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50x50x150 Freya another server released by epicwarriors staff


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L2EpicWarriors comes back with a new age and system gameplay of lineage2, how about mixing a bit low rate and high rate, you know, how we used to play c4 c5,

we listen, players what they want, we ask players what they want, we accepted almost all suggestions from players WHO KNOWS L2 and we created a new server pack

which is mixed between L2Off and L2java "hard to believe right? but we did it !", also we are a dedicated staff with ages between 23 and 31 yo and lots of knowledge about lineage2 world,

so how was said...what about playing hm, a middle rate server where u have to farm only level and adena? NO CRAFT, NO LOTS OF NIGHTS SPENDED FOR RECIPES MINERALS, AND ETC, very simple and

very accesible for all kinds of players NOoBS and PRO NOoBS "this supose to be a joke, no offence" however server will have lots of events, auto and manual made by gms , huh that sounds good right?

Lets repeat again, Lineage2 server middle rate with out craft, spoiling and other boring things which can make u spend lots of time , just simple farm with , level and adena, with all these lemme

show u few features what we`ve done inside server:



}{ RATES }{


- 50 X 50 X 150 (normal accounts)

- 100 x 100 x 300 (premium accounts)

- Max Level Atributes = 4





- Dedicated 44 slots for Buff Skills


- Dedicated 26 slots for PP/WC (etc) buffs  +4 Divine Inspiration


- Dedicated 14 slots for Dance/Song


- Combo buffs (2 hours all buffs)



(This is called smart scheme buff for a better balance pvp,

we dont want a server full with tanks and doombringers, everybody knows this about freya)







- Skill Certification System fully working (no bugs no nothing)


- Olimpiad period 2 weeks


- Weapon augmentation fully working (fixed and debugged, working perfectly retail like)


- Quests for Reputation clan are totally modified (this thing will help gather much faster reputation clan points)





- Level clan incrase sistem, all items in shop and no need to make lots of useless chars

so u can incrase ur level clan, all u need is quest items which all are in gmshop







- Enchant Effect Armor


- Subclass Level directly 45


- Custom title colours and name by PvP/Pk


- Smart Enchant system if you break ur weapon with normal scroll this wont get crystal it will be -3 at enchant number and -1 for bless


(for example i have a weapon +10 and i fail with normal scroll it goes to +7 with blessed scroll it goes to +9)


- Custom items create by GodFather and Hardstyle


- Individual vote reward on site vote and then type .reward in game so u can claim ur items


(a mask desinged by us to give u just a little bit def/m.def in pvp and in farm and some cat ears who give u just a little bit p.atack and m.atack


these can be earn with vote coins, our system vote is individual, vote on site then get in game and type ".reward" and voilla there is ur reward, also

i want to mention we have 2 systems of vote, comunity one and individual, smart thing huh?)


- Premium Accounts (this premium account give u x2 xp/sp/adena than a normal account, for more detailes about this contact epicwarrior staff in game)


- Raid boss cloaks (customized by our staff, is giving level 4 atributes, from all atributes)


- Pvp/Pk announce system and counter system with reward (at 3 pvps in a row server will give an announce and u will get a little reward, same as 10 pvps, 15 etc)


- Multilanguage system activated : Eng, RU, Ger


- L2Walker Protection


- Dual Box Checking = 3 characters/IP


- Auto Reward from vote system


- Castel lord announcement


- Clan Penalty 0 days





- enchant rate with normal scrolls 66/66/66 and with bless  75/75/75 (normal accounts)


- enchant rate with normal scrolls 80/80/80 and with bless  95/95/95 (premium accounts)


- enchant safe 3 max 16 on weapon, safe 3 max 20 on armor/jwl





}{ Skills }{


- 97% fully working skills (c1, c2 ,c3, c4 ,c5 ,IT ,Kamael ,G ,G2 ,G3 ,FREYA)


(its almost impossible to make 100% fully working, but still... we do our best

to give our players a very stable gameplay and faire pvp)


- Auto learn including Forgotten scrolls



- Some skills has new animations



}{ EVENTS }{


- Team Vs Team


- Death Match


- Capture the Flag


- Town War


- Capture the Base


- Frog Race


- Elpy Chests


- Elpys Invasion


(All these are automatic events)


- Weeding system fully working


















(this only in case if u are farming and it happens that ur captcha tab disappear)








- Login card security(the security key is random just like a second password BE CAREFUL WHAT U PUT)


- Lame guard






- Global GateKeeper


(a special NPC who will port u almost everywere u need)


- GmShop


(another npc who will give u almost everything u need, except cigars and alcool these are bad bad bad :D, never smoke never drink)


- Magic Support aka Buffer


(a npc created specially for our players who give a very good support in pvp and farm this will help u grow up x5 faster)



}{ Karma Drop item }{


# Default: 10

KarmaDropLimit = 5


# Default: 40

KarmaRateDrop = 20


# Default: 50

KarmaRateDropItem = 20


# Default: 40

KarmaRateDropEquip = 20


# Default: 10

KarmaRateDropEquipWeapon = 5




Well guys...this is only a little part what i can say about us, for many many new things, join our server in the grand opening thing which will be on

28.03.2012, our features in this post are explained for all new players and old ones if they forgot somting :P


You can find us on www.l2epicwarriors.org



P.S : EpicWarriors staff wish u all the best and hope u will join us and make us happy being our player, for more detalies u can contact us at

l2epicwarriors@hotmail.com or l2epicwarriors@gmail.com


















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@CrystalineYao i didnt said that is somting special at features...but i`m sure there are not too many servers with these features....also i please ppl who read this and wanna join server to come with good suggestions not with b.s like urs...is a promo topic not a irc

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Another suggestions

1. Remove these crap events called - Town War, Capture the Base, Frog Race, Elpy Chestsand Elpys Invasion or activate them sunday and saturday


• Also make the events more unique ,i mean ,make each kill gives 1 drop of something ,not just team winner or best player ... ,make a npc *event manager for example* with "item from event kills (every item from database)" like hats with "stats",agathions,transformations and much more ,YOU CAN DO THIS ,is easy as hell to develop such staff ,takes 3 minute~ ,can you do it? this will make server more "unique" ,same events with same retail develop over and over again on every server is very annoying and boring and old!

• Make a lot of zones ,at least 25 for leveling and farm with adena *best leveling zones should be isle of prayer,hellbound,primeval island ,make castalia moob from isle of prayer Op ,like giving u 3 k dmg per hit on 2 k pdef or something like that xD


• Remove the npc which gives vitality 4 so exp can be a little lower


• Yes ,retail 24/12 with divine inspiration ,put divine inspiration in your "future event manager :X ,if you will listen my first suggestion" ,also make buffs/dance and songs 1 hour and 20 min the buffs like COV/POW/POF/POW/VOP or earth chant,greater shield,greater might or war chant and war of revenge

I have more but i think these are enough for now ,good luck



PM me for my email if you're interesting to help you ,i help for fun and pleasure ,i quited l2 a long time ago cause only boring servers but you ... you have a hope to make it good ,im not good developer cause i quited on developing in only 2 weeks because of boringness and blabla ,but im good at what people like and know and class balance ,bugs ,html etc xD




The choice is yours...

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You need to make a topic like server is opening today blabla on each site you know and make another website << ...  :-X ,im gonna play even if it will be lower community ,im bored xD ,MAYBE YOU need my help for fashion on npcs ,class balance at least ,im a pro (ha =\)

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i balanced the classes already i debugged everythign i found i fixed everything it was broken and i already did topics about server that today gets opened

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