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[CnC] Final Fantasy One

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me gusta but its a bit big for my style or i see it big couse of my monitor


450x250 or you have problem... anyway..

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450x250 IS quite big actually. Too big better use something like 400x150 or something.

Why do you place your texts weirdly like that?

work and try blending the render a little better into that background it stands out a bit too much IMO.

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450x250 IS quite big actually. Too big better use something like 400x150 or something.

Why do you place your texts weirdly like that?

work and try blending the render a little better into that background it stands out a bit too much IMO.


I forgot that thank you.. About the text.. Look, I rotate it because its feet in my eye like this.. Did you see any other position which I can leave it? About the size I don't think is big, + I always been working on this resolution so ..


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