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LVL 30 Europe West account - Over 350€ spent


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The account can still be transferred to EU Northern & East (for it's prior to the server split and never used the region-change token)

The total is 60 champs, 29 skins (8 of them are seasonal/limited edition), 10 rune pages. Just 2 ranked played so you can grow fast.


the total RP for champs, runepages and skins (limited skins are not included in the RP count) is of 65065 RP (around 350€ to buy them all again)

the total IP for runes is 56075.


here are the screenshots:









Normal Skins are the following:

-Unchained Alistar

-Vandal Brand

-Officier Caitlyn

-Loch Ness ChoGath

-Enchanted Galio

-Commando Garen

-Nightblade Irelia

-High Command Katarina

-Monarch Kog Maw

-Prestigious Leblanc

-Pentakill Mordekaiser

-Blade Mistress Morgana

-Boneclaw Shyvana

-Ironscale Shyvana

-Surfer Singed

-Earthrune Skarner

-Pentakill Sona

-Riot Tristana

-Vandal Vladimir

-Pentakill Yorick

-Undertaker Yorick


Seasonal/Limited skins are:

-Matador Alistar

-Pharao Amumu

-Nightmare Cho Gath

-Mundo Mundo

-Kitty Cat Katarina

-Red Card Katarina

-Judgement Kayle

-Butcher Urgot


I'm dropping the account 'cause i'm moving to Australia soon and will have no time to play, no scam, no jokes. Starting price: 150€ (via PayPal)


Mail me at alessio.bartocci.yhs@gmail.com if you're interested and want to discuss about details and insurance for a smooth trade ;D


p.s.pls don't ask me to give you the data before i recieve the money with some extravagant excuses, I can provide evidence through trades done in another game, I'm not a novice in trading digital items. I'll give you the registration mail together with the account (which is dedicated for the trade)

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