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Hello ! :)  ZILEAN Guide ...i don't think anyone here make a guide with  ZILEAN so i Make one  ;)














7.Pros and Cons






Hello everyone, I think the name of this buid really sugests what Zilean is all about. That is blowing your enemies to pieces, while also supporting your mates and keeping them and yourself from suffering a painful death. Therefore, I built Zilean on AP.


Also, I must say, that while this build allows Zilean to be more like a nuker, than a support, Zilean is still a support champ, and you won't make it too far if you're soloing...


Oh, I was about to forget, because Zilean kind of depends on his mates, so you'd better make sure you're playing with skilled team mates... Try to avoid playing with strangers because there are chances they'll be noobs and you'll fail because of them...


P.S.: Even though the build was made way before Dominion was even announced, it works well on the new map. I played some Dominion matches with Zil, and even though he may not seem the best choice for this new game mode, he does his job right. You have Crowd Control, Speed Buffs, Are of Effect damage, an awesome ultimate, everything is gonna be fine !





he runes I used are all about AP. AP, AP and guess what ? MORE AP ! all about AP and Magic Penetration. They initially were AP only but then a friend sugested that I should get some Magic Penetration too, and guess what ? He was right !


The Runes are:


Greater Seal of Potency 9 and  Greater Glyph of Potency 9 for Ability Power...

Greater Mark of Insight 9 for Magic Penetration...

Greater Quintessence of Potency 3 for some more ability power !



Some of you might notice that my rune build has changed a bit from the first version of the guide. The reason is that I think plain AP runes are more useful early-game than AP/lvl, which is very useful when you need to bomb up enemies !













When it comes to summoner spells, there is a number of them that would work out well on Zilean, but I think that the best are  Clarity and  Flash. Here's why:



I chose

Clarity because Zilean runs out of mana really, really fast. And this problem doesn't show up just early game, like some people say. It affects Zilean the whole match, especially with this build, because you have to spam your abilities in order to survive. Clarity is definetly the best summoner spell to be used with this build ! Trying to replace it with some mana-stacking item just won't do it, I tried, and it's not the same.


Then I chose  Flash because it's just such a great spell ! There are thousands of ways you can use it, it's great when you try to get away, it's good when you try to ambush someone or catch him. Some people told me to go with  Ghost instead, but I think this is better, since Zilean can already dramatically increase his movement speed using  Time Warp, therefore eliminating the need of using  Ghost.



Other Options:


In the patch the Hekarim patch )  Time Warp mana cost was reduced to 80 from 100 and the Chronoshift mana cost was reduced to 125/150/175 from 200 at all ranks, which means that replacing Clarity with  Ignite or  Clairvoyance and taking  Greater Seal of Replenishment and Greater Mark or Replenishment is a great and awesome ideea.
















I chose the items so that you'll have a pretty big a-beep-t of AP while still maintaing a decent a-beep-t of health. It's very important to know that while playing Zilean, you should always try to stay away from the enemy, 'cause that big clock he's carrying around is not really working as an armor ( that means you're killed really easy, if stunned ).


Ok, so first, you should get  Doran's Ring, it gives 15 AP, 5 Mana Regen per 5 sec., and also 100 HP. Some would've gone with Amplifying Thome, but I think Doran's Ring is a better choice because of it's Mana Regen and HP boost ( you really don't wanna go there with only 466 life ).


Then, the next thing I get are the  Ionian Boots of Lucidity, you have to buy them second because Zilean is pretty slow, and even though you can use your  Flash to get away, you'll need the extra speed to catch that dude and place that last  Time Bomb on him. The Enhanced Movement Speed 2 hat the boots give you plus your  Time Warp ability should be enough. But what makes these boots really awesome is the cooldown reduction effect which comes in really handy.


The third item I usually get is  Rod of Ages, because of the much needed HP and AP bonus. It's important that you get this item early so that you can take maximum advantage of it's passive.


The next item I usually get is  Morello's Evil Tome. It gives you 75 more AP, more mana regen per 5 seconds, and very important, 20% more cooldown reduction, which is awesome, because it stacks with the Ionian Boots, taking away a pretty big portion of your Ability's Cooldowns.


At this point of the game, you should probably be able to deal a lot of DMG with your  Time Bomb, and also revive your mates with a truckload of health. Still, there is place for improvement. Therefore, I recommend you go for  Rabadon's Deathcap, because it gives a stunning a-beep-t of AP, allowing you to litteraly blow your enemies apart with  Time Bomb.


Now, if the game is still going, go for a  Void Staff, because along with AP, it will give you some more Magic Penetration, and at this point, that is what you really need the most.


In the end, you should have enough AP and Magic Penetration to be able to do your job pretty well... However, you can sell  Doran's Ring and get whatever item you think suits the gameplay situation better ! My recomandation is  Zhonya's Hourglass, because it gives alot of AP ( which is necessary, considering the fact that when you buy this, it's late-game already, so the oposing team had time to get some more MR/or life ), some Armor, and it has a really cool active ability which can save your *** in some situations.


Oh, on last thing about the items: if you're having trouble with some fat-*** dude with lots and lots of life, you should consider getting  Deathfire Grasp early. I know the item may not seem like alot, but it's a tank-shredder ! If the fat dude is not on your lane, you can get it when you see the team-fights are starting to happen, but if the dude is on the same lane as you, try getting it as fast as you can, before  Morello's Evil Tome, but after  Rod of Ages ( it's important to get  Rod of Ages really early because of it's passive and because Zilean really needs that little HP boost ).





                                                    -Pros and Cons-




- He is a very good support champion;

- Capable of dealing a huge a-beep-t of magic damage if you play him right ( that is, if you follow this build :D );

- It's easy to get kills;

- Really annoying champ to play against, very good at harrassing;

- Really useful in teamfights because it deals huge ***loads of AoE damage;



- Squishy champ;

- Can't handle getting ganked;

- Very mana hungry champ;

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sure its not lol


[Gr] Protimo na  kanw Guide etsi opws pezw egw ton ka8e pekti .....den 8a itane malakia na ekana copy/paste na itane swsta ola ?? kai na min itane diko mou ??? kalutera liga la8i para alounou guide ....:)

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Πως θα ηθελα να μιλησουμε απο το skype στα αγγλικα να δω αν οντως κατεχεις τιποτα!Αμφιβαλλω πως ειναι δικο σου το ποστ c/p for the win

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Πως θα ηθελα να μιλησουμε απο το skype στα αγγλικα να δω αν οντως κατεχεις τιποτα!Αμφιβαλλω πως ειναι δικο σου το ποστ c/p for the win



upoxreomenos eimai na miliso me esena ?

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Πως θα ηθελα να μιλησουμε απο το skype στα αγγλικα να δω αν οντως κατεχεις τιποτα!Αμφιβαλλω πως ειναι δικο σου το ποστ c/p for the win


afou kanei translate ti perimeneis? diko t guide na exei ftiaksi gia to karma ta panta tha ekamne.. telos panton.

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Πως θα ηθελα να μιλησουμε απο το skype στα αγγλικα να δω αν οντως κατεχεις τιποτα!Αμφιβαλλω πως ειναι δικο σου το ποστ c/p for the win


Ase re, ti skype :)


Na ton akouseis na sou leei :


'' Γουέρ αρ γιού φρόμ μέν? Aι ις φρομ Γκρίς.''

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