kingpinas Posted May 31, 2012 Posted May 31, 2012 L2Rage is going to open second time, first season lasted 3 -beep-ths in which we fixed many bugs that came out, so now we wiped server and hope maybe this time it will be nice place to spent some time. We made adena drop x2. Made some small changes in gameplay, so if u join us on 2012-06-01 Friday 17:00 +2GTM i hope u wont regret. Server adress : Server stats: EXP x3000, SP x3000, DROP x1, SPOIL x0; Safe Enchant +16, Max +16, CEWS Max +26; Blessed Enchant chance 100%, Crystal enchant Chance 100%; Main Town Gludio; Main castle to siege gludio (Bonus for castle owners clan leader items from donate on 30 Euro); Castle siege every saturday 16 00 +2GTM; Safe lvl zone; 2 farm zones near gludio, 1 drop adena and atributes, 2 drop adena and codex; 1 pvp zone with posability to use .ress in it; 7 raid boses that drop cews or ceas, 2 grand boses that can drop best items, pvp weapons and raid jewels. No class, sub or nobless quests; PVP/PK manager in town; Rebirth manager with passive skills; Global gate keeper; + New and fresh safe farm zone; + Automated hero system (Every week); + Auto buffs for newbies; + A Grade items for newbies; + PC Bangs system (For pc bangs you can buy some items on GM-SHOP also do Rebirths); + Vote reward active skill; + Quake system; I understand that it is summer and people have no time to pc, but those who feel bored or its rainy day please join. Quote
isaiahbone Posted May 31, 2012 Posted May 31, 2012 Any PVP Weapon 20 Euro; Any PVP armor set 10 Euro; 1 CEAS = 1 euro; 1 CEWS = 2 euro; Baylors earing = 10 Euro; Frintezas neclase = 10 Euro; Zaken earing = 10 Euro; Ring of Ant queen = 10 Euro; Freya Necklase = 10 Euro; Beleths ring = 10 Euro; Ring of Baium = 10 euro; Earing of antharas = 10 Euro; Necklase of Valakas = 10 Euro; Blessed Freya Necklase = 10 Euro; 2kkk adena = 10 euro; 100 atribute stones = 10 euro; 50 atribute crystals = 10 euro; 25 atribute jewels = 10 euro; Any cloak = 5 euro; Any belt = 5 euro; Any Braclet = 5 euro; 4 top l2 84 = 1 euro; Change Main Class = 5 Euro; Change Name = 5 Euro; Caln full skills = 30 Euro; Fighters Crown = 45 euro; Mages Crown = 45 Euro; Gods Crown = 90 euro; Server is called Rage cuz u lost money? Quote
SunBeam Posted June 1, 2012 Posted June 1, 2012 lol name lol server lol donations lol admin at least website is good though :o Quote
Niuniaa211 Posted June 1, 2012 Posted June 1, 2012 HOME MACHINE :/ FAIL..... ( max to 100Mb/s) fail fail fail Ad plz delete home servers from this forum 8) ;) Quote
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