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Looking for Staff! Starting Fresh!!


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Hello MaXCheaters Friends!


I have been thinking long and hard about where to recruit my new staff for my server. Let me give you a run down. We currently are Lineage 2 Vitality. www.lineage2vitality.com we are a one server (for now) HighFive client. 1000X Rates. for EXP, SP and Adena. We have quite a few unique features. Even myself sometimes finds it enjoyable to just play my normal player.


Im looking for an Event GM to help control TvT, CTF, the Rabbit, and Chest Events and any other Events they wish to make up as online. (1 GM)


I need a Head GM who will help me with any tasks I ask related to server, files, esc....


and I need 2 In Game GM's. Im just looking for trustworthy, knowlage based players. I dont want to be telling you what //admin is. You should know if your going to be on my server.


I used to have a server with 200+ people normally. Hoping to reach that again. If so my staff will be paid through paypal by me. But NOT until we reach a server with dependable players and such.


If your intrested please PM me on this website.





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Interesting but I can't see any server features here http://www.lineage2vitality.com/Information.html

I could help you as about the event GM, not enough free time to deal with player issues.

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Hello MaXCheaters Friends!


I have been thinking long and hard about where to recruit my new staff for my server. Let me give you a run down. We currently are Lineage 2 Vitality. www.lineage2vitality.com we are a one server (for now) HighFive client. 1000X Rates. for EXP, SP and Adena. We have quite a few unique features. Even myself sometimes finds it enjoyable to just play my normal player.


Im looking for an Event GM to help control TvT, CTF, the Rabbit, and Chest Events and any other Events they wish to make up as online. (1 GM)


I need a Head GM who will help me with any tasks I ask related to server, files, esc....


and I need 2 In Game GM's. Im just looking for trustworthy, knowlage based players. I dont want to be telling you what //admin is. You should know if your going to be on my server.


I used to have a server with 200+ people normally. Hoping to reach that again. If so my staff will be paid through paypal by me. But NOT until we reach a server with dependable players and such.


If your intrested please PM me on this website.





i pm you

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This is not a real L2Vitality.

Just ripped name from official L2Vitality and web design from L2Java.

Server by kids 12y.o.

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yah, they can't even delete the message from RIP.


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Wanna know whats funny. I got the website as a Share from Maxcheaters. Hmm, taking advantage of my resources. 12 y/o I must be. Shame on me.

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