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  • 4 weeks later...

I have this problem what fix do i need for it?




I wait for some replyes... thanks!


Ur problem is self explainbable you must adapt it to work for your pack.

As i said you in the pm there is no column  "respawn_min_delay" thats why you are getting this error.

  • 4 weeks later...

i have 6 errors i think they are simple ones but since i'm just beginner level i can't handle them so if you cant share some time help me i will be greateful















I dont think that u imported correct, try again u missing stuff.

ok i will try to import everything manual


I started to import everthing and all was fine till i go to PostBBManager.java so here it is


* Copyright (C) 2004-2013 L2J Server
* This file is part of L2J Server.
* L2J Server is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* L2J Server is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.l2jserver.gameserver.communitybbs.Manager;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import javolution.util.FastMap;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.communitybbs.BB.Forum;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.communitybbs.BB.Post;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.communitybbs.BB.Post.CPost;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.communitybbs.BB.Topic;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ShowBoard;
import com.l2jserver.util.StringUtil;

public class PostBBSManager extends BaseBBSManager
private final Map<Topic, Post> _postByTopic = new FastMap<>();

public Post getGPosttByTopic(Topic t)
	Post post = _postByTopic.get(t);
	if (post == null)
		post = new Post(t);
		_postByTopic.put(t, post);
	return post;

 * @param t
public void delPostByTopic(Topic t)

public void addPostByTopic(Post p, Topic t)
	if (_postByTopic.get(t) == null)
		_postByTopic.put(t, p);

public void parsecmd(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar)
	if (command.startsWith("_bbsposts;read;"))
		StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, ";");
		int idf = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
		int idp = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
		String index = null;
		if (st.hasMoreTokens())
			index = st.nextToken();
		int ind = 0;
		if (index == null)
			ind = 1;
			ind = Integer.parseInt(index);

		showPost((TopicBBSManager.getInstance().getTopicByID(idp)), ForumsBBSManager.getInstance().getForumByID(idf), activeChar, ind);
	else if (command.startsWith("_bbsposts;edit;"))
		StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, ";");
		int idf = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
		int idt = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
		int idp = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
		showEditPost((TopicBBSManager.getInstance().getTopicByID(idt)), ForumsBBSManager.getInstance().getForumByID(idf), activeChar, idp);
		ShowBoard sb = new ShowBoard("<html><body><br><br><center>the command: " + command + " is not implemented yet</center><br><br></body></html>", "101");
		activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "102"));
		activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103"));

 * @param topic
 * @param forum
 * @param activeChar
 * @param idp
private void showEditPost(Topic topic, Forum forum, L2PcInstance activeChar, int idp)
	Post p = getGPosttByTopic(topic);
	if ((forum == null) || (topic == null) || (p == null))
		ShowBoard sb = new ShowBoard("<html><body><br><br><center>Error, this forum, topic or post does not exit !</center><br><br></body></html>", "101");
		activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "102"));
		activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103"));
		showHtmlEditPost(topic, activeChar, forum, p);

 * @param topic
 * @param forum
 * @param activeChar
 * @param ind
private void showPost(Topic topic, Forum forum, L2PcInstance activeChar, int ind)
	if ((forum == null) || (topic == null))
		ShowBoard sb = new ShowBoard("<html><body><br><br><center>Error, this forum is not implemented yet</center><br><br></body></html>", "101");
		activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "102"));
		activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103"));
	else if (forum.getType() == Forum.MEMO)
		showMemoPost(topic, activeChar, forum);
		ShowBoard sb = new ShowBoard("<html><body><br><br><center>the forum: " + forum.getName() + " is not implemented yet</center><br><br></body></html>", "101");
		activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "102"));
		activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103"));

 * @param topic
 * @param activeChar
 * @param forum
 * @param p
private void showHtmlEditPost(Topic topic, L2PcInstance activeChar, Forum forum, Post p)
	final String html = StringUtil.concat("<html><body><br><br><table border=0 width=610><tr><td width=10></td><td width=600 align=left><a action=\"bypass _bbshome\">HOME</a> > <a action=\"bypass _bbsmemo\">", forum.getName(), " Form</a></td></tr></table><img src=\"L2UI.squareblank\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\"><center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td width=610><img src=\"sek.cbui355\" width=\"610\" height=\"1\"><br1><img src=\"sek.cbui355\" width=\"610\" height=\"1\"></td></tr></table><table fixwidth=610 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><img src=\"l2ui.mini_logo\" width=5 height=20></td></tr><tr><td><img src=\"l2ui.mini_logo\" width=5 height=1></td><td align=center FIXWIDTH=60 height=29>&$413;</td><td FIXWIDTH=540>", topic.getName(), "</td><td><img src=\"l2ui.mini_logo\" width=5 height=1></td></tr></table><table fixwidth=610 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><img src=\"l2ui.mini_logo\" width=5 height=10></td></tr><tr><td><img src=\"l2ui.mini_logo\" width=5 height=1></td><td align=center FIXWIDTH=60 height=29 valign=top>&$427;</td><td align=center FIXWIDTH=540><MultiEdit var =\"Content\" width=535 height=313></td><td><img src=\"l2ui.mini_logo\" width=5 height=1></td></tr><tr><td><img src=\"l2ui.mini_logo\" width=5 height=10></td></tr></table><table fixwidth=610 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><img src=\"l2ui.mini_logo\" width=5 height=10></td></tr><tr><td><img src=\"l2ui.mini_logo\" width=5 height=1></td><td align=center FIXWIDTH=60 height=29> </td><td align=center FIXWIDTH=70><button value=\"&$140;\" action=\"Write Post ", String.valueOf(forum.getID()), ";", String.valueOf(topic.getID()), ";0 _ Content Content Content\" back=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2_down\" width=65 height=20 fore=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2\" ></td><td align=center FIXWIDTH=70><button value = \"&$141;\" action=\"bypass _bbsmemo\" back=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2_down\" width=65 height=20 fore=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2\"> </td><td align=center FIXWIDTH=400> </td><td><img src=\"l2ui.mini_logo\" width=5 height=1></td></tr></table></center></body></html>");
	send1001(html, activeChar);
	send1002(activeChar, p.getCPost(0).postTxt, topic.getName(), DateFormat.getInstance().format(new Date(topic.getDate())));

 * @param topic
 * @param activeChar
 * @param forum
private void showMemoPost(Topic topic, L2PcInstance activeChar, Forum forum)
	Post p = getGPosttByTopic(topic);
	Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
	DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, locale);

	String mes = p.getCPost(0).postTxt.replace(">", ">");
	mes = mes.replace("<", "<");

	final String html = StringUtil.concat("<html><body><br><br><table border=0 width=610><tr><td width=10></td><td width=600 align=left><a action=\"bypass _bbshome\">HOME</a> > <a action=\"bypass _bbsmemo\">Memo Form</a></td></tr></table><img src=\"L2UI.squareblank\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\"><center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 bgcolor=333333><tr><td height=10></td></tr><tr><td fixWIDTH=55 align=right valign=top>&$413; :  </td><td fixWIDTH=380 valign=top>", topic.getName(), "</td><td fixwidth=5></td><td fixwidth=50></td><td fixWIDTH=120></td></tr><tr><td height=10></td></tr><tr><td align=right><font color=\"AAAAAA\" >&$417; :  </font></td><td><font color=\"AAAAAA\">", topic.getOwnerName() + "</font></td><td></td><td><font color=\"AAAAAA\">&$418; :</font></td><td><font color=\"AAAAAA\">", dateFormat.format(p.getCPost(0).postDate), "</font></td></tr><tr><td height=10></td></tr></table><br><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td fixwidth=5></td><td FIXWIDTH=600 align=left>", mes, "</td><td fixqqwidth=5></td></tr></table><br><img src=\"L2UI.squareblank\" width=\"1\" height=\"5\"><img src=\"L2UI.squaregray\" width=\"610\" height=\"1\"><img src=\"L2UI.squareblank\" width=\"1\" height=\"5\"><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 FIXWIDTH=610><tr><td width=50><button value=\"&$422;\" action=\"bypass _bbsmemo\" back=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2_down\" width=65 height=20 fore=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2\"></td><td width=560 align=right><table border=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td FIXWIDTH=300></td><td><button value = \"&$424;\" action=\"bypass _bbsposts;edit;", String.valueOf(forum.getID()), ";", String.valueOf(topic.getID()), ";0\" back=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2_down\" width=65 height=20 fore=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2\" ></td> <td><button value = \"&$425;\" action=\"bypass _bbstopics;del;", String.valueOf(forum.getID()), ";", String.valueOf(topic.getID()), "\" back=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2_down\" width=65 height=20 fore=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2\" ></td> <td><button value = \"&$421;\" action=\"bypass _bbstopics;crea;", String.valueOf(forum.getID()), "\" back=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2_down\" width=65 height=20 fore=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2\" ></td> </tr></table></td></tr></table><br><br><br></center></body></html>");
	separateAndSend(html, activeChar);

public void parsewrite(String ar1, String ar2, String ar3, String ar4, String ar5, L2PcInstance activeChar)
	StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(ar1, ";");
	int idf = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
	int idt = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
	int idp = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());

	Forum f = ForumsBBSManager.getInstance().getForumByID(idf);
	if (f == null)
		ShowBoard sb = new ShowBoard("<html><body><br><br><center>the forum: " + idf + " does not exist !</center><br><br></body></html>", "101");
		activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "102"));
		activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103"));
		Topic t = f.getTopic(idt);
		if (t == null)
			ShowBoard sb = new ShowBoard("<html><body><br><br><center>the topic: " + idt + " does not exist !</center><br><br></body></html>", "101");
			activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "102"));
			activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103"));
			final Post p = getGPosttByTopic(t);
			if (p != null)
				final CPost cp = p.getCPost(idp);
				if (cp == null)
					ShowBoard sb = new ShowBoard("<html><body><br><br><center>the post: " + idp + " does not exist !</center><br><br></body></html>", "101");
					activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "102"));
					activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103"));
					p.getCPost(idp).postTxt = ar4;
					parsecmd("_bbsposts;read;" + f.getID() + ";" + t.getID(), activeChar);

public static PostBBSManager getInstance()
	return SingletonHolder._instance;

private static class SingletonHolder
	protected static final PostBBSManager _instance = new PostBBSManager();


so my problem is for example in the patch file -> http://pastebin.com/uv05MBpr

-      protected PostBBSManager()

+      public static PostBBSManager getInstance()

that means i have to delete the first one and instead coppy the second but there are no

protected PostBBSManager() in my java  :rage:


sooo can anyone check my file and give me some hints how to fix it.


PS: i use L2jSERVER and DATAPACK unstable revision


here is the link to FroumsBBSManager.java from l2jserver svn is the same


ok i will try to import everything manual


I started to import everthing and all was fine till i go to PostBBManager.java so here it is


* Copyright (C) 2004-2013 L2J Server
* This file is part of L2J Server.
* L2J Server is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* L2J Server is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.l2jserver.gameserver.communitybbs.Manager;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import javolution.util.FastMap;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.communitybbs.BB.Forum;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.communitybbs.BB.Post;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.communitybbs.BB.Post.CPost;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.communitybbs.BB.Topic;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ShowBoard;
import com.l2jserver.util.StringUtil;

public class PostBBSManager extends BaseBBSManager
private final Map<Topic, Post> _postByTopic = new FastMap<>();

public Post getGPosttByTopic(Topic t)
	Post post = _postByTopic.get(t);
	if (post == null)
		post = new Post(t);
		_postByTopic.put(t, post);
	return post;

 * @param t
public void delPostByTopic(Topic t)

public void addPostByTopic(Post p, Topic t)
	if (_postByTopic.get(t) == null)
		_postByTopic.put(t, p);

public void parsecmd(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar)
	if (command.startsWith("_bbsposts;read;"))
		StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, ";");
		int idf = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
		int idp = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
		String index = null;
		if (st.hasMoreTokens())
			index = st.nextToken();
		int ind = 0;
		if (index == null)
			ind = 1;
			ind = Integer.parseInt(index);

		showPost((TopicBBSManager.getInstance().getTopicByID(idp)), ForumsBBSManager.getInstance().getForumByID(idf), activeChar, ind);
	else if (command.startsWith("_bbsposts;edit;"))
		StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, ";");
		int idf = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
		int idt = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
		int idp = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
		showEditPost((TopicBBSManager.getInstance().getTopicByID(idt)), ForumsBBSManager.getInstance().getForumByID(idf), activeChar, idp);
		ShowBoard sb = new ShowBoard("<html><body><br><br><center>the command: " + command + " is not implemented yet</center><br><br></body></html>", "101");
		activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "102"));
		activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103"));

 * @param topic
 * @param forum
 * @param activeChar
 * @param idp
private void showEditPost(Topic topic, Forum forum, L2PcInstance activeChar, int idp)
	Post p = getGPosttByTopic(topic);
	if ((forum == null) || (topic == null) || (p == null))
		ShowBoard sb = new ShowBoard("<html><body><br><br><center>Error, this forum, topic or post does not exit !</center><br><br></body></html>", "101");
		activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "102"));
		activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103"));
		showHtmlEditPost(topic, activeChar, forum, p);

 * @param topic
 * @param forum
 * @param activeChar
 * @param ind
private void showPost(Topic topic, Forum forum, L2PcInstance activeChar, int ind)
	if ((forum == null) || (topic == null))
		ShowBoard sb = new ShowBoard("<html><body><br><br><center>Error, this forum is not implemented yet</center><br><br></body></html>", "101");
		activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "102"));
		activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103"));
	else if (forum.getType() == Forum.MEMO)
		showMemoPost(topic, activeChar, forum);
		ShowBoard sb = new ShowBoard("<html><body><br><br><center>the forum: " + forum.getName() + " is not implemented yet</center><br><br></body></html>", "101");
		activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "102"));
		activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103"));

 * @param topic
 * @param activeChar
 * @param forum
 * @param p
private void showHtmlEditPost(Topic topic, L2PcInstance activeChar, Forum forum, Post p)
	final String html = StringUtil.concat("<html><body><br><br><table border=0 width=610><tr><td width=10></td><td width=600 align=left><a action=\"bypass _bbshome\">HOME</a> > <a action=\"bypass _bbsmemo\">", forum.getName(), " Form</a></td></tr></table><img src=\"L2UI.squareblank\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\"><center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td width=610><img src=\"sek.cbui355\" width=\"610\" height=\"1\"><br1><img src=\"sek.cbui355\" width=\"610\" height=\"1\"></td></tr></table><table fixwidth=610 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><img src=\"l2ui.mini_logo\" width=5 height=20></td></tr><tr><td><img src=\"l2ui.mini_logo\" width=5 height=1></td><td align=center FIXWIDTH=60 height=29>&$413;</td><td FIXWIDTH=540>", topic.getName(), "</td><td><img src=\"l2ui.mini_logo\" width=5 height=1></td></tr></table><table fixwidth=610 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><img src=\"l2ui.mini_logo\" width=5 height=10></td></tr><tr><td><img src=\"l2ui.mini_logo\" width=5 height=1></td><td align=center FIXWIDTH=60 height=29 valign=top>&$427;</td><td align=center FIXWIDTH=540><MultiEdit var =\"Content\" width=535 height=313></td><td><img src=\"l2ui.mini_logo\" width=5 height=1></td></tr><tr><td><img src=\"l2ui.mini_logo\" width=5 height=10></td></tr></table><table fixwidth=610 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><img src=\"l2ui.mini_logo\" width=5 height=10></td></tr><tr><td><img src=\"l2ui.mini_logo\" width=5 height=1></td><td align=center FIXWIDTH=60 height=29> </td><td align=center FIXWIDTH=70><button value=\"&$140;\" action=\"Write Post ", String.valueOf(forum.getID()), ";", String.valueOf(topic.getID()), ";0 _ Content Content Content\" back=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2_down\" width=65 height=20 fore=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2\" ></td><td align=center FIXWIDTH=70><button value = \"&$141;\" action=\"bypass _bbsmemo\" back=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2_down\" width=65 height=20 fore=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2\"> </td><td align=center FIXWIDTH=400> </td><td><img src=\"l2ui.mini_logo\" width=5 height=1></td></tr></table></center></body></html>");
	send1001(html, activeChar);
	send1002(activeChar, p.getCPost(0).postTxt, topic.getName(), DateFormat.getInstance().format(new Date(topic.getDate())));

 * @param topic
 * @param activeChar
 * @param forum
private void showMemoPost(Topic topic, L2PcInstance activeChar, Forum forum)
	Post p = getGPosttByTopic(topic);
	Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
	DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, locale);

	String mes = p.getCPost(0).postTxt.replace(">", ">");
	mes = mes.replace("<", "<");

	final String html = StringUtil.concat("<html><body><br><br><table border=0 width=610><tr><td width=10></td><td width=600 align=left><a action=\"bypass _bbshome\">HOME</a> > <a action=\"bypass _bbsmemo\">Memo Form</a></td></tr></table><img src=\"L2UI.squareblank\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\"><center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 bgcolor=333333><tr><td height=10></td></tr><tr><td fixWIDTH=55 align=right valign=top>&$413; :  </td><td fixWIDTH=380 valign=top>", topic.getName(), "</td><td fixwidth=5></td><td fixwidth=50></td><td fixWIDTH=120></td></tr><tr><td height=10></td></tr><tr><td align=right><font color=\"AAAAAA\" >&$417; :  </font></td><td><font color=\"AAAAAA\">", topic.getOwnerName() + "</font></td><td></td><td><font color=\"AAAAAA\">&$418; :</font></td><td><font color=\"AAAAAA\">", dateFormat.format(p.getCPost(0).postDate), "</font></td></tr><tr><td height=10></td></tr></table><br><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td fixwidth=5></td><td FIXWIDTH=600 align=left>", mes, "</td><td fixqqwidth=5></td></tr></table><br><img src=\"L2UI.squareblank\" width=\"1\" height=\"5\"><img src=\"L2UI.squaregray\" width=\"610\" height=\"1\"><img src=\"L2UI.squareblank\" width=\"1\" height=\"5\"><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 FIXWIDTH=610><tr><td width=50><button value=\"&$422;\" action=\"bypass _bbsmemo\" back=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2_down\" width=65 height=20 fore=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2\"></td><td width=560 align=right><table border=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td FIXWIDTH=300></td><td><button value = \"&$424;\" action=\"bypass _bbsposts;edit;", String.valueOf(forum.getID()), ";", String.valueOf(topic.getID()), ";0\" back=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2_down\" width=65 height=20 fore=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2\" ></td> <td><button value = \"&$425;\" action=\"bypass _bbstopics;del;", String.valueOf(forum.getID()), ";", String.valueOf(topic.getID()), "\" back=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2_down\" width=65 height=20 fore=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2\" ></td> <td><button value = \"&$421;\" action=\"bypass _bbstopics;crea;", String.valueOf(forum.getID()), "\" back=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2_down\" width=65 height=20 fore=\"l2ui_ch3.smallbutton2\" ></td> </tr></table></td></tr></table><br><br><br></center></body></html>");
	separateAndSend(html, activeChar);

public void parsewrite(String ar1, String ar2, String ar3, String ar4, String ar5, L2PcInstance activeChar)
	StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(ar1, ";");
	int idf = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
	int idt = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
	int idp = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());

	Forum f = ForumsBBSManager.getInstance().getForumByID(idf);
	if (f == null)
		ShowBoard sb = new ShowBoard("<html><body><br><br><center>the forum: " + idf + " does not exist !</center><br><br></body></html>", "101");
		activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "102"));
		activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103"));
		Topic t = f.getTopic(idt);
		if (t == null)
			ShowBoard sb = new ShowBoard("<html><body><br><br><center>the topic: " + idt + " does not exist !</center><br><br></body></html>", "101");
			activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "102"));
			activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103"));
			final Post p = getGPosttByTopic(t);
			if (p != null)
				final CPost cp = p.getCPost(idp);
				if (cp == null)
					ShowBoard sb = new ShowBoard("<html><body><br><br><center>the post: " + idp + " does not exist !</center><br><br></body></html>", "101");
					activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "102"));
					activeChar.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103"));
					p.getCPost(idp).postTxt = ar4;
					parsecmd("_bbsposts;read;" + f.getID() + ";" + t.getID(), activeChar);

public static PostBBSManager getInstance()
	return SingletonHolder._instance;

private static class SingletonHolder
	protected static final PostBBSManager _instance = new PostBBSManager();


so my problem is for example in the patch file -> http://pastebin.com/uv05MBpr

-      protected PostBBSManager()

+      public static PostBBSManager getInstance()

that means i have to delete the first one and instead coppy the second but there are no

protected PostBBSManager() in my java  :rage:


sooo can anyone check my file and give me some hints how to fix it.


PS: i use L2jSERVER and DATAPACK unstable revision


here is the link to FroumsBBSManager.java from l2jserver svn is the same


problem fixed


Can anyone help me please? I added all the patch to the core but havent do it for the datapack yet. still the core is giving me 1-2 errors from this:

private TopBBSManager()




this is the error i get:

[javac] Compiling 1665 source files to C:\Users\AngelyChris\Desktop\workplace\L2J_Server\build\bin

    [javac] C:\Users\AngelyChris\Desktop\workplace\L2J_Server\java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\communitybbs\Manager\TopBBSManager.java:25: error: illegal start of expression

    [javac]        private TopBBSManager()

    [javac]        ^

    [javac] C:\Users\AngelyChris\Desktop\workplace\L2J_Server\java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\communitybbs\Manager\TopBBSManager.java:25: error: ';' expected

    [javac]        private TopBBSManager()

    [javac]                              ^

    [javac] 2 errors




can anyone help me? please


@makano: You didnt import correctly, try again for that file.

Actually you are right it was a minor mistake I made while rushing when adding the patch. thanks for the support ;)
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