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interlude Lineage 2 AzRael - Interlude - No Customs


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* WELCOME TO Lineage ][ AzRael *


L][AzRael: www.l2azrael.com

Interlude Server x5000 - No Customs!

L][AzRael Openning: 19/05/2012 - 18:00 Time!




* Drop Rate : x1

* Exp Rate : x5000

* Sp Rate : x5000

* Adena Rate : x10000




* Safe Enchant : 4

* Max Enchant Weapon : 16

* Max Enchant Armor : 16

* Max Enchant Jewels : 16

* Max Enchant Tattoo : 16

* Enchant Rate Normal : 80%

* Enchant Rate Blessed: 100%

* Life Stone Rate : 45%




* Interlude PvP Server!

* No CustomS Items!

* Full Items In GmShop!

* Sieges Every Week!

* Heroes Every Week!

* Full Geodata!

* Olympiad 100% Retail Like!

* Noblesses & Heroes System!

* Castle Sieges!

* Clan Wars!

* Cursed Weapon System (Zariche and Akamanah)!

* Auto Learn Skills!

* C5/Interlude Clan System!

* Subclans (Academy,Royal Guards,Order of Knights)!

* Petition System Working 100% Max 5 Petitions Per Char

* Starting With 150.000.000 Adena


* NO BUGs!

* 100% Uptime!

* Active And Experienced Development/GameMaster




* Anti Buff Shield!

* Custom Farm Zones:(Farm/Exp/PvP/Boss)!

* Clan Lord Announce!

* Pk Color System!

* Augments Skills System!

* PC Bank Points System!

* Vote Rewards System!

* PvP Master Announce!

(Every 20 min Will Exist 1 PvP Master...

...Player With Reward Skill For Status)

* PvP Player Announce!

* Pk Player Announce!




* Clan / Alliance Items selling in Gm Shop

* Max Numbers of Clan in Ally 3:

(Leader Clan + 2 Clan Ally)


* NPCs *


* FUll NPC In All The Towns




* 14 Events From Npc

* GM Event PvP




* Mail    : l2azrael@hotmail.com

* Msn    : l2azrael@hotmail.com

* FaceBook: L][AzRael

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About the 14 events.. If it's Rizel event engine, my opinion is not to add this.


Also it would be better to remove completely the blessed scrolls. Enchanting is really missed on l2 servers nowadays. Where's the excitement from enchanting weapons to the last scroll before max enchant. Old good days.


Good luck though.

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