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Indigo kids ti paizei re paidia?Eisai kai si mipws ena?

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56% alla nomizw oti exei sxesh k h hlikia se ayto to 8ema gt gia kapoies erwthseis dn boreis na exeis pl egkyrh apopsh etsi dn einai?k eixe polles erwthseis me to perivallon filoi oikologoi oloi mazeyteite :P!!!!e t lete?


o ka8e neos antropos  einai indigo

oloi oi neoi 8eloume kati allo apo auton ton kosmo,sxedon kaneis den briskei sosto

to sistima,sigoura 8eloume na alaksoume ton kosmo mas

auto simenei na eisai neos aloste..exeis onira gia kati kalitero

tora na to poune indigo i opos allios 8eloune den 8a alaksei kati

prosopika den pisteuo se aures ke loipa..ola auta ta exei dimiourgisei o antropos gt den

borei na xoresei to antropino mialo oti otan pe8enoume apla den ginete tpt..

kaneis den 8elei na pistexei oti 8a erthei ston kosmo,8a zisei ke meta aplos 8a pe8anei

etc dimiourgi8ikane 8riskeies,fantasmata ke genikos kati pou 8a arthei meta apo to telos tis zois ke oti den 8a xa8eis apla.auti einai i gnomi mou ...


Your result: 40.91%


0-50% There seems to be still a lot you can learn about your world



kati san kommounismos me emo faseis k ais8hsh che guevara m akougetai dld akuro gia thn logikh m...HF :P


Your result: 95.45%


Mwre Les Na Allaksw Ton Kosmo??? :D


Twra Na Pw Tin Ali8eia Dn To Poly Pisteuw...Alla Ti Kserw Egw...Einai Kai Epistimones Antrwpoi Autoi Pou Ta Exoun Pei Auta...Alla Kai Pali Pisteuw Oti Apla Theloun Na Omadopoioisoun Ton Kosmo Kai Isws Kai Na Ton Dixasoun...

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