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Some ppl that have the knowledge of l2 developing forgot how it was to play a real l2 server not for a week but for years and all of those fail attempts show me that ........


And the point of this?


What do you do on a server like this?


PvP =/= High rate.


High Rate is just easier to get items. It doesn't promote PvP.



And the majority of what you said is what people "developers" (non worthy of name except a few) actually do.


This is just more evidence to retarded well established standards of what people think L2 should be.


And it shouldn't be like this. A server like this would live 1 week like the others...


1:Dont put customs weapons/armors/tattos etc u will make a full unbalance server.

Putting custom stuff doesn't mean the game will be unbalanced. It's mostly the 12 years old "developers" who found something on the internet and add it because it looks cool. Custom can be very well balanced if you spend time on it.

2:Ok its a high rate server must be easy but no 10 min farm and u are Full++.

A High Rate Server doesn't HAVE to be easy. Its all  preferences and settings which most people use. Lazy people.

3:Buff slots must be max 38  because server will be more balance.

No. Buff slots don't determine how balanced a server is. I can create a single buff with +54756245234 stats and allow only 1 buff slot. You as a developer should know what buffs you allow your players to get and what these buffs give.

4:About Ls put three types of them so rate will be something like this : 5%/10%/15%

Like you would ever buy anything else than top grade LS... It's not just "put this and put that into the game", you also need something built around it, not just brainlessly add stuff. Can you please tell me exactly why you want lifestones with lower chances if you want an easy high rate server, where most people get their LS from the shop or by killing T-rexes for the top LS?

5:Dont put boss jewels at shops killing an rb is so nice and have much pvp!

Most RB kills happen while other people are not around. A clan which gets the gear first and the numbers to kill a raid, controls the raid spawning time. If anything, then either put upgraded "raid boss jewels" or custom jewels or take measures to let everyone know when a raid will spawn.

6:Donation system be fair for other normal players dont give active skills just have donate for 2++ more for weapons/armor/jewels for them

Donation shouldn't give power to players. It should only make life easier for donators.

7:About colour sytem dont make a circus server in 50 pvp blue name 100 yellow its bad!!

I agree with that, somebody started adding colors after a certain PvP and now every server has it... BE MORE UNIQUE PEOPLE!

8:Dont give items to friends/girlfriends/family members etc .....

This should be obvious, if the person wants to run a server and its also common sense that corruption = bad.

9:Put some TvTs with good prices and make them to be every 3 hours or something like this.

"Or something like this". I like how you are too lazy to end your own thought process properly but you expect others to create the perfect server. Bad servers exist because people think similar... "or something like this".

10:Be nice with players and dont ban them if they had bad behaviour just ban if they use bugs.

Ban should never be an option unless the player does something game-breaking or wants to harm the server.

11:I think farm system should based on adena.

I disagree and agree with you at the same time. Adena as a main currency in insane a-beep-ts is boring as hell. It exists for several years already. There should be unique currencies on a unique server. But on the other hand if there is a well thought-out system around adena it could bring life into an old boring system.

12:Dont make 10 farm areas u just need a safe zone for newbies and a big farm/pvp zone and they must have same drops so it will be fair for all.

Safe zone is never a good idea. Why would you join a PvP server if you can't or don't want to protect yourself? There is a game for this called "Hello Kitty Online". Or www.weareholdingyourhands.com for players who can't make a step in L2 without crying their hearts out.

13:xp should be x400-600

Depends on how the leveling works, there are so many different possiblities than just setting an XP rate.

14:dont put clan managers /reputation coin and other shits like this .

15:clan system it would be nice to be retail.

16:raidbosses respawn should be every 6 hours or something like this.

Again... "or something like this". Are you giving suggestions or simply guessing?

17:enchant system must be little easy like normal/bless/crystall - 70%/85%/100% bless must be easy to get.

18:Every players should have only ONE skill active or passive.

Or no augment skills at all?

19:Try to make classes the most balance u can.

And this can only happen if you are willing to spend time on balance. And please, DO THAT! The easiest way to balance classes out is to call a friend, log in with 2 characters which are used the most in PvP and simply even them out and the rest of the classes accordingly. If you think things are getting out of hand in terms of defense or damage, you can always nerf buffs, passives, etc...


And the point of this?


What do you do on a server like this?


PvP =/= High rate.


High Rate is just easier to get items. It doesn't promote PvP.



And the majority of what you said is what people "developers" (non worthy of name except a few) actually do.


This is just more evidence to retarded well established standards of what people think L2 should be.


And it shouldn't be like this. A server like this would live 1 week like the others...

cant agree with that, High Rate = getting max level faster.

So almost everybody(except ppl that just joined server) are max level, but it doesnt mean that they will have nothing to do. There are milion possibilities of what players can achieve in game, without system of leveling your char.

If there are few players on low rate server, this server sucks coz there are a looot of areas, players are spread around whole lineage world coz they have got different levels, this problem doesnt exist that much on high rates where ppl are mostly in same areas.

I cant really understand mid rates, for example leveling to max takes players whole day. Why admin wants players to level up for whole day in empty areas, just getting new items that GM SHOP provide, and players is just thinking what he will do after getting max level, this whole day is just waste of his time.



With I could have said it better.


Unfinished train of thought built on prehistoric idea of perfectando servando.


This topic needs to burn and end up in Ron Jeremy's arm pit.


With I could have said it better.


Unfinished train of thought built on prehistoric idea of perfectando servando.


This topic needs to burn and end up in Ron Jeremy's arm pit.


We shouldn't be hating on the OP, since all he wanted to do is to help future servers with some of his ideas, even if they weren't as helpful as he wanted them to be. I'm sure he tried his best, it's also not easy to see whats on the other side of the forest, as long as the trees are in the way. (incompetent people spamming incompetent stuff, misleading the community and standing inbetween real knowledge and the brain-dead stuff people are used to spam all over L2 and it's forums.)


There are a few people out there who know a lot about L2 and are also able to think outside the box, but they are lacking resources. Either financially or the needed technical knowledge. If there would be some way to give these people the opportunity to contribute somewhere...


We shouldn't be hating on the OP, since all he wanted to do is to help future servers with some of his ideas, even if they weren't as helpful as he wanted them to be. I'm sure he tried his best, it's also not easy to see whats on the other side of the forest, as long as the trees are in the way. (incompetent people spamming incompetent stuff, misleading the community and standing inbetween real knowledge and the brain-dead stuff people are used to spam all over L2 and it's forums.)


There are a few people out there who know a lot about L2 and are also able to think outside the box, but they are lacking resources. Either financially or the needed technical knowledge. If there would be some way to give these people the opportunity to contribute somewhere...

He deserves it full out.

Help or no help, it's hard to consider this a personal opinion, because this opinion is common through out a lot of people. Add insult to injury - it's no different than any other server coming into existence every day.


The only thing he is doing is encouraging servers where you level up and leave.


i make this post because i want to play some l2 not for 1 week but for years ..... my point is to make some ppl who knows about how to create servers to think like a player maybe they know everything about developing but they dont know nothing about how l2 gaming should be ...... so much fail attempts of pro developers show me that they forget their selfs when they played l2 like normal players and everyone talks that ppl need something new for me this is a shit i want something like old servers (bnb/echokinetics/whiteEagle and other servers) and i made mistake that i said about high rate servers i dont care if it is high rate and u are right my advices maybe are sucks but i am so confused .....I WANT TO PLAY A REAL SERVER !!!


i make this post because i want to play some l2 not for 1 week but for years ..... my point is to make some ppl who knows about how to create servers to think like a player maybe they know everything about developing but they dont know nothing about how l2 gaming should be ...... so much fail attempts of pro developers show me that they forget their selfs when they played l2 like normal players and everyone talks that ppl need something new for me this is a shit i want something like old servers (bnb/echokinetics/whiteEagle and other servers) and i made mistake that i said about high rate servers i dont care if it is high rate and u are right my advices maybe are sucks but i am so confused .....I WANT TO PLAY A REAL SERVER !!!

You are not specific.

You are not certain.

You have barely any idea of what you even want.


All you want is just something generic.

"something like" is everywhere in your post.



Well, here is something like what you asked. A whole 50 servers per day:



And who plays them? Yeah - NOT YOU.


So yeah, L2 DOES need something new.

Because point me at people who can be arsed to level/farm/raid.

Any server I go to it's oly whoring.

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