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L2 Addict - New Fraction Mod


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Processor 8x Intel Xeon MP 3.0GHz 4MB Cache L3


HDD ULTRA SCSI 320 4x320GB 15K



Windows 2003 Enterprice x32 R2 Edition


A oto opis wersji faction system opartej na PVP. Przede wszystkim zakłada on istnienie dwóch klanów:

- Elendil's Creed,

- Numenor's Creed.

staty tych itemów zostały delikatnie podniesione, lecz z taką różnicą jak pomiędzy Dynasty a Vesper'em - balans zostaje więc zachowany.

Gdy gracz loguje się na server, expi zwyczajnie (przez zabijanie mob'ów) do lvl'u 80. Na tym etapie gry, ma dostęp do podstawowych item'ów L2 włącznie z Dynasty i Vesper. Od lvl'u 80 zaczyna się już inna zabawa...


Aby móc lvl'ować dalej, gracz musi zdobywać expo, lecz już nie z bicia mob'ów (to przestaje podnosić jego poziom doświadczenia / lvl), a z walk PVP. Za każdą walkę gracz otrzymuje expo, które działa w ten sam sposób jak to z bicia mob'ów - podnosi doświadczenia gracza, a ostatecznie jego lvl. Po osiągnięciu kolejno 81, 83 i 85 (100%) lvl'u gracz automatycznie otrzymuje:

[81] - Proof of Cleverness,

[83] - Proof of Wisdom,

[85] - Proof of Courage.


Gdy zbierze wszystkie 3 z Ancient Proof's, może porozmawiać z NPC Destiny Savage, który po przekazaniu mu wszystkich 3 Proof'ów pomoże mu w wypełnieniu się jego przeznaczenia i przypisze mu jedną z Dark Stigmata:

- Elendil's Creed,

- Numenor's Creed


Gracz nie może sam wybrać Dark Stigmaty ! Jest ona mu przypisywana na zasadzie przeznaczenia, choć faktyczny powód jest taki, by ilość graczy w obu klanach była zrównoważona. Gdy jedna z D.S. zostanie już przypisana graczowi, może on korzystać z item'ów, które dostępne są wyłącznie dla jego klanu. Są one dostępne w specjalnycm NPC, którego zawartość może przeglądać gracz, który posiada konretny D.S. - inni gracze (z drugiego klanu i gracze bez Stigmanty) nie są wstanie otworzyć NPC. W ten sam sposób działa NPC z item'ami dla drugiej z D.S. Item'y nie są dostępne w żadnym innym miejscu, nie można ich dropnąć ani sprzedać - są więc przypisane jedynie jednemu z dwóch klanów !

Co otrzymują gracze ? Specjalne armory i bronie z animacją, których wygląd popdasowałem pod klimat klanów. Skille (EC, NC) dodają graczowi po +12 do M.Atk.Spd, +10 do P.Atk.Spd oraz P.Def i M.Def. Staty dla tych skilli są minimalne. Chodzi o to, by gracze z klanów nie mieli wielkiej przewagi nad innymi graczami lecz mimo to mogli uzyskać przewagę w walce.

Na serverze każdy kill gracza z klanu EC zabitego przez gacza z klanu NC jest liczony do Klan War, którego wynik można zawsze podejrzeć u specjalnego NPC.



Ok then. Please in english!


Hello and welcome nanowo formed and a new type of server on professional equipment.

Here is a description of the version of the faction based PVP system. First of all, it assumes the existence of two clans:

  - Elendil's Creed,

  - Númenor's Creed.

  statistics of these items have been slightly raised, but with the difference between Dynasty as a Vesper'em - balance is thus maintained.

  When a player logs on to the server, simply exp (by killing Mobs) to lvl'u 80th At this stage of the game, no access to basic L2 item'ów including Dynasty and Vesper. From lvl'u 80 begins another fun ...


In order to achieve a higher level, the player must gain exp, but not from hitting Mobs (it no longer raise his level of experience / level), and PVP combat. For every player receives the fight expo, which operates in the same manner as with the beatings Mobs - raises the player's experience, and ultimately his lvl. After reaching successively 81, 83 and 85 (100%) lvl'u player automatically receives:

  [81] - Proof of cleverness,

  [83] - Proof of Wisdom,

  [85] - Proof of Courage.


When you get all three of the Ancient professions, can talk to NPC Destiny Savage, who after the transfer to him of all three professions would help him to fulfill his destiny and assigns one of the Dark Stigmata:

  - Elendil's Creed,

  - Númenor's Creed


A player can not choose the same Stigmaty Dark! It is attributed to him on a destination, but the real reason is that the number of players of both clans were balanced. When one of D.S. is already assigned to the player, he can use items that are only available to his clan. They are available in specjalnycm NPC, whose contents can view a player who has a particular DS - Other players (the other clan and players without Stigmanty) are not able to open the NPC. In the same way the NPC of the other items for DS Item is not available anywhere else, they can not drop or sell - so they are only assigned to one of the two clans!

  What the players receive? Special armors and weapons with animation, whose appearance matched the climate of the clans. Skills (EC, NC) add to the player on the M.Atk.Spd 12, 10 to P.Atk.Spd and P. Def and M. Def. Statistics for these skills are minimal. The idea is that players of the clans had no great advantage over other players but still able to get an edge in combat.

  On the server, each kill a player with EC clan killed by the clan temple of the NC is counted to the Clan War, whose outcome you can peek at the NPC.


Sry for this.

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1) do not understand? because I do not know so much and I use the English spelling of the translator

2) 3 people online? because the server is less than a month

3) "Poland ... the land of PO" if you want to write something that does not make sense when you would have more fuses, change the division because such comments are not needed

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Normal Translation made by me:


Its description of faction system based on PvP. First of all, it assumed existence of two clans:

- Elendil's Creed,

- Numenor's Creed

stats of those items have been softly increased, but with such difference as Dynasty and Vesper - so balance have been kept.

When player is loggin on the server, he is exping normally(by killing mobs) untill level 80. On this type of game, he

have got access to basic items of L2 including Dynasty and Vesper. From level 80, the fun is starting...


To level up further, player need to get exp, but not from killing monsters(it stops increasing his exp/level), but from PvP fights.

For Every fight, player is getting exp, that works same as from killing mobs - it is increasing expirience of the player, and later on, his level.

After reaching 81, 83 and 85 (100%) level, player is automaticly getting:

[81] - Proof of Cleverness,

[83] - Proof of Wisdom,

[85] - Proof of Courage.


When he will collect all 3 Ancient Proofs, he may talk with NPC Destiny Savage, who after transfering to him all 3 Proofs, will help

player in complete his destiny and assigns 1 of Dark Sigmats:

- Elendil's Creed,

- Numenor's Creed


Player cant choose Dark Sigmat! It is assigned to him on a destination, however real reason is to make balance between 2 clans.

When one of D.S. is going to be assigned to player, he may use items, that are available only for his clan.

They are available from special NPC, that contents of may explore only player that have actual D.S. - other players can not talk with NPC.

In same way works only with items for another D.S.

What are the players getting? Special armors and weapons with animations, that looksappearance of matches to climate of the clan.

Skills (EC, NC) gives player everytime +12 to M.Atk.Spd, +10 to P.Atk.Spd and P.Def and also M.Def. Stats of those skills are minimal.

The thing is to make players of the clans, not have big advantage over others but to have more chanses to win the battle.

On the server, every player's death from EC clan, killed by player from clan NC, is counted as Clan War, that score can be anytimes viewed at special npc.



Do admina serwera:

1. Skoro nie znasz angielskiego, lepiej zrobic serwer tylko dla polakow, bez angielskiej reklamy.

2. 3 ludzi online po okolo miesiacu to na prawde chujowy wynik, jesli nie bedzie wiecej to proponuje zamknac serwer, a jesli chcesz zrobic lepszy to zobacz czego ludzie oczekuja, ogarnij sobie jezyk Java, wymysl jakis fajny pomysl na serwer.


Poland ... the land of PO :D

Shut up, we are not proud of it too :P

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