 85% Success Rate
  • grades.gifS-Grade: 80% Success Rate
  • s80g.pngS80-Grade: 75% Success Rate
  • s84.pngS84-Grade: 70% Success Rate

What are the Rates:?


Grade-Dependent Exp. Rates:

  • gradeng.gifNo-Grade: 25x
  • graded.gifD-Grade: 30x
  • gradec.gifC-Grade: 35x
  • gradeb.gifB-Grade: 40x
  • gradea.gifA-Grade: 45x
  • grades.gifS-Grade: 50x



Grade-Dependent SP Rates:

  • gradeng.gifNo-Grade EXP: 12.5x
  • graded.gifD-Grade: 15x
  • gradec.gifC-Grade: 17.5x
  • gradeb.gifB-Grade: 20x
  • gradea.gifA-Grade: 22.5x
  • grades.gifS-Grade: 25x


  • Pet Experience: 80x
  • Party Experience: 20%
  • Party Skill Points: 20%
  • Adena: 50x
  • Drop Items: Unique rate, see in-game drop calculator NPC or shift-click on monster.
  • Vitality Bonus (Level 1): +15%
  • Vitality Bonus (Level 2): +20%
  • Vitality Bonus (Level 3): +25%
  • Vitality Bonus (Level 4): +30%



Note: Not all of Fallen World's unique features are listed here, you can find out more by staying tuned and visiting or forums!

  • 2 weeks later...

Good luck with you server i hope thats not another fail server.



Thanks. Soon I announce a closed-beta week, if you want to join register on forum and PM me.

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