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I will use my saturday evening to create my thoughs about a perfect l2 world.


Following classes should be possible to use, all other classes should not be abel to pick or set their stats to 1 and remove their skills so they are useless.



Elven Elder

Shillen Elder


Dark Avenger

Tempel Knight







Phantom Ranger

Silver Ranger


Treasure Hunter

Abyss Walker

Plains Walker








We have now the classes done, lets move on.


A clan can max have 30 members and max clan level is 5.

at level 1: 5 members

level 2: 10

level 3: 15

level 4: 20

level 5: 30


A clan only have "main clan" no knight system.

A clan can by allyed with 1 other clan.

Only a clanleader can create flag and siege golem (no pig canon only the old siege golem).


First of all i'm tired of seeing 8 castles or more and every clan holding a castle and none attacking or simple castle sieges are borring cause there is no point....


There should be only 3 castles.






They are simple castles, but they are build like l2 should be.

Siege days should be different for each castle, so people that can't cause of sport play in weekends also have a chance.


Gludio: Wensday

Dion: Friday

Giran: Sunday


By winning, the clan will recieve 300 mana potions and 300 quick healling (these are not else ingame, in my version). This will give the winning clan an advantage, but not a permanent one.


The manor system should change so all seeds/crops are from 60-80.

A guide to how the manor system works should be created so even a newbie understands.


The retarde subclass system should be removed so it dosn't work.


Noblesse should be done in a new way, noblesse no longer needs subclass since this dosn't exist in my version.


You become noblesse by completing the following things ingame:


Antharas quest

Baium quest

200 pvp points when quest is done you lose the pvp points in your stats


This will help players to learn the quests if they don't know it and it will create more pvp.


Valakas, frintezza, zaken, orfen, core and these will not exist, its retarde epic raids and to many epics to farm will kill the pvp, I rather see 2 good epics.. 1 small (Baium) and one big (antharas)...


I would change normal and epic raids so archer, dagger and other normal classes will do decent damage.


I would not have npc buffer or any gm shop.

I would create a npc with craft system.

Normal raids dont drop full items but drop parts for crafting.


I dont wanna see any retarde spoiler system, cause dwarfs don't exist, you should be abel to farm your set by normal farm or faster by raiding, also remmeber manor system gives materials, if the server seems to get flooded by materials I would raise the mats needed for gear.


First class is done by creating a first class medal.

10 charcoal

10 coal

10 animal bones


Second class will require more.


Third class will require:

200 pvp points, when quest is done you lose the pvp points in your stats.

Certain materials.


A pvp system is created so you can exchange pvp points for materials, but you lose your pvp stats when traded.


S grade is removed its retarde and dosn't look anything like lineage2.


C grade will be the normal gear. (craftable for adena + materials, but not for the same materials as today it should be harder). this is 90% chance to craft.

B grade will be good gear. this is 60% chance to craft.

A grade will be top gear. this is 40% chance to craft.


Enchanting is now by pvp points, adena and materials, there is no enchant scolls.

Creating a npc that will try enchant you weapon by a certain chance for certain amount of pvp points, adena and materials.



Xp: low

SP: medium

Drop: medium

Spoil: don't exist


Well I hope you enjoyed some of my ideas, I know it problaby impossible to create, but perhaps you find some of it interresting :)


It's not impossible.



It's just pointless.


Like a stripped down L2.


Enjoy your dreams...


I wouldn't call it stripped Lineage2


If you played retail in c1 c2 c3 you played a pure game of Lineage2 in c4 c5 c6 and so on it went terribel wrong with many things...


Seriously subclass, retarde you create a mage that now is a archer wtf they graphic don't fit?


They made more castles instead of improving the ones that was made and created a new history about them, but Lineage2 got less and less players, what was the idea of this really?


They expanded the Lineage2 world like madness so it got so big that if there isnt thousand of players you will never see each other is ridicules... Instead of improving the landscape and only creating smaller new areas and perhaps...


Lineage2 got less players, but they made clans bigger, so it became one big zerg world with the knight system, instead of improving the clan system with more information about each player, what gear they have, log over they last actions and so on could have helped a clanleader way more instead of this, also it was cool to have many clans working together instead of this knight system, cause with many clans working together, somtimes someone fucked up and a ally clan left and they really hated eachother which created awesome wars.


I don't blame any private server for doing anything wrong ingame but Lineage2 creators made so many wrong choices, okay okay its not all terribel, but really my idea of this topic was to point out the many things I would like to see a private server try refix, it could be awesome if anyone felt just abit like the way I do about l2 :)


I understand your point of view, you want lineage way more simple than it is now, those suggestions arent bad but i have got other point of view how my perfect server should be.


I understand your point of view, you want lineage way more simple than it is now, those suggestions arent bad but i have got other point of view how my perfect server should be.


I understand what you mean by simple, and in some way you can call my view that, but still it would offer many options and more clean gaming.


My view of Lineage2 if I should try explain is:


It's like playing with a football, its "simple" as you say.

Normal day pracc's is like farming xp.

Football matches is like sieges.


But you don't take a football and turn it into a ice puck, the same as you don't take a archer and turn it into a mage, it just don't fit and it ruins the human understanding of your game or character.


What you mean by "simple" is problaby that its understandable.


My advice to Lineage2 privat server creators is following:

You gotta see what potential am ount of players you can get on your server.

It dosn't help that the clan system can have 200 members in one clan if your server only have 200 online, and it dosn't help you have 8-9 castles if you have 6-7 good clans, you gotta learn when you have the highest online count on a weekly base, so you can make sure sieges or events are held here, make your server fit the players. I guess you understand my point of view on this part, the rest of my suggestions are just things I hope someone would care to see if they can do :)

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