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[Question] Looking for some champs

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I prefer buying a couple of extra wards and run exhaust flash.

Wards is for 3min, cv only for a few seconds :) and exhaust can be the diffrence between life and death both early and late game


Μaybe you don't understand the usement of cv. You can use both. CV is every 60 sec :/

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Μaybe you don't understand the usement of cv. You can use both. CV is every 60 sec :/


I know what cv does... I used it every game before, but since they nerfed it it just seems less attractive

I'm just saying its way better to place a few extra wards around  the map and get 1 extra summoner which can save you, your lane partner or ensure a kill.

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another good use of cv is to "ghost" enemy jungler.. so you can -predict- where is he going next. ex.

if he's amumu and he's at red and you cv him you would know that he'll gank mid-top


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another good use of cv is to "ghost" enemy jungler.. so you can -predict- where is he going next. ex.

if he's amumu and he's at red and you cv him you would know that he'll gank mid-top



ofc, every things has his advantages...

But well most junglers have pretty much the same path, you can be rather sure a lee sin will gank either top or mid after ~3min.

or you can predict where your jungler is at the beginning just by looking where your enemy is comming from after he helped his jungler.


But well, everybody his opinion

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I know what cv does... I used it every game before, but since they nerfed it it just seems less attractive

I'm just saying its way better to place a few extra wards around  the map and get 1 extra summoner which can save you, your lane partner or ensure a kill.


Ιf you want a success push you gonna take Twisted Fate or CV.

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