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Any guide for taric as a support?


Im taking the 2 items for gold,and then boost my health . The other items are based of my enemies and sometimes for CD.


Can some1 help me with this?


Taric is only  played as a support in the current meta, so you have to build gps items and auras. You can build Mercury/Tabi/Mobility/Ionian or even Sorc sometimes for boots, Philo Stone -> Shurelia's, Heart of Gold -> Solari or Randuin's (Randuin's is usually built by your top or jungler though), Aegis of the Legion (your top or jungler might want to build this so ask them before wasting your money), Zeke's Herald. More rarely you might build Frozen Heart (Ask your top or jungler if they're gonna build it, so that you  won 't have 2 debuff auras for no reason), Abyssal Scepter (Ask your mid/top/jungler) and Will of the Ancients, which is not much of a defensive item and usually built by mid or solo top mages like Vlad. Also, you need to buy wards and Oracle's. Don't forget that as support you're useful even without items.


Taric makes  good lane combos with burst AD carries (especially Graves).


For solo q I use 9/0/21 masteries, Flash/Exhaust for summoner Spells and Magic Pen. reds, flat armor yellows, flat AP blues and flat AP quints for Runes.



Skill order: R>W>Q>E. Get E at lvl 1 and max it last.


I usually take Ionian boots, Philo Stone -> Shurelia's, Heart of Gold -> Solari or Randuin's, Aegis of the Legion more often than Zeke's Herald , Frozen Heart or warsmoths .When i got back to base i buy 2 wards and Oracle's when our jungle obvious fail.


I use only utility's masteries cuz im 20lvl atm, Exhaust/ flast or heal sometimes for summoner Spells.


My skills are upgrading as you tell me.


I usually take Ionian boots, Philo Stone -> Shurelia's, Heart of Gold -> Solari or Randuin's, Aegis of the Legion more often than Zeke's Herald , Frozen Heart or warsmoths .When i got back to base i buy 2 wards and Oracle's when our jungle obvious fail.


I use only utility's masteries cuz im 20lvl atm, Exhaust/ flast or heal sometimes for summoner Spells.


My skills are upgrading as you tell me.


Warmogs is too expensive and pointless to have on Taric.


Also wards and Oracle's is the support's priority since it is much less gold dependant.


i might be the forum's best Taric



lvl 1 E

lvl2-3 W

lvl4 Q


max W for max burst

then max Q for some heal

last stun


i start with faerie charm 4 wards 1 pot or 3 wards 2-3 pots depends on enemy team




1st time back  boot ,wards, pots(for stun purposes)

2nd time back philosopher + ruby crystall (for HoG or kindlegem)


then i build Zekes and after it Aegis



i might be the forum's best Taric



lvl 1 E

lvl2-3 W

lvl4 Q


max W for max burst

then max Q for some heal

last stun


i start with faerie charm 4 wards 1 pot or 3 wards 2-3 pots depends on enemy team




1st time back  boot ,wards, pots(for stun purposes)

2nd time back philosopher + ruby crystall (for HoG or kindlegem)


then i build Zekes and after it Aegis



atm im low lvl and i dont see so many gangs from the first minutes,so i start using wards after 6minutes or something..


Your guide as i see is when we fight with 30lvl and all got jungler.


As i see,noone of u use something for life boost? I think its need it at the battle...


Btw noble,what about masteries/runes ?


atm im low lvl and i dont see so many gangs from the first minutes,so i start using wards after 6minutes or something..


Your guide as i see is when we fight with 30lvl and all got jungler.


As i see,noone of u use something for life boost? I think its need it at the battle...


Btw noble,what about masteries/runes ?

well, to tell you the truth, trying to support in a game without jungler, most times means its a low game, and your AD wont be even able to carry

In this case i wouldnt even play taric ,atleast the way fortuna/noble say for now


First of all, find a sunergy with your mate at bot. So he knows when you are going in, to follow.

Taric can burst down a target to 50% hp by his own without items, if he follows you dominate the lane


About the build, i would recommend Aegis of protection, Shurelias and a Frozen Heart. You could also build some AP(Deathfire grasp, abysall scepter if ur team needs it)




atm im low lvl and i dont see so many gangs from the first minutes,so i start using wards after 6minutes or something..

Your guide as i see is when we fight with 30lvl and all got jungler.

As i see,noone of u use something for life boost? I think its need it at the battle...

Btw noble,what about masteries/runes ?

Taric gets enough HP and becomes really tanky cuz he is a melee support.

i use these Runes (So rich is the rune page name i ve given)

i dont really use armor seals since his W gives enormous armor enough to tank turrets at 4 lvl and tower dive easily allowing your carry to get the kill.so i prefer the gold for wards etc.


my Build consists Zekes,Aegis,Solari,boots and situational items like WotA,Scepter,Frozenheart,Shurelias


with the Zekes and Aegis ONLY my HP is 2700 at lvl 14-15


the masteries i use are Masteries (i called them Leona) cuz it is the same setup i use for taric and leona

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