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[L2OFF] GraciaEpilogue.com x50 Mid Rate PVP Oriented.


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Hello, my name is Frank.

I want you to know the new server that we are getting ready for March 18th.

Its L2OFF bassed on leaked GF Final share, and updated to Full Gracia Epilogue, we are using our own extender, better or worst we are not using AdvExt64 or Vangrath ones(they both are good ones), but we prefer to spend our time into develop and our money into keep the server alive for a long time.


Some of the Initial Features


★Rates x50 for xp/sp.

★x3 mats Drop Amount and x15 chances.

★x5 Quest item reward (for some quests only).

★Free First, Second and Third Class change at npc.

★Noblesse with the normal quest (barakiel spawn every 6 hours, and rates boosted).

★Newbie Buffer up until lvl 85 with basic and some combo buffs enought to easy level up.

★Packages at character creation until grade B.

★Special Shop with A grade and Misc elements.

★Gracia Epilogue zones and S80 quests.

★Gracia Epilogue Skill changes (crit chances, enchant data,etc..).

★Fame trader, vorpal and elegia can be updated with fame from Vesper; also avaible for weapons.

★Fame can be obtained also from events, by killing Rbs or can be purchased into our Shop.


About Olympiads

Olympiad Cycle last 15 days.

Everything else working retail like.

Sieges and Territory Wars

Sieges every two weeks, and TW in alternate weeks.

Epilogue Talisman and Items reward from Territory wars.

Buffs Times

Buffs duration time is working retail like.("Still under discussion into the forums")

Are Skills autolearn? No, Skills are not autolearn.

About The Shops

You can purchase A-Grade into our shops.

You can purchase Epic Boss QI.

You can purchase Soulshots and potions, cp potions included.

You can purchase a lot of misc things, like spirit ores,etc..

Where is the server hosted and what kind of dedicated is it?

Server is hosted into Germany.

Xeon QuadCore with 24gb DDR 3 EEC and SAS HDD.

1gbs Connection



There are a lot of things to be discussed, we expect to meet you into our forums to help us to develop a good server for everybody.


http://graciaepilogue.com  (still under construction, some of the sections will not be working yet)




Thanks in Advance.


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We are working into a very new chaotic event, a little freak if you ask me but would be absolutlly awesome.


And the little bump for today.


We have a month above, help us to make a good server for everybody, features are under discuccion and can be changed to fit players opinions.

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System folder will be released when the times come.

I only request one single thing into my post, if you are not gonna post something constructive please keep your ideas out of it or make another post..I mean, I understand that ppl have his own opinion, we are not forcing anybody to play with us, we are not forcing anybody even to test with us..we are spending effort, money and ilusion trying to build up a decent server not maded yet and trying to interact with the players, so please, leave us to make our work.


If you want to play or test with us, do it.

If not, just find another server and try there.

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....It's my duty to point out flat out lies.



You do not have your own extender.

Youve pasted gracia system on top of a epilogue client.


Your lying to attract players.


You don't have full Epilogue.



You have no epilogue quests, you have no Mail System, you have no New Enchant skill system, no Day & Night Zaken, no new things, except perhaps some skills and mobs + populated areas.


the most absolute basic part.



You have nothing, but script obtained from Freya script leak and copy+paste.



Prove me wrong and i'll apologize and hell ill even recommend this server ;)

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Everything is working and updated with the only exception of the mail system, and you will be able to see it.

Yes Quest are working, every quest, S80 ones, all the new zones, all the new raids,Instaced zaken is working also, Skill enchant have been updated, Skill crit chances have been updated Ai have been converted from Freya leaked sources , more ppl did that in the past. Is done and tested.

Its not so intelligent to judge without even to know nothing about our project.


About the client, we found that was easier use epilogue client with a system modded to work with 87 protocol instead to change packets information. So client will be using some files from gracia final, but every dat have been converted to support every mob, every quest name, every strhing, every skill and every item.



P.d. Its not a big deal to atract players if they dont gonna stay and they gonna leave the first day. Server would have what we promise , and we are not going to promise more than server will have.

No, there will not be mail system, but I think that today, there is not any Epilogue OFF server more complete than us.

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Stop lying.

You cannot use the new skill enchant system with a 87 engine/PROTOCOL.


-beep- your dumb.



Neither can there be a mail system with a 87 engine you, retard.


Your lying little dumbass.

One that uses advext or vangath.

Busted :O



And...you know how many difference in packets there is from 83 to 87 to epilogue?


...your telling me you could only do 83 to 87...in your super duper extender.





popquiz time extender man:






...so these contain what :O?




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I don't need to judge.


Youd now this, if you KNEW l2off.


There's less than 5 active "groups" of l2off extender developers in the western hemisphere.


And he already lied.


He promised full Epilogue.


Yet, can't do the new skill enchant system or mail system or anything that requires actual coding.

Only copy paste data in .txt from Freya Script to GF script.


He's already saying he's not actually Epilogue,

..but using a modded system folder that's actually Gracia Final.


...yet you choose to believe him?


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SirRoyal, you don't seem to get it, this server doesn't need to be open for anyone with a brain to know that this guy is lying about everything in his first post, it's not gracia epilogue, it's gracia final system folder on a gracia epilogue client, none of the features present in gracia epilogue will be in this server, that includes the mail system, the skill enchant system, the addition of criticals to certain skills.


They are not using their own extender they are either using advext or vanganth's extender and claiming it to be their own, that is clearly evident by the fact they are using a revision 87 system folder (gracia final) and not an epilogue one, if they had their own extender then their developer would of fixed the 5 packets which have changed from gf->epilogue instead of halfass gimping it and trying to pass it off as the real deal.


The best part is this idiot doesn't actually realise that to modify the GF server from revision 83 (which the base files are) to revision 87 requires quite a few network changes because of the addition of packets halfway up the Ex handler table plus the addition of extra data in a few other packets, if they had a developer that was capable of making those changes he would of also made the very few packet updates to make the server really epilogue and able to use the epilogue system.


This server is fake, it's like putting an interlude system folder into a hellbound client and saying it's hellbound without the kamael race there.

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I dont understand yet why ppl cry a lot, where I said We have a faboulous extender where everything works? quote it.


All that that post promise is a Gracia Epilogue Server almost full on features, with no mail system, and skill transfer skilladquire is not supported,ok..but there is another ways to implement it, and in the end its the same, and its like it suppose to be, get teh features working and generate a good enviroment for players to play, we'r not trying to make "the perfect extender and the perfect GF+ server of the year" and we are not promising that.


The things that we are promising are:

1. Full Gracia Epilogue Zones: GC 1 and 2, Den of Evil, Mitril Mines, Stakato Nest, Field of Masacre and Whisper, everything with Epilogue quest, mobs and his AIs working like they must.

2. Full Gracia Epilogue Items, including all the new talisman with their skill-effects.

3-Epilogue TW rewards and Shops.

4.Epilogue Skill enchating, that means all the new routes added with Epilogue, yes, traps etc.. (npcs for traps and skills added also with their AIs and everything tested and working).

5.Epilogue RaidBosses, GC ones with quest and all the new ones RaidBosses.

6.Epilogue Zaken Instance, with his Ais and his rewards, everything instanced and working propertly.

7.Skill critical chances updates, lot of skills crit chances were increased with epilogue, most like gladi or tyrant ones, everything have been propertly updated.

8.Skill transfer system, (not retail like! becasue as you know Skilladquire for skill transfer is not supported but at the end, will be working the same way..when you finish your third class you get holy pomander, (if you are SE you receive 4) and you can to trade it for Skills into the npc), a bit more confused but IN THE END IS THE SAME.

9. SA crystal Chances updated.

10. Delusion chamber working propertly, with his AIs, Aenkinel at the end, room changes, etc..

11. And yes, everything will be into a Epilogue Client using Gracia Final Protocol, and you know that that is possible for all the features I posted.

And no, we are not using AdvEtx64 or Vangrath that would be prolly better way with a lot of features and easy to keep..but...we prefer to fix the known bugs into our little own extender, without to add all that great features that they offer for another kind of servers.


Im prolly missing some features, but feel free to ask me.


And now a personal opinion:

I dont understand why you loose your time trash-posting servers, THAT is what we are offering, we are not perfect, we are not perfect developers.,etc..But we are not lying, you want to play into a server like this go ahead, but if you dont like go to another ones, there are good ones, Freya Low Off incoming with better development, but is totally different IDEA.

L2 development Community seems to be forgotten that at the end, the goal of make a server is to create a funny enviroment for players to spend his time, and they keep all the time trash-posting about another Plug and Play servers or how good or bad developers are, you guys are wrong, that its not the finally, I saw lot of BAD servers be better than perfect ones and success, remember that.


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SirRoyal, you don't seem to get it, this server doesn't need to be open for anyone with a brain to know that this guy is lying about everything in his first post, it's not gracia epilogue, it's gracia final system folder on a gracia epilogue client, none of the features present in gracia epilogue will be in this server, that includes the mail system, the skill enchant system, the addition of criticals to certain skills.


They are not using their own extender they are either using advext or vanganth's extender and claiming it to be their own, that is clearly evident by the fact they are using a revision 87 system folder (gracia final) and not an epilogue one, if they had their own extender then their developer would of fixed the 5 packets which have changed from gf->epilogue instead of halfass gimping it and trying to pass it off as the real deal.


The best part is this idiot doesn't actually realise that to modify the GF server from revision 83 (which the base files are) to revision 87 requires quite a few network changes because of the addition of packets halfway up the Ex handler table plus the addition of extra data in a few other packets, if they had a developer that was capable of making those changes he would of also made the very few packet updates to make the server really epilogue and able to use the epilogue system.


This server is fake, it's like putting an interlude system folder into a hellbound client and saying it's hellbound without the kamael race there.


And Btw, instead to call me idiot free, you should to think a bit more, we both know that you can connect with protocol 87 using even Freya client if you edit your Dat files to take the correct information, you cannot use epilogue packets but to implement the things that I posted before, you dont need absolutly any change into the packets, you can implement that easy into a GF PTS, have been done before and you know is possible, and I will show you soon.

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You're still lying, you don't have your own extender, if you had then you wouldn't be using a GF system you would have updated to a real epilogue one, if I'm wrong post some proof, how about a code sample? I'd love to see your code to fix the ex handler table for 83->87 revision.

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I dont have to show you anything, its easy and there is no drama, when BETA get openned log in if you like,check if the things we are promising (anymore) are working and then talk and critic everything you want, is your right.


But since you have not proof about if Im lying or not, you should not pre-judge servers.

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So, why won't you just shut us up, and show some code?


A. Resurrection bug fix.

B. Augmentation stat bonus stacking bug.

C. Olympiad Points bug.

D. Instance zone bug?

E. Fishing Dupe bug?


Show you've done something.


Your just avoiding like a little bitch.

Cause we are right.


You copy pasted data, your not really epilogue.

Data that is FREYA, not actually epilogue.


But calling yourself freya would be to hypocritical wouldn't it?



So your responce to our arguments is, not doing anything and sticking your head in the sand?

Instead of proving what your claim with cold hard data?


Your the problem with l2off today, you specificly.

Players please wise up.

Demand more...

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