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[EN][GUIDE] Udyr, Jungle Guide


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IF you want to gank earlier then level 3, then take bear stance in level 2.









1: start with boots + 3 health potions.

2: buy Heart of Gold asap

3: buy Phage

4: buy Mercury Treads or Ninja tabi (depends on enemy)

5: buy Warden's Mail (don't finish it yet into randuin's omen)

6: buy Wit's End

7: buy Randuin's Omen

8: Buy Frozen Malet

9: Buy Zeke's Herald

10: Buy Trinity Force











Pros & Cons


- High damage without items

- Very tanky

- Good sustain

- High movementspeed

- Great counterjungling

- Good Anti-carry 



- Can only rely on one stance for damage

- Mana problems early game

- Hard to master

- Easily kited

- No boots = bad ganking

- No ranged attacks

- Picked on by the ranged



Tips & Tricks

  • Always keep track of your Blue & Red spawn times, if possible theirs. Also time drake & baron.
  • Whenever a lane died, and you are close enough, go there and last hit and earn the experiance + gold
  • Try not to go back before you can purchase a heart of gold, it will cost you to much time
  • You can try to go Wolfs/Blue/Enemy Red. If you try this. Let your teammates help you kill the blue without smite. Take Bear stance on level 2 for more movementspeed to get there faster.
  • Always keep an eye on the minimap. If you catch a lane where you can gank. ALWAYS GO FOR IT.
  • Always keep track of the enemy jungle by putting wards in the enemy jungle.
  • When you see the enemy jungle that tries to gank, go for the countergank, udyr is very strong with the multiple stuns he can use.
  • If you go well and have enough money, buy a oracle on like 10 minuts ingame and make the lanes unwarded.
  • When you unward the lanes, walk back a little so the enemy think you walk back, then return to the lane you removed the ward.(this works in ~1300ELO)
  • Normal spawntime enemy blue's: 7:18, 12:35, 17:30
  • Always go try for the countergank, if you want to gank mid and the enemy AP carry issn't quite in position yet, try to steal enemy wraiths first and check again.
  • Also when you want go go back for an item, you can always scare a lane by showing yourself but not gank.





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Nice one, but I think you could add some tips too.


Also, early game, apart from HoG, you can build Philo Stone also and turn it into a Shurelia's Reverie later on.

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Nice one, but I think you could add some tips too.


Also, early game, apart from HoG, you can build Philo Stone also and turn it into a Shurelia's Reverie later on.

i'll add some tips later, now watching tournament ^^


and about philly stone, im not a fan of this item on udyr.

if you look at the pro's and the con's of 2 gp/5 on jungler

instead of 1 gp/5 + like a phage or smthing. I think phage have more pro's

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y u no exhaust but flash?

Yes, the flash & stun in every stage of the game is very usefull.

you can go for the ad/ap carry and stun them in lategame.

you can go for the flash + stun in a lane when the enemy flashes in early game.

and also you can always flash away when you almost die.




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i'll add some tips later, now watching tournament ^^


and about philly stone, im not a fan of this item on udyr.

if you look at the pro's and the con's of 2 gp/5 on jungler

instead of 1 gp/5 + like a phage or smthing. I think phage have more pro's


Dunno, I feel really happy for some reason when I get to buy gp5 items on junglers. They give you more early game options. More wards, easier oracles, faster late game build etc.


y u no exhaust but flash?


Flash-stun too strong.

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Dunno, I feel really happy for some reason when I get to buy gp5 items on junglers. They give you more early game options. More wards, easier oracles, faster late game build etc.

yes, it is possible for udyr and some other junglers. But im not a fan of it :p

and buying wards is always an option. just go 1 more monster camp, but still

its a summoners choice and i see more succes in for example 1 gp/5 + phage, then 2 pg/5 without phage

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