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[L2J] Mid Rate Server x45 (Balance class,skills) !!!


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The server is online 99,9%




[ XP-45 ] [ SP-45 ] [ PET-30 ] [ PARTY-1.5 ]

[ ADENA-200 ] [ DROP-4 ] [ SPOIL-4 ]




*MaxBuff 30 & MaxDebuff 6

*Allowed Dual Box.

*Skills Fix 99,8%.

*Balance Class 99%.

*Balance Skills 99%.

*GrandBoss retail like 100%.

*GrandBoss Drop Jewels 100%.

*Rate Adena Drop 100%.

*Medals Drop 100%.

*Castle - Siege retail like.

*Augmentation skills retail like.

*Trade system work retail like.

*1 Hour & 30 Minites Buffs Time.

*Auto Create Account.

*Auto Loot.

*Auto Learn Skills.

*Free Teleport.

*Change Class LvL 20,40,76 Rewards.

*SubClass (Without Quest).

*Max SubClass 3.

*Player Spawn Protection 10.

*Announce Castle Lords.

*unstuck 60 sec. (/unstuck).

*Offline Trader.

*Announce To All SpawnRaidboss.

*Player Protection Level 39.

*Show Npc Crest.

*PvP & PK Color System.

*PvP & PK System Reward (pvp 3 Event & pk 2 Glittering Medal).

*Reward Protect 60 sec.

*Protect Player Flag Player Teleport.

*Protect Player Sroll of Escape Flag Player.

*Announce PvP & PK Kills.

*Character Repair (.repair).

*Social Say Actions (hi,lol etc).

*Automatic Vote Reward System (100 Event & 50 Glittering Medal).

*Allow Wedding System.

*Clan Leader Color more than 4 level.

*Donator System.

*Show Npc Level.

*New char starting items.

*Killing Spree System.







*Safe Enchanter.



*PvP PK Manager.

*Changer Password.

*GrandBoss Info.

*Wedding Manager.

*Trader Manager.

*Guide Manager.




*Safe Enchant +3

*Max Enchant +20 Armor & Weapon

*Max Enchant +16 Jewels.

*Normal Scroll 68%.

*Blessed Scroll 75%.

*Crystal Scroll 80%.




PC Bang Event.

Every 5 minutes Price (5 Pc Bang Point)



Drop (1~8 Event Medal---1~5 Event Glittering Medal)

All Time Drop Mobs (100% Event Medal - 100% Event Glittering Medal)


TvT Event

Reward (50 L][RuinsLigthCoin)

Time (02:00-05:00-09:00-14:00-17:00-21:00)


DM Event

Reward (25 L][RuinsHardCoin)

Time (03:00-06:00-10:00-15:00-18:00-22:00).


CTF Event

Reward (25 L][RuinsHardCoin)

Time (01:00-04:00-08:00-16:00-16:00-20:00).


Kino Event

2 Number (2,5 Million, 100 Event, 50 Glittering Medals)

3 Number (5 Million, 200 Event, 100 Glittering Medals)

4 Number (30 Million, 500 Event, 200 Glittering Medals)




*Olympiad 100% retail like.

*Start  [18:00] End [24:00] [GMT+2]

*Classed Participants 4.

*Oly period 2 Week.




*Anti ddos.

*Anti Bot.

*Anti L2Phx.

*Anti Hlapex.

*Anti L2Walker.

*Full Flood Protect.

*Full Geodata & Pathnode.

*Unknown Packet Protection.

*Anti Farm Ip.

*Anti Dual Box Olympiad.

*Anti Dual Box Events.

*Enchant Protection.

*Food Packets Protections.




Site >>> www.l2ruins.com <<<

Forum >>> www.l2ruins.com/forum/index.php <<<


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Okay I've tried this server and and here's my opinion:

- The main concept is pretty fine;

- The server lags every 5 mins and it's empty;

- GMShop misses some stuffs.


-> nice ideas there but u (gm/admin/dev) rly should come online to check the stuffs and remove that shout restriction before lvl 40 (my char is lvl 60 so that's not the problem) and enable alt+b, and ofc fix the stuffs.

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Okay I've tried this server and and here's my opinion:

- The main concept is pretty fine;

- The server lags every 5 mins and it's empty;

- GMShop misses some stuffs.


-> nice ideas there but u (gm/admin/dev) rly should come online to check the stuffs and remove that shout restriction before lvl 40 (my char is lvl 60 so that's not the problem) and enable alt+b, and ofc fix the stuffs.

The server has lag; Of course not , your computer is not okay. :P

GMShop misses some stuffs?

If you're looking in would see auto announcements (For information contact forum.).

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