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[Help]Achievements fix (ill pay for a fix)



Hi everyone i have a small problem with my achievements engine.


My achivements instance has some error here is my file http://pastebin.com/VejPWnmm

im getting the error cannot find symbol, this propably a problem cause there is no method in l2pcinstance to get these.


It also has some unused imports but i didnt remove them, any thoughts on what i should create on l2pcinstance??


I can pay if you can fix me this.


if require more info ill provide.

8 answers to this question

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You need full script, if you are willing to pay, buy it from the author.


If you are trying to use in latest High Five there is a change in imports:

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.templates.chars.L2NpcTemplate;
// for
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.templates.L2NpcTemplate;


Anyway whoever did this was an amateur, there code is not fine, also there is no need to create a new Npc instnace for 3 bypasses, you can do it in DP with bypasshandler, quest scripts, etc.

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I was supposed to have the full script since i bought it from the author pm'ed him million times after it with my problem etc, and im abandoned as it seems.

There are other files as well but i didnt post them to keep some privacy.


Thats why im trying to find a sollution for my problem, i dont see any other option..

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Post any screen about error on GS logs, or at least say where, ingame, you got trouble (which link) and post a screen about what you see.


The code itself is ugly like hell, TextBuilder everywhere, come on lol HTMs exist. And it looks more like an IL code adapted for Freya than a Freya code :P.

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Yup you miss at least 3 methods in L2PcInstance :

  • getCompletedAchievements() => refers to a list or something like, must return a private list.
  • getAchievemntData() => depends of the complete code, probably took from another file, like engine
  • saveAchievementData(int id) => depends of the complete code, probably an sql query stuff

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First thank you Tryskell for your help and your answer.


I think that i got some hints, ill try to solve it my self if possible if i got any other problem ill post it.


Thanks again man.

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First thank you Tryskell for your help and your answer.


I think that i got some hints, ill try to solve it my self if possible if i got any other problem ill post it.


Thanks again man.


Np, I invite you to read your sources, and mainly engine (load + read achievements system), as it will gives precious infos about how are "kept in memory" data (type of list, etc). So far that section should exists.


There's probably a SQL system in order to save and load personal achievements at server loading, and some lists to kept data in memory and make fast checks, following player name/objectid.


Gl anyway, we can't really help with more infos.


The index of your list is the achievement id, by the way. AchievementsManager got the complete structure/type of the list, on getAchievementList().

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