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pff you adv your server here?

with stolen site?

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from l2 damage


You cant see %100 balanced L2J server.All same with l2jfrozen.

Its Possible Of Course. For Ex, You Can Decrease Resist Power For Mages Power. All Others Are Balanced. All The Servers Like THat; Mages = Max 300 DMG.... FAIL


ddosed :)  1 more without protection  server.


and whats so funny in this ? some retarded kids learn how to ddos from google and now they are "pro?" please whats the point of this ? somebody was working on this server and spend money as well... so whats the point of destroying someones work ? rly get life .



In my opinion there should be a company who will have ddos protection where after atack the ip should be send to company where the atack is going from and then set owner of this server in the front of court


if you don't know how to buff...leave l2 world:P....mages are just ok

Hmmmmm I Get Might On Mageeeee. U Noob? I Know Everybuffs With Descriptions better Than YOU! Maybe You Are Friend Of ADM Or Something Like That.


Hmmmmm I Get Might On Mageeeee. U Noob? I Know Everybuffs With Descriptions better Than YOU! Maybe You Are Friend Of ADM Or Something Like That.

[table][tr][td] Kardeşim serverin sahibi bu foruma üye degil normal 1 player paylasmis fail diyorsan sorununu petitionla gmye oyundan bildir.[/td][/tr][/table]


[table][tr][td] Kardeşim serverin sahibi bu foruma üye degil normal 1 player paylasmis fail diyorsan sorununu petitionla gmye oyundan bildir.[/td][/tr][/table]


really speak english.


[table][tr][td] Kardeşim serverin sahibi bu foruma üye degil normal 1 player paylasmis fail diyorsan sorununu petitionla gmye oyundan bildir.[/td][/tr][/table]

Yarrak Kafalılar Oyuna Girmyo Ki. Çıktım Zaten Eyw.

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