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[WTS] Honor Farm Method(Automatic)


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Good evening. It has passed already 1,5 years from the discovery of Honor Farm Method which was created by me and only now I wish to sell this method for a good price because i have switched my work and now i am working with Lineage2 project.


This method allows you to get 750k(750000) in around 8-10 hours AUTOMATICALLY depending on your configurations and your PC speed. But it works only on private servers.

It is preferable that the buyer is doing or going to do business with selling characters at just started servers/existing ones or just use this method to fill customers request in very short time.


It does not use any bug so it cannot be fixed and it is not a bug at all.


Method works for 1.12.1-3.3.5a server versions and soon it will work for Cataclysm!


Note: There were a lot of topics where people was trying different ways to farm honor in special zones, bug something or etc. My method was never told to anyone and is completely different, it allows you to earn honor in any location, without using bugs and especially it is very fast.

When You are setting the system, you can go afk/sleep/work and everything will be done without you.


This method is ready for use and is prepared to start your business.

Contact me via PM/Email so we can discuss everything.

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