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why lol man??what you dont like?..


More of a question, HOW DO YOU LIKE IT? What is there to like about these 2 servers?


1: D o m i n i o n has GM-like donators

2: Mafia has GM chars and guys with 500 mil patk

3: D o m i n i o n has 85% of the most basic bugs working

4: D o m i n i o n is a epic failure, one of the top 10 worst servers I have ever played in my life

5: What the fuuck? Donate for cursed weapon passives? Donate for GM haste? Might as well DONATE for +65535 too

6: Donate to win! If you aren't willing to pay in those two servers, get out.

7: 1337 6r33k bu77p1r473z0rs think they are pro with 400 mil Patk and PK's everybody in sight


Best server I played...


Azure L2 (closed :() - My first server, friendly community, great economy


Edit: Apparently "Do.minion" shows as blocked...


L2  Dοminion

L2 mafia

L2 Anime


Are you kidding me? Are you sure you did not mistaken this thread for worst servers ever created?

What's with you people thinking shit like Anime and Mafia are super pro servers?

REAL good servers come from the low rates (most of the time) not retarded Java Greek servers.

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