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L2-Sonic [PvP]


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what about your weapon blockage that is almost 100% vs robe users? Anyway i dont gonna continue this but if you want some help with your duelist you can pm Rebirth ^^


bump another corruption detected. img546.imageshack.us/img546/5505/shot00036u.jpg

It's not corruption, the pets give buffs to users. Spawn it 10 seconds before you get teleported to Olympiad and you'll have extra buffs.

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In my oppinion don't join on this server . The most unblanced server i ever saw . Tanks are like Superman in olympiad . Tanks lose just vs other tanks and none can win them . Daggers making 6k dmg from front and 10k back..... and admins say that "tanks are ok "



I played there but stoped for this unbalance .

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its ur first l2 server?


wut? lol it im playing since c4 and i can recognise which server has balance. Here things are perfect and not like trolo crimson where every kiddo were playing and thinking that he is the best player...lol im sure you are one more QQer that you cant play in a server where not even a class is op so you cant make it and kill all with attack and spam cp pots.


Gl random....

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wut? lol it im playing since c4 and i can recognise which server has balance. Here things are perfect and not like trolo crimson where every kiddo were playing and thinking that he is the best player...lol im sure you are one more QQer that you cant play in a server where not even a class is op so you cant make it and kill all with attack and spam cp pots.


Gl random....


Name in game? Or mby in gm team?

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Ye....the best server freya atm where it worths to play...

600+ on

It's the only Freya server around actually.

Well listen how things go. L2Crimson achieved to reach 3.500 Online players and get tons of money from the donation. Since Crimson is closed someone else would cover that empty slot, in this case Sonic is this server. Crimson & Sonic aren't balanced and there won't be any balanced Freya server actually. Daggers & ST will be always OP, Tricksters wil fail against archers & mages (lol). The only balanced server (Freya) that existed was White][Eagle which is f*cked up right now and way dead.


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