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Protection Enchant Phx;

Max CP Exploit Protection;

Protection Enchant Multisell;

Protection Phx chat;

Pet Protection Enchant;

Protection Against Corrupt Gm;

Protection Over Enchante;

Protection Enchant Warehouse;

Protection L2Walker;


Exploits Protector;

Olympiad (disconnect, fake death, subclass, clanskills, summon atackable, hp bar);

Enchants / Trade / Potions / Henna / Drop Item;

Augmentation / Chat / Augment Stuck / Skills / Multisell;

Subclass Protection;

Multskill Protection;

Flood Protector;

Retail Potions; (Can be used with Skills Potions and Scrolls);



Flood Protections

FloodProtected UseItem

FloodProtected RollDice

Firework FloodProtected

FloodProtected Item / Pet Summon

FloodProtected Hero Voice

FloodProtected SubClass

FloodProtected Multisell

FloodProtected Banking System

FloodProtected To Bypass Server

FloodProtected Drop Item

FloodProtected Ware House

FloodProtected Deposit





DM (Death Match);

TW (Town War);

TVT (Team VS Team);

CTF (Capture the Flag);

KvN - Koofs Vs Noobs

FOS ( Fortres Siege )

Pc Bang Points

PvP Master




Olympiad configurable period: 1 week, 2 week or 1 Month

Items Olympiad restriction, restriction enchante (limit eg +5) so you can use items to +5 in fights.

Vip and Aiox System

Off-line shoping

Sell Item ID - Changes in Item adena on the other shops (/ buy, / vendor)

Away system;

Banking System;


Shop Offline;

Rebirth System;


Mod Color PvP and Pk;

Scheme Buffer - Buffer Pets and player

DisableBowForClasses (Disables the use of bow for the classes that you define who can not use)

Retail Skills, Skills and Arguments Enchanter,

Retail Status Sets and Weapons Grade D S.

Chance Options for Skills and effects in general.



Retail Manor System 100%

Retail Doors ClanHall (confirmation before opening or close)

Retail Olympiads,

Retail Bluff,

Retail Newbie Tutorial

Retail Weight (weight of bag controlled by CON),

Retail Enchant Skills (enchant skill, you lose XP and SP)

Mass of All Retail GK Castles (Aden, Dion, Giran, Gludio, Goddard, Innadril, Oren, Rune, Schuttgart)

Class Master.

Remote Master Class 20/40/76 level without go to the NPC

Class Master Strider Master;

Settings Min and Max Subclass



Confgs NPC Delay (Time for the NPC spawn back)

Skill Reuse Confgs Augument

Protector NPC Especifcs atack

Config Protector Healers and Big Boss Bosses

Big Boss and Config Status for killing Bosses Easy / Hard

Config Protector for direct Teleport to Boss Quest Need for Zones

Raid Info (tells you if the Boss is Alive or dead and the remaining time to be born)

Announce RB / Big Boss Spawned

Min Max Config Big Bosses Spawn Time / Random and Minutes Standby

Big Bosses Config Power (Increases All Boss Status Status and Def P atack)

Frintezza Config (Minimum Party and Party for Max to get into the Hall of the Scarlet Van Halisha)

Config Properties in the Chance to Drop Rings Big Bosses

Elits Clan Halls working with Fortress Siege

Fortres siege 100%


Olympiad Settings


Setup Min / Max ppl registered for initial combat.

Restrictions Olympiad Item

Olympiad Max enchant

Olympiad period (Days / Week / Month)

Config Olym recharg skils (Protect ppl not enter unless HP)





Pvp config to use global chat;

Pvp config to use chat Trade;

Config min level using both chat;

Chat Filter protector;

Filter punishment Chat (Chat Ban / Kick / Jail);

Starter Config (Adena / Ancient Adena) or Starter Config Items (Mage / fighter) ;

Grand Boss / Raid Boss / Raid Minions (included in the configs of Rates and Drops);


Custom Enchant Chance (Example: 5.92; = enchant weapon to you if you have 92 +5% to success.);

Enchant wepons Heros;

Config chance Argument Skill;

Delete Passive / Active Argument skill to exchange Weapon;

Soul Crystal chances;

GMOver Enchant (Enchants above config and ban);

Break Enchant (Config a value if the item fails Blessed Scroll back to pour a value that is not a +0);

Enchant Kick (Kick Players with Enchant above allowed;

Enchant multisell (sale items Enchantados in NPC);


Offline and Craft Shop

Effect Players Offline Sleep (Equal L2 OFF)

Off Player Item Shop to enter Offline mode click at one item (Same L2 OFF)

Max days Offshop

Protector Open Store for Pvp (you need X pvps to open private store);

Sale / purchase of the item without being Adena Stores (Change Item For Sale, configurable);

Color name / title offline shops;




Siege Reward Manager;

Reward to Owner of Castle (Configurable reward ppl and ppl online clan that is off);

//clanfull (8 clanlvl puts the skills and all the config);

NPC Mod Crest (All NPCs of the city lies with the flag of the clan that dominates the city regarding the Castle);

Mod To configure how many days to next Siege 7/14 days / 1 Month Etc ;

Restart Manager schedules by Ex: 14:00 Server will restartar the 14 hours every day ;

VIP Mod //Setvip [name] [days];

Vip Title / Name;

Vip Xp /Sp /Adena Multiplied;

Vip config Item: Clicking seen VIP and the a-beep-t of days set in the config.;

With VIP Effects on chars (flame);

Announce to enter the VIP;

Mod Aio //setaio [name] [days];

Aio Item: Click on the item confi char turns aiox placed and the a-beep-t of days.;

Special effect to AIO;

Announce Aio entering the Server;

Aio Reward Item (Ex Dual Aiox or Set);

Hero Mod //sethero [name] [days];

Hero Item: Item by clicking on the player turns hero for the a-beep-t of days placed in the config;

Enter in Game Hero Announce;

Mod Nobless //setnoble Target Player;

Nobless Item: Item by clicking on the player turns Nobless;

Clan customizations / Castle Announce leader entering the Server.

Title or name of clan color for Leaders

Level Config the clan leader to change the color name

Teleport Voice

.Farm1 /.Farm2 (teleport to areas farms placed in config)

.Pvp1 /.pvp2 (teleport to areas pvps placed in configs)

.Gk (teleports by this command)

.Buff (if buffa by this command)

.Shop (NPC opens the shop by this command)

So does not work at events, pvp, siege, olly player and flag

Protector config (Classes in Bow)

Protector config (To not lose buffs at death)

Config Protector (Protects NPCs listed or not to receive all Lethal)

Protector config (classes / damagers skills for a well-balanced server)

Announce Pvp / pk / Killing chat in Superior

Defeated Player X Player Y

Config for Max Pk drop

Color config Pvp

Pk Color Settings

Reward Item Pk / Pvp Kills

Protector Time to Kill Player x Reward teams to avoid bugs and 2 chars on same machine

Pk / Pvp Title

Followed pvps die without receiving Aura Hero (configurable)

Quake System with Reward



Buff Shop;


Based on L2jLionna + L2jFrozen


Test Server??

ADD Skype: jandersonfb


  • 2 weeks later...



This is my mod (if you even have it on your server), and you do not have my permission to sell it.


ps: you did not even by it from me, who are you?

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