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To L2JStunner interlude pack ειναι ενα pack που εκανα develop εγω για τον server μου. Εφτανε τα 200 ατομα χωρις κανενα προβλημα και δεν παρουσιαστηκε κανενα bug στην πορεια του σερβερ. Εχει πολλα bugs fixαρισμενα και ειναι τελειο για ενα pvp high rate server (Με τις καταλληλες αλλαγες ανοιγεις αφοβα και εναν low rate). Αυτο το pack δεν με απογοητευσε ποτε στην πορεια του σερβερ μου και δεν το μοιραστηκα ποτε δωρεαν ουτε το εδωσα σε κανεναν ωστε να το βρειτε καπου shared. Δεν μπορω να πω πως ειναι το καλυτερο pack αλλα μπορω να πω αφοβα πως ειναι πολυ καλο. Και με 5 ευρω παραπανω παιρνεις εναν στημενο σερβερ βασισμενο σε αυτο το source που ειναι ετοιμο να ανοιξεις σερβερ ακομα και την στιγμη που το αγορασες.


Γιατι να αγορασετε αυτο το pack?

Ειναι φτηνο και σηκωνει χωρις το παραμικρο προβλημα 200+ ατομα. Aλλος ενας λογος ειναι που καποια απο τα χαρακτηριστικα του βοηθανε σε εναν pvp server.


Κυριοτερα Χαρακτηριστικα:

Δουλευουν σχεδον ολα τα skills.

Ολα τα γνωστα bugs ειναι fixed.

Ολα τα boss δουλευουν.

Ολα τα zones δουλευουν.

Σχεδον ολα τα μυνηματα ειναι retail.


Custom Χαρακτηριστικα:

TvT Event

Deathmatch Event

Capture The Flag Event

PvP/Pk Color System

Donator System



NPC Buffer.

GM Shop.

Noblese Trader.



Hero Trader.

Karma Police.

Roy The Cat. (Class Changer)




Source: 20 ευρω.


Οποιος ενδιαφερεται ας μου στειλει ενα PM.


ENG:(Thanks AnimeLegend for the translation)

L2JStunner interlude pack is a pack which made by Pauler for his server. His server had 200+ players online without any problem and without any bugs. Server has a lot of bugs fixed and it's perfect for pvp server. (With the necessary changes will work fine on Low Rate servers). This pack never disappointed me. And this pack isn't shared or given on his friends! I can't say that it's the best pack but it's good. And with 5 euros more gets a ready SERVER based on this source that is ready to open even the same time you bought it.


Why should I buy this pack?

It is cheap and you can host up to 200 people with no problem. Other reason is that some of the features are perfect for a pvp server.


General Features :

Works almost all the skills.

All known bugs are fixed.

All boss work.

All zones are working.

Almost all messages are retail.


Custom Features :

TvT Event

Deathmatch Event

Capture The Flag Event

PvP/Pk Color System

Donator System



NPC Buffer.

GM Shop.

Noblese Trader.



Hero Trader.

Karma Police.

Roy The Cat. (Class Changer)




Source: 20 euros .


Anyone interested just send me a PM.


L2JStunner interlude pack is a pack which made by Pauler for his server. His server had 200+ players online without any problem and withoun bugs. Server has a lot of bugs fixed and it's very good for pvp server. (With the necessary changes will work fine on Low Rate servers). This pack never disappointed me! And this pack isn't shared or given on his friends! I can't say that it's the best pack but it's good! And with 5 euros more gets a staged SERVER Based on this source that is ready to open even the SERVER time you bought it.


Why buy this pack?

It is cheap and stand up without the slightest problem 200 + people. Other reason is that some of the features assists in one pvp server.


General Features :


Works almost all the skills.

All known bugs are fixed.

All boss work.

All zones are working.

Almost all messages are retail.


Custom Features :


TvT Event

Deathmatch Event

Capture The Flag Event

PvP/Pk Color System

Donator System


NPCs :


NPC Buffer.

GM Shop.

Noblese Trader.



Hero Trader.

Karma Police.

Roy The Cat. (Class Changer)




Source: 15 euros.


Anyone interested just send me a PM.


It's not very good translation but i hope to help! :DD


Well, just saying that all known bugs are fixed isn't enough. Could you post more detailed information about your pack? Which features work retail-like? What about olympaid? Also which pack is it based on?



Το να λες απλός ότι όλα τα γνωστά bugs είναι fixed δεν είναι αρκετό. Θα μποσούσες να αναφέρεις με περισσότερες πληροφορίες τι περιέχει το pack σου? Τι λειτουργεί retail-like(Olympiad.. κλπ..)? Επισης σε πιο pack έχεις βασιστεί?[/GR]


I can also make a topic and writte the same things like you did


But the point is can someone believe me?The answer is no


Simple there is no explation about what your pack include


Almost all skills working hm?


Mirage works?Dogde works??Phoenix knight skills work?


what about olympiad?


I can also make a topic and writte the same things like you did


But the point is can someone believe me?The answer is no


Simple there is no explation about what your pack include


Almost all skills working hm?


Mirage works?Dogde works??Phoenix knight skills work?


what about olympiad?

If anyone needs more information, he can send me a PM. :) I always reply.

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