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I created that topic, since I'm in the mood of helping people!



First of all, some info about me...



Currently I'm 1644 elo (not that high, but I think that I can get a bit higher if I play, since I haven't played solo q for ~2 weeks and kept playing against 1.8-2.2k elo enemies during ranked team games and scrims.)



My most picked roles at solo q are jungle 80 %, support 15 %, top 4.5 %, AP/AD carry 0.5 %.









Secondly, in order to rise in elo you need to understand a few things...



1. If can't achieve a higher rating then it's YOUR FAULT. /end

2. You can't win every game, so don't expect to make it from 1200 to 2000 in 1 week, unless you are Tsili.

3. The way you play a champion is not as significant as the way you play THE GAME. You might be able to play some godlike Lee Sin or Cassiopeia, but there are quite a lot more things you should know about in order to carry games.

4. Never rage and keep tryharding.









Finally, the point of this topic...



As I said, I'd like to help MxC lol community. So... Send me your replays and I will give you tips in order to improve your gameplay. Just try to send me games at which you think you played well. Doesn't matter if it was won or lost.



In order to record your games you can use LOLreplay. Download it @ www.leaguereplays.com



o hai


@Fortuna how can you help ppl  below 1250 elo when they build ad carries with phantom first and after 20 lost minutes their next item is the cloak for ie and then pickaxe. 30 minutes for +25 dmg.an AD carry cant roll if early game has NO kills. and no dmg= no kills


or how can you assist ppl playing ww when they make madreds and warmogs with sunfire cap 8) some players cant be helped for free :D ;D


@Fortuna how can you help ppl  below 1250 elo when they build ad carries with phantom first and after 20 lost minutes their next item is the cloak for ie and then pickaxe. 30 minutes for +25 dmg.an AD carry cant roll if early game has NO kills. and no dmg= no kills


or how can you assist ppl playing ww when they make madreds and warmogs with sunfire cap 8) some players cant be helped for free :D ;D


I will just give them some tips. It's their choice to listen or not.


If you had a trick to play with serious ppl all games will be better ;)


Just send me a replay and I will show you what you can do to carry harder.


the demos should be ranked games or even normals?


Anything, given it's a game you think you played well.


Trusted person, good luck with your sales.


I'm not selling anything ;p


ποιος κάθεται να ανεβάζει 700mb...


Γύρω στα 2 min κάνει το upload για τα LOLreplay files.


Γύρω στα 2 min κάνει το upload για τα LOLreplay files.


Είμαι άχρηστΟ δεν ξέρω να το χρησιμοποιώ, μετά το frap το έκανα WMV με format factory και βγήκε 700mb

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