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Somebody host this pack!

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I really want to see it live! You can have the pack, the patch needed for the descriptions, strings, armor and weapon textures, I don't care. Just HOST it! Your server, your donations. You can continue to work on it, there is still plenty to be done. I can help you with my creativity. All I'm asking for is someone who is willing to launch it.

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Stop being a retard, I'm not looking for a kiddo with a PC, I'm looking for someone who is willing to host it on a proper machine.

Jesus, people these days. I bet you haven't even read the description, you think I would put that much work into a 5 people home-made server? Not sure if you are simply stupid or just trying to increase your post count. Gtfo.

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u are still failing...even with 6core pc and many GB or ram/space u will lag...if u run a server by home...even if this "machine" costs 2k euro!!!u need to have a dedicated machine in a company which u pay for...and even if ppl wont have any lag,ur server will die by DDOS...i am not here to spam or tell bullshits...i just try to give u a better advise for ur server...

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Obviously you have to fight with a heavy language barrier, I cannot find anything which relates to something like "I'm looking for someone who can host this pack from his private PC". You are trying to educate the wrong person. It's like you start teaching your own teacher but you don't have anywhere near the knowledge he has. Can we stop this here? You are making a fool out of yourself.

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