falcone2 Posted May 23, 2012 Posted May 23, 2012 L2JDemonion Interlude ProJecT Anti - PHX Announce Anti - PHX Enchant Anti - PHX Critical Error Anti - PHX Multisell Bugg Anti PvP Bot L2Walker Fixed Backstab Restriction (success only from back) Clan Skills in Olympiad Fixed Fake Death in Olympiad Fixed Same IP in Olympiad Fixed Pre - Frenzy / Zealot and others in Olympiad fixed Freeze Players in Sub to avoid stuck Funny Flood Fixed Force Bugg Fixed CP Bugg Fixed Enchant Bugg Fixed Pet Enchant Fixed Trade Bugg Fixed Lifestone Skills Stuck in subclass Fixed Flagged Players Cannot Use Gatekeeper FloodProtectors : [Chat, ChatShout ChatAlly, ChatClan, HeroVoice, PMs, TradeChat, PartyChat, UseItem, RollDice, FireWork, Item / Pet Summon, SubClass, Multisell, ByPassToServer, Crystalize, Warehouse, DropItem, MacroCreate, FriendInvite, Enchant, GiveItemsToPet, GetItemsFromPet] L2J Attacker - Killer* DDoS* * = I provide programs for these ones Smiley ========================================================================================== Customs / Modifications Events CTF Event TvT Event DeathMatch Fortress Siege Pc Bang Points Trivial Event Gm Shop Buffer Custom Shop Misc Shop Vote Reward VIP System Rebirth System DDoSS Voiced Command Handlers .cl - Teleports a player to his clan leader .heal - Full Heals a player in peace zones only .cancel - Cancels all the buffs of a player only in peace zones .logout - Logs a player out of the game .online - Shows the a-beep-t of online players .pvp - Teleports a player to the pvp zone of your choice Away System .away .back Banking System .deposit .withdraw .bank .joinoly - Enters you in olympiad .leaveoly - You leave Olympiad .ctfjoin - Registers you for the ctf events .ctfleave - You leave the ctf event .ctfinfo - You get info about a running ctf .tvtjoin - Registers you for a tvt event .tvtleave - You leave a tvt event .tvtinfo - You get info about a running tvt event .jointrivial - Registers a player for the trivial event .leavetrivial - Unregisters a player from a trivial event .pmoff - Enables - Disables Message Refusal Mode .tradeoff - Enables trade refusal mode .tradeon - Disables trade refusal mode Color Modification PvP Color System Pk Color title system Starting Modifications Custom Starting Level [as you wish] Custom Starting Items Custom Starting Title Custom Subclass Starting Level Welcome PM On Start Announcements Announce Castle Lord's Login Announce Hero's Login Auto Announce PvP / PK Kills
Fanky Posted May 23, 2012 Posted May 23, 2012 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=239989.0;topicseen locked.
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