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interlude L2Accident Today 16:30 GMT+2


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Dear players,

Probably everyone have waited and searched for Faction Interlude server, I can tell you that

L2Accident is exactly the type of server, which stands on a high platform, so you really enjoy the game.

Invite friends and familiar, L2Accident starting on Thursday at 17:00 GMT+2. Do not delay !

Some details about the server:

- There are three factions.

- Every player can rechose his faction any time he want.

- Of course, there is some limitations and balances for chosing faction. (Balance for supports count, players count).

- We have faction points system: top three players of the round get special rewards and top faction of the round receive special rewards too.

- You can see our server ranks directly in community board. (ALT+B) and (ALT+F4 just kidding :D)

- Adena can be earned by killing other faction members or being best player of the round.

- Ancient adena (needed to unseal some items and etc) can be received by capturing flags or being best player of the round.

- Skill Points (needed to enchant your skills and to rise your clan level) can be received by capturing flags.

- Faction Points can be received in many ways too - pvp, ctf.

- Adena rewards on pvp is multipled by flags count which belongs to your faction. If your faction have two flags then reward will be = 2 Adena * 2.

- Adena and Ancient Adena rewards also will be increased if your clan owns the one of three castles. Aden Castle = reward + 4; Dion Castle = reward + 3; Gludio Castle = reward + 2.

- Party members get rewards too, sometimes bigger rewards than playing alone.

- Also ctf rewards depends on clan level.

- Working Augument System. (Online)

- You can play with dualbox, but if your box character will be in your party, he won't receive any reward.

- We have protections against pvp farm, so don't worry about perfect gameplay.

- Map duration time is 45 minutes and we got many nice maps to play on. On round end, player will be able to chose new map.

- Many unique maps.

- Retail like olympiads. Duration: 1 month.

- Buff slots: 32+4.

- S Grade shop accessable only by players with 300 pvp kills.

- Pvp enchant system. Commands: .setenchant and .info.

- For B grade need 20 kills, for A grade 40 kills and for S grade 60 kills.

Ingame Commands:

Command name: .points

Description: Shows information about faction points.


Command name: .online

Description: Shows online statistics.


Command name: .setenchant

Description: Enchantment menu.


Command name: .info

Description: Information about selected item for auto enchantment.


Command name: .changepass

Description: Command to change your password.


Command name: .mapinfo

Description: Shows information about current and next maps. Map voting must be disabled.

Server Rules

- No more than 2 dualbox characters per player. If I find more dualboxes per IP, all player accounts will be banned for 1 month.

- Complain about server features ingame is forbidden. We have forum for that.

- To use illegal software such as l2phx, l2walker, hlapex and etc is forbidden and players will be banned permanently.

- Don't try to ask for GM access, because you will be benned for 1 day.

- All bug reports must go to the forums or in petition channel.

- All reports must be proved with screenshots or videos.

- More rules will be added if needed, so play legaly and don't try to cheat!

Server Administration

Server creator and administrator: Perlamutras and Lelouch

Nickname in Game: Perlamutras/Lelouch

Country:  Lithuania

Skype: chokomokolioko

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